CAL Bibliography for OTP.Job


Rignell, Gösta, The Peshitta to the Book of Job: Critically Investigated with Introduction, Translation, Commentary and Summary. . Kristianstad: Monitor Förlaget, 1994. Peshitta OTP.Job OTP

Szpek, H.M., "The Peshitta on Job 7:6: 'My Days are Swifter (?) than an ܐܪܓ'." JBL 113 (1994): 287–90. Peshitta OTP.Job Vocab gdd N

Szpek, H.M., "An Observation on The Peshiá¹­ta's Translation of šdyin Job." VT 47 (1997): 550–53. Peshitta OTP.Job xsyn A

Weitzman, M.P., "Hebrew and Syriac Texts of the Book of Job," in Emerton, John Adney, ed., Congress Volume: Cambridge 1995, VTSup . Leiden: Brill, 1997. Pp. 381–99. Peshitta OTP.Job OTP

Szpek, H.M., "On the Influence of the Targum on the Peshitta to Job," in Flesher, P.V.M., ed., Targum Studies, Volume Two: Targum and Peshitta, South Florida Studies in the History of Judaism . Atlanta, GA: Scholars, 1998. Pp. 141–58. TgJob Peshitta OTP.Job OTP

Shepherd, D., "Rendering 'Flesh and Bones': Pair Reversal and the Peshitta of Job 2.5." AS 3 (2005): 205–13. Peshitta OTP.Job

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