CAL Bibliography for Beirut Decree (ca. 600 BCE)

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Caquot, André, "Une inscription araméenne d'époque assyrienne." Pp. 9–16 In Hommages à  André Dupont-Sommer. Caquot, AndréPhilonenko, M., ed. Paris: Maisonneuve, 1971. Decree

Teixidor, Javier, "Bulletin d'épigraphie sémitique." Syria 49 (1972a): 412–49. Decree Carp EgAramStat Maskhuta ArtashInscr Zangezur

Dion, Paul-Eugène, "Une inscription araméenne en style awilum ša et quelques textes bibliques datant de l'exil." Bib 55 (1974a): 399–403. Decree

Lipinski, Edward, Studies in Aramaic Inscriptions and Onomastics. I. OrLovAn 1. Louvain: Leuven Univ., 1975a. AECT.46 AECT.47 AECT.48 AECT.49 AECT.50 AECT.51 AECT.53 AECT.54 AECT.55 AECT.56 AECT.57 Daskyleion AgacaKale BarH Zak Kesecek GozBdSt Daskyleion LimBil LachAlt Law Onomastics Sf.1 Sf.2 Sf.3 Decree FalashaBil

Fales, Frederick Mario, "Una diffida relativa a fuorusciti mesopotamici in aramaico." AION 38 (1978a): 273–82. Decree

Wesselius, J.W., "The Aramaic Decree about Fugitives Reconsidered," in Talstra, E., Narrative and Comment: Contributions to Discourse Grammar and Biblical Hebrew Presented to Wolfgang Schneider. Amsterdam: Societas Hebraica Amstelodamensis, 1995. Pp. 199-209. Decree

Kottsieper, Ingo, "Anmerkungen zu Pap. Amherst 63 , Teil II-V." UF 29 (1997): 385–434. Decree PapAmherst

Kottsieper, Ingo, "Der Mann aus Babylonien -- Steuerhinterzieher, Flüchtling, Immigrant oder Agent? Zu einem aramäischen Dekret aus neuassyrischer Zeit." Or 69 (2000): 368–92. Decree

Bhayro, S., "The Aramaic 'Fugitive' Decreee: A New Interpretation." ArSt 6 (2008): 1-15. Decree n$g V

Bloch, Y., "The Beirut Decree and Mesopotamian Imperial Policy toward the Levant," in Aster, S.Z.//Faust, A., The Southern Levant under Assyrian Domination. University Park, PA.: Eisenbrauns, 2018. Pp. 216-35. Decree slq V

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