CAL Bibliography for Genesis Apocryphon

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Baudissin, W., "El Bet-el (Genesis 31 13, 35 7)," in Budde, Karl, ed., Vom Alten Testament: Karl Marti zum siebzigsten Geburtstage gewidmet von Freunden, Fachgenossen und Schulern, BZAW . Giessen: Töpelmann, 1925. Pp. 1–11. 1QapGen

Trever, J.C., "The Discovery of the Scrolls." BA 11 (1948): 46–57. 1QapGen

Trever, J.C., "Preliminary Observations on the Jerusalem Scrolls." BASOR 111 (1948): 3–16. 1QapGen

Trever, J.C., "Identification of the Aramaic Fourth Scroll from `Ain Feshkha." BASOR 115 (1949): 8–10. 1QapGen

Anonymous, "Archaeological News." Archaeology 3 (1950): 57–58. 1QapGen

Anonymous, "Museum Plans Way to Unroll Ancient Scroll." Christian Science Monitor (14 January) (1950): 3. 1QapGen

Eissfeldt, O., "Die Bestimmung der aramäisch geschriebenen Rolle als das apokryphe Lamech-Buch." TLZ 75 (1950): 23–26. 1QapGen

Gettens, R.J., "Book of Lamech." Archaeology 3 (1950): 57–8. 1QapGen

Lambert, G., "Les manuscrits du désert de Juda." NRT 72 (1950): 493–515. 1QapGen

Baumgartner, W., "Die siebente Höhlenrolle." Neue Zürcher Zeitung 1297 (4 May) (1951): . 1QapGen

Bolognesi, G., "Ricerche sulla fonetica armena." Ricerche linguistiche 3 (1954): 123–54. 1QapGen

Ben-Gavriel, M.Y., "Die Schriftrollen vom Toten Meer." Eckart 25 (1955-1956): 269–83. 1QapGen

Ploeg, J.P. M. van der, "De "Lamechrol"." Phoenix 1-3 (1955-1957): 56–8. 1QapGen

Avigad, N. and Yadin, Y., A Genesis Apocryphon: A Scroll from the Wilderness of Judaea: Description and Contents of the Scroll, Facsimiles, Transcription, and Translation of Columns II, XIX-XXII. . Jerusalem: Magnes Press of the Hebrew Univ. and Heikhal Ha-Sefer, 1956. 1QapGen

Anonymous, "The Seventh Dead Sea Scroll." Christian News from Israel 7 (1956): 1–2, 36-38. 1QapGen

Avigad, N., "Last of the Dead Sea Scrolls Unrolled." BA 19 (1956): 22–24. 1QapGen

North, R., "News About Qumran: "Fourth Scroll" Deciphered." CBQ 18 (1956): 273–74. 1QapGen

Vogt, E., "Volumen midrašš Geneseos ex Qumran." Bib 37 (1956): 263. 1QapGen

Wainwright, G.A., "Caphtor--Capadocia." VT 6 (1956): 199–210. 1QapGen

Black, Matthew, "The Recovery of the Language of Jesus." NTS 3 (1956-1957): 305–13. 1QapGen LangJesus

Zeitlin, S., "The Dead Sea Scrolls: 1. The Lamech Scroll--A Medieval Midrash; 2. The Copper Scrolls; 3. Was Kando the Owner of the Scrolls?." JQR 47 (1956-1957): 245–68. 1QapGen

Medico, H.E. del, L'Enigme des manuscrits de la Mer Morte: Etude sur la date, la provenance et le contenu des manuscrits découverts dans la grotte I de Qumrân, suive de la traduction commentée des principaux textes. . Paris: Plon, 1957. Collections 1QapGen

Yadin, Y., המגלות הגנוזות ממדבר יהודה. . Jerusalem/Tel Aviv: Schocken, 1957. 1QapGen

Yadin, Y., The Message of the Scrolls. . London: Weidenfeld and Nicolson, 1957. 1QapGen

Aalders, G.C., "Het geheim van de z.g. Lamech-rol onthuld." GTT 57 (1957): 46–47. 1QapGen

Avigad, N., "An Apocryphal Genesis Scroll in Aramaic." Antiquity and Survival 2 (1957): 237–43. 1QapGen

