CAL Bibliography for 4Q530


Milik, J.T., "Problèmes de la littérature hénochique à  la lumière des fragments araméens de Qumrân." HTR 64 (1971): 333–78. Enoch Qumran Giants 1QEnGiantsa 1Q23 1QEnGiantsb 1Q24 2QEnGiants 2Q26 4QEnAstrb 4Q209 4QEnGiantsb 4Q530 4QElectGod 4Q534

Milik, J.T., "Turfan et Qumran: Livre des Géants juif et manichéen," in Jeremias, G. and others, ed., Tradition und Glaube: Festgabe für Karl Georg Kuhn. Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 1971. Pp. 117–27 + pls.. Qumran Giants 1Q23 4QEnGiantsa 4Q203 4QEnGiantsb 4Q530 4QEnGiantsc 4Q531 6QEnGiants 6Q8 4QEnAstrb 4Q209

Garcìa Martìnez, Florentino, Qumran and Apocalyptic: Studies on the Aramaic Texts from Qumran. STDJ . Leiden: Brill, 1992. 4QElectGod 4Q534 1QapGen 4QEnoch 4Q201-212 4QEnGiants Qumran Giants 4QEnGiantsb 4Q530 4QPrNab 4Q242 4QpsDan ara 4Q243 4QpsDan ard 4Q246 1QJN 1Q32 Grammar

Puech, E., "Fragments d'un apocryphe de Lévi et le personnage eschatologique. 4QTestLévic-d(?) et 4QAJa," in Trebolle Barrera, J. and Vegas Montaner, L., ed., The Madrid Qumran Congress: Proceedings of the International Congress on the Dead Sea Scrolls, Madrid 18-21 March, 1991, STDJ . Leiden: Brill; Madrid: Editorial Complutense, 1992. Pp. 449–501 + pls. 16-22. 4QEnGiantsb Qumran Giants 4Q530 4QVisJacob 4Q537 4QAaron ara 4Q540 4QAaron arb 4Q541

Machiela, Daniel A. and Perrin, A.B., "''That you may know everything from him with certainty'' : a new reading in 4QEnGiants b ar (4Q530) and a literary connection between the Book of Giants and." RQ 25 (2011): 113–25. 4Q530 4QEnGiants b ar Qumran Giants 1QapGen

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