CAL Bibliography for TgJ.Isa


Pauli, C. W. H., The Chaldee Paraphrase of the Prophet Isaiah. . London: London Society's House, 1871. TgJ.Isa

Zijl, J. van, "A Second List of Errata in Sperber's Edition of Targum Isaiah." ASTI 7 (1968-69): . TgJ.Isa

Zijl, J. van, "The Root prqin Targum Isaiah." JNSL 2 (1972): 60–73. TgJ.Isa prq V

Zijl, J. van, A Concordance to the Targum of Isaiah: Based on the Brit. Mus. Or. MS2211. SBLAs 3. Missoula: Scholars, 1979. TgJ.Isa

Kooij, Arie van der, Die alten Textzeugen des Jesajabuches: Ein Beitrag zur Textgeschichte des Alten Testaments. OBO 5. Fribourg: Universitätsverlag, 1981. TgJ.Isa

Chilton, B., The Glory of Israel: The Theology and Provenience of the Isaiah Targum. JSOTSup 23. Sheffield: JSOT, 1983. TgJ.Isa

Grelot, Pierre, "Le targoum d'Isaïe, x, 23-34 dans ses diverses recensions." RB 90 (1983): 202–28. TgJ.Isa

Chilton, B. D., "Sennacherib: A Synoptic Relationship among Targumim of Isaiah." SBL Seminar Papers 25 (1986): 544–54. TgJ.Isa

Gryson, R., Vetus Latina--Die Reste der Altlateinischen Bibel. Vol. 12, Esaias Pars I, fasc. 1-10; Pars II, fasc. 1-8. . Freiberg: Herder, 1987-1996. TgJ.Isa Peshitta OTP.Isa OTP

Gryson, R., Vetus Latina--Die Reste der Altlateinischen Bibel. Vol. 12, Esaias Pars I, fasc. 1-10; Pars II, fasc. 1-8. . Freiberg: Herder, 1987-1996. TgJ.Isa Peshitta OTP.Isa OTP

Black, Matthew, "The Doxology to the Pater Noster with a Note on Matthew 6.13B," in Davies, P.R. and White, R.T., ed., A Tribute to Geza Vermes: Essays on Jewish and Christian Literature and History, JSOTSup . Sheffield, U.K.: Academic Press, 1990. Pp. 327–38. New Testament 4QVisAmramb 4Q544 4Q280 4Q286 TgJ.Isa

Morfino, M.M., "L'escatologia del Targum di Isaia: Alcuni aspetti," in Morfino, M.M., ed., Miscellanea biblica in memoria di P. Silverio Zedda S. I., Annali della Pontificia Facoltà  teologica della Sardegna, Teologia . Cagliari: Facoltà  Teologica, 1994. Pp. 331–70. TgJ.Isa

Jostein, A., "Der Gottesknecht als triumphierender und interzessorischer Messias: Die Rezeption von Jes 53 im Targum Jonathan untersucht mit besonderer Berücksichtigung des Messiasbildes," in Janowski, B. and Stuhlmacher, P., ed., Der leidende Gottesknecht: Jesaia 53 und seine Wirkungsgeschichte, FAT . Tübingen: Mohr [Siebeck], 1996. Pp. 129–58. TgJ.Isa

Chilton, B., "Two in One: Renderings of the Book of Isaiah in Targum Jonathan," in Broyles, Craig C. and Evans, C.A., ed., Writing and Reading the Scroll of Isaiah: Studies of an Interpretive Tradition, VTSup . Leiden: Brill, 1997. Pp. 547–62. TgJ.Isa

Chilton, B., "Salvific Exile in the Isaiah Targum," in Scott, J.M., ed., Exile: Old Testament, Jewish & Christian Conceptions, JSJSup . Leiden: Brill, 1997. Pp. 239–47. TgJ.Isa

Beuken, W.A. M., "Women and the Spirit, the Ox and the Ass: the First Binders of the booklet Isaiah 28-32." ETL 74/1 (1998): 5–27. TgJ.Isa

Houtman, A., "Doom and Promise in the Targum of Isaiah." JJS 49 (1998): 17–23. TgJ.Isa

Longnecker, B.W., "The Wilderness and Revolutionary Ferment in First-Century Palestine: A Response to D. R. Schwartz and J. Marcus." JSJ 29/3 (1998): 322–36. TgJ.Isa

Weren, W.J. C., "The Use of Isaiah 5:1-7 in the Parable of the Tenants (Mark 12:1-12; Matthew 21:33-46)." Bib 79/1 (1998): 1–26. TgJ.Isa

Houtman, A., "Targum Isaiah According to Felix Pratensis." JAB 1 (1999): 191–202. TgJ.Isa

Houtman, A., "Different Kinds of Tradition in Targum Jonathan to Isaiah," in van Reenen, P. and et al. , Studies in Stemmatology, II, . Amsterdam and Philadelphia: Benjamins, 2004. Pp. 267–81. TgJ.Isa

Ådna, J., "The Servant of Isaiah 53 as Triumphant and Interceding Messiah: The Reception of Isaiah 52:13-53:12 in the Targum of Isaiah," in Janowski, B. and et al. , The Suffering Servant: Isaiah 53 in Jewish and Christian Sources, . Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 2004. Pp. 189–224. TgJ.Isa

Houtman, A., "Wat is er met de lijdende knecht gebeurd? De lezing van Jesaja 52:13-53:12 volgens Targoem Jonathan." NTT 59 (2005): 235–51. TgJ.Isa TgJ.Isa

Boyd, S., "Sennacherib’s Successor: Titus and Anti-Roman Rhetoric in TgJon to Isa. 10:32." Aramaic Studies 17 (2019): 67–86. TgJ.Isa

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