Black, Matthew, "Die Erforschung der Muttersprache Jesu." TLZ 82 (1957): 653–68. 1QapGen LangJesus

Flusser, D., "Healing through the Laying-on of Hands in a Dead Sea Scroll." IEJ 7 (1957): 107–8. 1QapGen

Grelot, Pierre, "Complementary Note on the Semitic Root עבץ/עבק/." JSS 2 (1957): 195. 1QapGen Vocab l(bq X

Hempel, J., "Vorwelt, Welt, Werden und Ausklang des Alten Testaments." ZAW 28 (1957): 229–39. 1QapGen

Kutscher, Eduard Yechezkel, "Dating the Language of the Genesis Apocryphon." JBL 76 (1957): 288–92. 1QapGen

Michaud, H., "Un livre apocryphe de la Genèse en araméen." Positions luthériennes 5 (1957): 91–104. 1QapGen

Sarfatti, G., "Un libro apocrifo sulla Genesi." RMI 23 (1957): 99–115. 1QapGen

Segert, S., "Aramäische Studien II: Zur Verbreitung des Aramäischen in Palästina zur Zeit Jesu." ArOr 25 (1957): 21–37. 1QapGen

Stefaniak, L., "Apokryf aramajski Ksiegi Rodzaju." Ruch Biblijny i Liturgiczny 10 (1957): 445–51. 1QapGen

Vogt, E., "Einige Werke über die Qumrântexte." Bib 38 (1957): 461–69. 1QapGen

Winter, P., "Das aramäische Genesis-Apokryphon." TLZ 82 (1957): 257–62. 1QapGen

Winter, P., "Note on Salem-Jerusalem." NovT 2 (1957): 151–52. 1QapGen

Noack, B., "Qumran and the Book of Jubilees." SEà… 22-23 (1957-1958): 191–207. 1QapGen

Bardtke, H., Die Handschriftenfunde am Toten Meer: Die Sekte van Qumran. . Berlin: Evangelische Haupt-Bibelgesellschaft, 1958. 1QapGen 4QPrNab 4Q242

Burrows, M., More Light on the Dead Sea Scrolls: New Scrolls and New Interpretations, With Translations of Important Recent Discoveries. . New York: Viking, 1958. 1QapGen 4QLevi ar 4Q213-214b 4QPrNab 4Q242

Woude, A.S. van der, Bibelcommentaren en Bijbelse Verhalen: De Handschriften van de Dode Zee in nederlandse vertaling. . Amsterdam: Proost en Brandt, 1958. 1QapGen

Altheim, F. and Stiehl, Ruth, "Das Genesis-Apokryphon vom Toten Meer," in , Philologia sacra, APARXAI: Untersuchungen zur klassischen Philologie und Geschichte des Altertums . Tübingen: Niemeyer, 1958. Pp. 49–55. 1QapGen

Avigad, N., "The Palaeography of the Dead Sea Scrolls and Related Documents," in , Aspects of the Dead Sea Scrolls, ScrHier . Jerusalem: Magnes, 1958. Pp. 56–87. 1QapGen Ossuaries Uzziah HelAdiab

Betz, O., "Geistliche Schönheit: Von Qumran zu Michael Hahn," in Michel, O. and Mann, U., ed., Die Leibhaftigkeit des Wortes: Festschrift A. Köberle. Hamburg: Im Furche, 1958. Pp. 71–86. 1QapGen

Jaritz, K., "Wer ist Amraphel in Genesis 14?." ZAW 70 (1958): 255–56. 1QapGen

Kutscher, Eduard Yechezkel, "The Language of the "Genesis Apocryphon": A Preliminary Study," in , Aspects of the Dead Sea Scrolls, ScrHier . Jerusalem: Magnes, 1958. 1QapGen HelAdiab

Rabinowitz, L., "A Note to the Genesis Apocryphon." JSS 3 (1958): 55–57. 1QapGen

Speier, S., "DS Genesis Apocryphon and Targum Jerushalmi I on Gen. xiv 24." VT 8 (1958): 95–97. TgPsJ 1QapGen

