CAL Bibliography for Barhebraeus


Marzolph, U., "Die Quelle der Ergötzlichen Erzählungen des Bar Hebräus." OrChr 69 (1985): 81–125. Barhebraeus

Todt, S. R., "Die Syrische und die arabische Weltgeschichte des Bar Hebraeus-Ein Vergleich." Der Islam 65 (1988): 60–80. Syr Hist Barhebraeus

Teule, H.G. B., Gregory Barhebraeus: EthiconMā“mrāI). . Louvain: Peeters, 1993. Barhebraeus

Assif, Shraga, "[The Syro-Hexaplaric Quotations in Barhebraeus' Auṣar Raze]," in Bar-Asher, Moshe and others, eds., Studies in Bible and Exegesis. In memoriam Moshe Goshen-Gottstein. Ramat Gan: Bar-Ilan University Press, 1993. Pp. 27–39. Barhebraeus SyrHex

Voigt, R., "Das Vokalsystem des Syrischen nach Barhebraeus." OrChr 81 (1997): 36–72. Barhebraeus Grammar

Takahashi, H., Barhebaeus: A Bio-Biography. . Piscataway: Gorgias, 2005. Bibliog Barhebraeus

Daniels, P.T., "The native Syriac linguistic tradition : resources ancient and modern." Historiographia linguistica 39 (2012): 327–40. Syriac Bibliography Barhebraeus JacobEdessa

Pratelli, S.I. M., "Remarks on linguistic and philological scholia to the Prophets in Gregory Barhebraeus’ Storehouse of Mysteries," in Mengozzi, A. and M. Tosco, Sounds and words through the ages : Afroasiatic studies from Turin, . Alessandria: Edizioni dell’Orso, 2013. Pp. 303-13. Barhebraeus

Takahashi, H. and Yaguchi, N., "On the Medical Works of Barhebraeus: With a Description of the Abridgement of Ḥunain’s Medical Questions." Aramaic Studies 15 (2017): 252–76. SyrMedicine Barhebraeus

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