CAL Bibliography for LimBil


Fellows, C., , An Account of Discoveries in Lycia, Being a Journal Kept During a Second Excursion in Asia Minor, . London: J. Murray, 1841. Pp. . LimBil

Sachau, E., "Eine altaramäische Inschrift aus Lycien." SKAWW 114 (1887): 3–7, pl. 1. LimBil

Darmesteter, J., "L'inscription araméenne de Limyra." JA 8/12 (1888): 508–10. LimBil

Perles, F., "Das Land Arzâph (IV Ezra 13, 45)." AfO 3 (1926): 120–21. LimBil

Bivar, A.D. H., "A 'Satrap' of Cyrus the Younger." NC 7th s., 1 (1961a): 119–27. Coins LimBil

Hanson, R.S., "Aramaic Funerary and Boundary Inscriptions from Asia Minor." BASOR 192 (1968): 3–11. Kesecek Daskyleion LimBil GozBdSt

Lipinski, Edward, Studies in Aramaic Inscriptions and Onomastics. I. OrLovAn 1. Louvain: Leuven Univ., 1975a. AECT.46 AECT.47 AECT.48 AECT.49 AECT.50 AECT.51 AECT.53 AECT.54 AECT.55 AECT.56 AECT.57 Daskyleion AgacaKale BarH Zak Kesecek GozBdSt Daskyleion LimBil LachAlt Law Onomastics Sf.1 Sf.2 Sf.3 Decree FalashaBil

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