Treves, M., "Osservazioni sull'apocrifo della Genesi." RMI 24 (1958): 445–50. 1QapGen

Zeitlin, S., "Dating the Genesis Apocryphon." JBL 77 (1958): 75–76. 1QapGen

Grelot, Pierre, "Sur l'Apocryphe de la Genèse (colonne xx, ligne 26)." RevQ 1 (1958-1959): 273–76. 1QapGen

Lehmann, M.R., "I Q Genesis Apocryphon in the Light of the Targumim and Midrashim." RevQ 1 (1958-1959): 249–63. 1QapGen

Lignée, H., "Concordance de "I Q Genesis Apocryphon"." RevQ 1 (1958-1959): 163–86. 1QapGen

Sarfatti, G., "הערות על ׳המגילה החיצונית לבראשית׳." [Notes on the Genesis Apocryphon] Tarbiz 28 (1958-1959): 254–59. 1QapGen

Dupont-Sommer, A., Les écrits esséniens découverts près de la Mer Morte. Bibliothèque historique . Paris: Payot, 1959. 1QapGen 4QPrNab 4Q242

Kahle, Paul E., The Cairo Geniza. . Oxford: Blackwell, 1959. 1QapGen Tg Pal

Coppens, J., "Allusions historiques dans la Genèse Apocryphe," in Ploeg, J.P. M. van der, ed., La secte de Qumrân et les origines du christianisme, RechBib . Bruges: Desclée de Brouwer, 1959. Pp. 109–12. 1QapGen

Dupont-Sommer, A., "Guérisons par exorcisme et par rémission de péchés dans les écrits de la Mer Morte et dans le Nouvoeau Testament." Bulletin de la Société Ernest Renan ns 8 (1959): 138–40. 1QapGen

Ginsberg, H.L., "Notes on Some Old Aramaic Texts." JNES 18 (1959): 143–49. Elephantine BA BADan 1QapGen

Lambert, G., "Une "Genèse apocryphe" trouvée à  Qumrân," in Ploeg, J.P. M. van der, ed., La secte de Qumrân et les origines du christianisme, RechBib . Bruges: Desclée de Brouwer, 1959. Pp. 85–107. 1QapGen

North, R., "Qumran Midrash Studies Advancing." CBQ 21 (1959): 342. 1QapGen

Speiser, E.A., "The Rivers of Paradise," in Kienle, R. von and others, ed., Festschrift Johannes Friedrich . . .. Heidelberg: C. Winter, 1959. Pp. 473–85. 1QapGen

Towers, J.R., "The Red Sea." JNES 18 (1959): 150–53. 1QapGen

Goshen-Gottstein, Moshe H., "Philologische Miszellen zu den Qumrantexten." RevQ 2 (1959-1960): 43–57. 1QapGen

Müller, W.W., "Die Bedeutung des Wortes אספרך im Genesis-Apocryphon xxii, 31." RevQ 2 (1959-1960): 445–47. 1QapGen )sprk N

Sarfatti, G., "תוספות ל׳הערות על המגילה החיצונית לבראשטת׳." Tarbiz 29 (1959-1960): 192. 1QapGen

Haapa, E., Qumran: Kuolleen meren Löydöt 1950-luvun Tutkimuksessa. . Porvoo-Helsinki: WSOY, 1960. 1QapGen

Cornelius, F., "Genesis XIV." ZAW 72 (1960): 1–7. 1QapGen

Dupont-Sommer, A., "Exorcismes et guérisons dans les écrits de Qoumrân," in , Congress Volume, Oxford 1959, VTSup . Leiden: Brill, 1960. Pp. 246–61. 1QapGen 4QPrNab 4Q242

Fitzmyer, Joseph A., "Some Observations on the Genesis Apocryphon." CBQ 22 (1960): 277–91. 1QapGen

Osswald, E., "Beobachtungen zur Erzählung von Abrahams Aufenthalt in à„gypten im "Genesis-Apokryphon"." ZAW 72 (1960): 7–25. 1QapGen

Black, Matthew, The Scrolls and Christian Origins: Studies in the Jewish Background of the New Testament. . New York: Scribner's, 1961. 1QapGen New Testament

