CAL Bibliography for TAD A6 The Arsames letters

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Sachau, E., Aramäische Papyrus und Ostraka aus einer jüdischen Militär-kolonie zu Elephantine: Altorientalische Sprachdenkmäler des 5. Jahrhunderts vor Christus. . Leipzig: Hinrichs, 1911. Collections APO TADC2 TADC1.1 ElMumLab APO76 APO76.2 APO76.3 APO76.4 APO76.5 APO78 APO79.3 APO79.4 APO79.5 APO80 APO80.2 APO80.3 APO80.6 APO80.7 APO84.5 APO84.7 APO91 APO91.2 ElWoStamp ElWoStrip AP.4 AP.12 AP.19 AP.22 AP.23 AP.24 AP.50 AP.51 AP.52 AP.53 AP.57 AP.58 AP.61 AP.62 AP.63 AP.64 AP.68 TADA3 TADA3.2 TADA3.5 TADA3.6 TADA3.7 TADA3.8 TADA4 TADA4.2 TADA4.3 TADA4.4 TADA4.6 TADA4.10 TADA5.2 TADA6 TADA6.2 TADB2.5 TADB3 TADB4 TADB4.3 TADB4.4 TADB4.5 TADB4.6 TADB5 TADB5.2 TADB5.4 TADB5.5 TADB6.2 TADB6.3 TADB6.4 TADB7.p. TADB7.2 TADB7.3 TADB7.4 ElJarI TADC3.3 TADC3.13 TADC3.14 TADC3.15 TADC4.4 TADC4.5 TADC4.6 TADC4.7 TADA4.7 TADA4.8 TADA4.9

Torczyner, H., "Anmerkungen zu den Papyrusurkunden von Elephantine." OLZ 15 (1912): 397–403. TADB3 TADC1.1 TADC4.6 TADA3.8 TADA4.2 TADA4.3 TADA4.4 TADA4.6 TADA4.7 TADA4.10 TADA6 TADA6.2 EdfuOstr.2

Cook, S.A., "The Significance of the Elephantine Papyri for the History of Hebrew Religion." AJT 19 (1915): 346–82. Elephantine TADC1.1 TADC3.15 APO77.2 SaqTab TADA4 TADA4.2 TADA4.3 TADA4.4 TADA4.5 TADA4.7 TADA4.8 TADA4.9 TADA4.10 TADA5.2 TADA6 TADA6.2 TADB2 TADB2.2 TADB2.3 TADB2.4 TADB2.6 TADB2.7 TADB2.8 TADB2.9 TADB2.10 TADB2.11 TADB3 TADB4.3 TADB4.5 TADB4.6 TADB5 TADB7.2

Borchardt, L., "Nachricht von einem weiteren Funde aramäischer Urkunden." Pp. 47–49 In Allerhand Kleinigkeiten seinen Wissensch. Freunden und Bekannten ... überreicht. , Leipzig: , 1933. TADA6

Mittwoch, E., "Neue aramäische Urkunden aus der Zeit der Achämenidenherrschaft in Ägypten." MGWJ 83 (1939): 93–100. TADA6

Driver, G.R., "New Aramaic Documents on Leather." Pp. 108 In Actes du XXIe Congrès International des Orientalistes. , Paris: Société Asiatique, 1949. TADA6

Diringer, D., "Review of Aramaic Documents of the Fifth Century B.C., by G. R. Driver." PEQ (1955): 95–96. TADA6

Driver, G.R., "Corrections." Syria 32 (1955): 99–100. TADA6

Petschow, H., Neubabylonisches Pfandrecht. Abhand. d. säch. Akad. d. Wissen. zu Leipzig, Phil.-Hist. Kl. Bd. 48, Heft 1. Berlin: Akademie Verlag, 1956. TADA6

Kutscher, Eduard Yechezkel, "Review of Aramaic Documents of the Fifth Century B. C., by G. R. Driver." JBL 76 (1957): 336–38. TADA6