Vermès, Géza, Scripture and Tradition in Judaism: Haggadic Studies. SPB . Leiden: Brill, 1961. 1QapGen

Aharoni, Y., "Excavations at Ramat Raḥel." BA 24 (1961): 98–118. 1QapGen

Albright, W.F., "Some Remarks on the Meaning of the Verb sḥr in Genesis." BASOR 164 (1961): 28. 1QapGen

Doeve, J.W., "Lamech's achterdocht in 1Q Genesis Apocryphon." NedTT 15 (1961): 401–15. 1QapGen

Finkel, J., "The Author of the Genesis Apocryphon Knew the Book of Esther [in Hebrew]," in Rabin, C. and Yadin, Y., ed., Essays on the Dead Sea Scrolls: In Memory of E. L. Sukenik. Jerusalem: Hekhal Ha-Sefer, 1961. Pp. 163–82. 1QapGen

Grelot, Pierre, "Parwaīm des Chroniques à  l'Apocryphe de la Genèse." VT 11 (1961): 30–38. 1QapGen

Langhe, R. de, "La terre promise et le paradis, d'après l'Apocryphe de la Genèse," in , Scrinium lovaniense: Mélanges historiques--Historische opstellen, Etienne van Cauwenbergh, Recueil de travaux d'histoire et de philosophie . Gembloux: Duculot, 1961. Pp. 126–35. 1QapGen

Milik, J.T., "Saint-Thomas de Phordēsa et Gen. 14,17." Bib 42 (1961): 77–84. 1QapGen

Speiser, E.A., "The Verbsḥrin Genesis and Early Hebrew Movements." BASOR 164 (1961): 23–28. 1QapGen

Meyer, R., "URUK.KI undʾEREK.MAT(Genesis Midrasch II,23)." RevQ 3 (1961-1962): 553–58. 1QapGen )rk N

Meyer, R., Das Gebet des Nabonid: Eine in den Qumran-Handschriften wiederentdeckte Weisheitserzählung. Sitzungsberichte der sächsischen Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Leipzig, Philol.-hist. Kl. . Berlin: Akademie, 1962. 1QapGen 4QPrNab 4Q242

Cazelles, Henri, "Connexions et structure de Gen., xv." RB 69 (1962): 321–49. 1QapGen

Cazelles, Henri, "Connexions et structure de Gen. XV." RB 69 (1962): 321–49. Sf EinGev 1QapGen

Copisarow, M., "The Ancient Egyptian, Greek and Hebrew Concept of the Red Sea." VT 12 (1962): 1–13. 1QapGen

Lack, R., "Les origines de `Elyon, le Très-Haut, dans la tradition culturelle d'Israà«l." CBQ 24 (1962): 44–64. 1QapGen

Lack, R., "Les origines de `Elyon, le Très-Haut, dans la Tradition culturelle d'Israà«l." CBQ 24 (1962): 44–64. Sf.1 1QapGen

Millard, A.R., "Ezekiel XXVII.19: The Wine Trade of Damascus." JSS 7 (1962): 201–3. 1QapGen

Zoref, E., "אגדה ומסתורין בסיפור למך." מחניים 62 (1962): 68–73. 1QapGen

Altheim, F. and Stiehl, Ruth, "Die Datierung des Genesis-Apokryphon vom Toten Meer," in , Die aramäische Sprache unter den Achaimeniden. Frankfurt am M.: V. Klostermann, 1963. Pp. 214–22. 1QapGen

Fitzmyer, Joseph A., ""Now This Melchizedek . . ." (Heb 7,1)." CBQ 25 (1963): 305–21. 1QapGen

Herrmann, W., "Gedanken zur Geschichte des altorientalischen Beschreibungsliedes." ZAW 75 (1963): 176–97. 1QapGen

Lignée, H., "L'Apocryphe de la Genèse," in Carmignac, J. and others, ed., Les textes de Qumran traduits et annotés. Paris: Letouzey et Ané, 1963. Pp. 205–42. 1QapGen

Medico, H.E. del, "Zahab Parwayim: L'or fructifère dans la tradition juive." VT 13 (1963): 158–86. 1QapGen

Rowley, H.H., "Notes on the Aramaic of the Genesis Apocryphon," in Thomas, D. Winton and McHardy, W.D., ed., Hebrew and Semitic Studies Presented to Godfrey Rolles Driver. Oxford: Clarendon, 1963. Pp. 116–29. 1QapGen

Martínez, T. de J., "Génesis apócrifo de Qumrà£n," in , Enciclopedia de la Biblia. Barcelona: Garriga, 1963-1965. Pp. 775–77. 1QapGen

Bar-Deroma, H., "Kadesh-BarneÊ¿a." PEQ 96 (1964): 101–34. 1QapGen

Grelot, Pierre, "Retour au Parwaīm." VT 14 (1964): 155–63. 1QapGen

Grintz, J.M., "אגדת בראשית מימי בית שני." מולד 15 (1964): 385–9. 1QapGen

Rüger, H.P., "1Q Genesis Apocryphon xix 19f. im Lichte der Targumim." ZNW 55 (1964): 129–31. 1QapGen

Wacholder, B.Z., "How Long Did Abram Stay in Egypt? A Study in Hellenistic, Qumran, and Rabbinic Chronology." HUCA 35 (1964): 43–56. 1QapGen

Segert, S., "Sprachliche Bemerkungen zu einigen aramäischen Texten von Qumran." ArOr 33 (1965): 190–206. 1QapGen Qumran Giants 2QEnGiants 2Q26 4QPrNab 4Q242 11QtgJob lwx N

Fitzmyer, Joseph A., The Genesis Apocryphon of Qumran Cave I: A Commentary. BibOr . Rome: Biblical Institute, 1966. 1QapGen

Astour, M.C., "Political and Cosmic Symbolism in Genesis 14 and in Its Babylonian Sources," in Altmann, Alexander, ed., Biblical Motifs: Origins and Transformations, Philip W. Lown Institute for Advanced Judaic Studies, Brandeis University, Studies and Texts . Cambridge, MA: Harvard Univ., 1966. Pp. 65–112. 1QapGen

Michelini Tocci, Franco, I manoscritti del Mar Morto: Introduzione, traduzione e commento. . Bari: Editori Laterza, 1967. Collections 4QElectGod 4Q534 1QapGen 4QPrNab 4Q242

Kee, H.C., "The Terminology of Mark's Exorcism Stories." NTS 14 (1967-1968): 232–46. 1QapGen

Freedman, D.N. and Ritterspach, A., "The Use of Aleph as a Vowel Letter in the Genesis Apocryphon." RevQ 6 (1967-1969): 293–300. 1QapGen

Black, Matthew, "Aramaic Studies and the Language of Jesus," in Black, Matthew and Fohrer, G., ed., In memoriam Paul Kahle, BZAW . Berlin: Töpelmann, 1968. Pp. 17–28. 1QapGen LangJesus

Kuiper, G.J., "A Study of the Relationship between A Genesis Apocryphon and the Pentateuchal Targumim in Genesis 141-12," in Black, Matthew and Fohrer, G., ed., In memoriam Paul Kahle, BZAW . Berlin: Töpelmann, 1968. Pp. 149–61. 1QapGen Tgs.Gen Targums

Gil, M., "Enoch in the Land of Eternal Life [Hebrew]." Tarbiz 38 (1968-1969): 322–37. 1QapGen

Grelot, Pierre, "Un nom égyptien dans l'Apocryphe de la Genèse." RevQ 7 (1969-1971): 557–66. 1QapGen

Archer, G.L. Jr., "The Aramaic of the "Genesis Apocryphon" Compared with the Aramaic of Daniel," in Payne, J.B., ed., New Perspectives on the Old Testament. Waco, TX: Word Books, 1970. Pp. 160–69. 1QapGen BADan

Kutscher, Eduard Yechezkel, "The Genesis Apocryphon of Qumran Cave I." Or 39 (1970): 178–83. 1QapGen LangGen

Barton, J.A., "The Riddle of Genesis XIV." VT 21 (1971): 403–39. 1QapGen

Emerton, John Adney, "The Riddle of Genesis xiv." VT 21 (1971): 403–39. 1QapGen

Emerton, John Adney, "Some False Clues in the Study of Genesis XIV." VT 21 (1971): 24–47. 1QapGen