Eilers, W., "Neue aramäische Urkunden aus à„gypten: Nachträgliche Bemerkungen zu AfO 17, pp. 322-335." AfO 18 (1957-58): 125–27. Elephantine TADA6

Benveniste, E., "Notes sur les tablettes Elamites de Persepolis." JA 246 (1958): 49–65. TADA6

Cardascia, G., "Review of Neubabylonisches Pfandrecht, by H. Petschow." BO 15 (1958): 31–36. TADA6

Segert, S., "Review of Aramaic Documents of the Fifth Century B.C., by G. R. Driver." ArOr 26 (1958c): 670–72. TADA6

Eilers, W., "Die altiranische Vorform des Vāspuhr." Pp. 55–63 In A Locust's Leg: Studies in Honor of S. H. Taqizadeh. Henning, W.B. and Yarshater, E., ed. London: Humphries, 1962. TADA6

Dandamaev, M., "Kontraktbi o." Pp. 127–48 In Misc. A. I. Tiumenev. , Moscow/Leningrad: Institut narodov Azii i Afrika Ak. Nauk SSSR, 1963. TADA6

Harmatta, J., "Das Problem der Kontinuität im frühhellenistischen à„gypten." AUTHOR_ANALYTICASH 11 (1963): 199–213. TADA6

Altheim, F. and Stiehl, Ruth, Die Araber in der alten Welt. . Berlin: De Gruyter, 1964-1969. Bard-e Nešande OS.P1 OS.As1 OS.As47 Nabataean 4QPrNab 4Q242 Hatran Teima.5 Teima.6 Teima Tang Shimbar Saad Daskyleion TADA6 Naqsh Nerab Stelae Asoka Asoka.3 Armazi Asoka.2

Dí­ez Macho, A., "Persia, Inscripciones arameas de." Pp. 1057–61 In EncBib. , : , 1965. TADA6 LangGen

Ginsberg, H.L., "Assignment to a New Lessor of Land Abandoned in the Egyptian Rebellion of 410 B. C.." Pp. 633 In ANESTP. Pritchard, J.B., ed. Princeton: Princeton Univ. Press, 1969a. TADA6

Greenfield, Jonas C., "*HAMARAKARA ] 'AMARKAL." Pp. 180–86 In W. B. Henning Memorial Volume. Boyce, M. and Gershevitch, I., ed. London: Lund Humphries, 1970. TADA6 Vocab )mrkl N hmrkr N

Greenfield, Jonas C., "Iranian or Semitic?." Pp. 311–16 In Monumemtum H. S. Nyberg. , Leiden: Brill, 1975. Vocab TADA6 TADA4.7 TADB6.2 TADA6.15

Whitehead, J.D., "Some Distinctive Features of the Language of the Aramaic Arsames Correspondence." JNES 37 (1978): 119–40. TADA6

Greenfield, Jonas C., "Aramaic Studies and the Bible." Pp. 110–30 In Congress Volume Vienna 1980. Emerton, John Adney, ed. Leiden: Brill, 1981a. LangGen Fakhariyah Sf Zak TADA2.1 Elephantine TADA6

Greenfield, Jonas C., "Some Notes on the Arsham Letters." Pp. 4–11 In Irano-Judaica. Shaked, Shaul, ed. Jerusalem: Ben-Zvi Institute, 1982b. Epist TADA6 Vocab

Stolper, M.W., "The Governor of Babylon and Across-the-River in 486 B.C.." JNES 48 (1989): 283–85. TADA6

Taylor, David G. K., "The Arsames Letters from the Bodleian Library: Vol. 2: Texts, Translations, and Glossary," in , , Online only at: : Bodleian, Oxford, 2013. TADA6

Tuplin, C., "The Arsames Letters from the Bodleian Library: Vol. 3: Commentary," in , , Online only at: : Bodleian, Oxford, 2013. TADA6

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