Tyloch, W., "Aramejski apokryf Ksiegi Rodzaju." Euhemer 81 (1971): 13–22. 1QapGen

Bardtke, H., "Literaturbericht über Qumrān VI. Teil." TRu 37 (1972): 193–219. 1QapGen 11QtgJob

Cowling, G., "Notes, Mainly Orthographical, on the Galilaean Targum and 1Q Genesis Apocryphon." AJBA 2 (1972): 35–49. Tg.Neofiti GT FragmentTargum 1QapGen

Lys, D., "Littérature targumique." EtudTheolReliq 47 (1972): 363–66. Targums 1QapGen TgPal 11QtgJob

Vattioni, F., "Note sul Genesi (Gen 14, 17-24; 21, 33)." Aug 12 (1972): 557–63. 1QapGen

Muraoka, Takamitsu, "Notes on the Aramaic of the Genesis Apocryphon." RevQ 8 (1972-1975): 7–51. 1QapGen

Thompson, T.L., The Historicity of the Patriarchal Narratives: The Quest for the Historical Abraham. BZAW . Berlin: de Gruyter, 1974. 1QapGen

Blau, Joshua, "[Studies in Semitic Pronouns (Including the Definite Article)]," in Kutscher, Eduard Yechezkel and others, ed., H. Yalon Memorial Volume. Jerusalem: Kiryat Sepher, 1974. Pp. 17–45, x-xi. 1QapGen Grammar

Dehandschutter, B., "Le rēve dans l'Apocryphe de la Genèse," in van Unnik, W.C., ed., La littérature juive entre Tenach et Mischna: Journées Bibliques de 1969 à  Louvain, RechBib . Leiden: Brill, 1974. Pp. 48–55. 1QapGen

Horton, F.L., The Melchizedek Tradition: A Critical Examination of the Sources to the Fifth Century A.D. and in the Epistle to the Hebrews. SNTSMS . Cambridge, UK: Cambridge Univ., 1976. 1QapGen

Kirchschläger, W., "Exorzismus in Qumrân?." Kairos 18 (1976): 135–53. 1QapGen 4QPrNab 4Q242

Muraoka, Takamitsu, "Segolate Nouns in Biblical and Other Aramaic Dialects." JAOS 96 (1976): 226–35. Grammar 1QapGen

Semper, A., "Review of The Genesis Apocryphon of Qumran Cave I, by J. A. Fitzmyer." WZKM 68 (1976): 230–36. 1QapGen

Beṣar, Z., "על מערכת הזמנים במגילה החיצונית לבראשית." Leš 41 (1976-77): 196–204. Grammar 1QapGen

Coxon, Peter W., "The Nunation Variant in the Perfect of the Aramaic Verb." JNES 36 (1977): 297–98. 1QapGen Grammar

Coxon, Peter W., "The Syntax of the Aramaic of Daniel: A Dialectical Study." HUCA 48 (1977): 107–22. 1QapGen 11QtgJob Grammar

Garbini, G., "L'"Apocrifo della Genesi" nella letteratura giudaica." AION 37 (1977): 1–18. 1QapGen

Garbini, G., "La tomba di Rachele ed ebr. *be3ra= "ora doppia di cammino"." BeO 19 (1977): 45–48. 1QapGen

Peter, M., "Wer sprach den Segen nach Genesis 14,19 über Abraham aus?." Collectanea theologica 47 (special edition) (1977): 127–37. 1QapGen

Coxon, Peter W., "The Problem of Nasalization in Biblical Aramaic in the Light of 1 Q GA and 11 Q tg Job." RevQ 9 (1977-1978): 253–58. 1QapGen 11QtgJob BA Grammar

Puech, E., "Review of Aramaic Texts from Qumran, by B. Jongeling et al.." RevQ 9 (1977-1978): 589–91. 1QapGen

Coxon, Peter W., "The Syntax of the Aramaic of Daniel: A Dialectical Study." HUCA 48 (1977b): 107–22. LangGen BADan 1QapGen 11QtgJob

Coxon, Peter W., "A Morphological Study of the h-Prefix in Biblical Aramaic." JAOS 98 (1978): 416–19. 1QapGen 11QtgJob Grammar

Elizarova, M.M., "On a Doubtful Passage in 1 Q Gen Ap (XXII, 31) [in Russian]." PalSb 26 (=89) (1978): 133–35. 1QapGen

Hayward, C.T. R., "The Holy Name of the God of Moses and the Prologue of St. John's Gospel." NTS 25 (1978-1979): 16–32. 1QapGen

Trever, J.C., The Dead Sea Scrolls: A Personal Account. . Grand Rapids, MI: Eerdmans, 1979. 1QapGen

Coxon, Peter W., "The Problem of Consonantal Mutations in Biblical Aramaic." ZDMG 129 (1979): 8–22. BA 11QtgJob 1QapGen

Delcor, M., "Qumran et découvertes au Désert de Juda. J. L'Apocryphe de la Genèse." DBSup 9 (1979): 931–44. 1QapGen

Gordon, Robert P., "Exorcism in a Dead Sea Scroll (1 Q GenApoc)." The Harvester (1979): . 1QapGen

Greenfield, Jonas C., "Early Aramaic Poetry." JANES (M. M. Bravmann Memorial Volume) 11 (1979): 45–51. Literature 1QapGen

Liverani, M., "Un'ipotesi sul nome di Abramo." Henoch 1 (1979): 9–18. 1QapGen

Jongeling, B., "A propos de I Q GenAp XX, 28." RevQ 10 (1979-1981): 301–3. 1QapGen

Greenfield, Jonas C., "The Genesis Apocryphon--Observations on Some Words and Phrases," in Sarfatti, G., Artzi, Pinḥas, Greenfield, Jonas C. and Kaddari, M.Z., ed., Studies in Hebrew and Semitic Languages: Dedicated to the Memory of Prof. Eduard Yechezkel Kutscher. Ramat-Gan: Bar-Ilan Univ., 1980. Pp. xxxii–xxxix. 1QapGen

Miller, P.D. Jr., "El, the Creator of Earth." BASOR 239 (1980): 43–46. 1QapGen

Berger, K., Das Buch der Jubiläen. JSHRZ . Gütersloh: Mohn, 1981. 1QapGen

Hayward, C.T. R., Divine Name and Presence: The Memra. Publications of the Oxford Centre for Postgraduate Hebrew Studies . Totowa, NJ: Allanheld, Osmun & Co., 1981. 1QapGen 4QtgLev 4Q156

Cohen, S.J. D., "The Beauty of Flora and the Beauty of Sarai." Helios 8 (1981): 41–53. 1QapGen

Peter, M., "Die historische Wahrheit in Genesis 14," in Carrez, M., Doré, J. and Grelot, Pierre, ed., De la Tôrah au Messie: Etudes d'exégèse et d'herméneutique bibliques offertes à  Henri Cazelles . . .. Paris: Desclée, 1981. Pp. 97–105. 1QapGen

Berger, P.-R., "Ellasar, Tarschisch und Jawan, Gn 14 und 10." WO 13 (1982): 50–78. 1QapGen

Caquot, André, "Le livre des Jubilés, Melkisedeq et les dîmes," in Vermès, Géza and Neusner, Jacob, ed., Essays in Honour of Yigael Yadin. Oxford: Oxford Centre for Postgraduate Hebrew Studies, 1982. Pp. 257–64. 1QapGen

Weinfeld, M., "[Sarah in the House of Abimelech (Gen. 20) in the Light of Assyrian Law and the Genesis Apocryphon." Tarbiz 52 (1982-1983): 639–42. 1QapGen

Batto, B.F., "The Reed Sea: Requiescat in Pace." JBL 102 (1983): 27–35. 1QapGen

Zuckerman, B., "'For Your Sake. . .': A Case Study in Aramaic Semantics." JANES 15 (1983): 119–29. 1QapGen Grammar Vocab

Beyer, K., , Die aramäischen Texte vom Toten Meer samt den Inschriften aus Palästina, dem Testament Levis aus der Kairoer Genisa, der Fastenrolle und den alten talmudischen Zitaten. Göttingen: Vandenhoeck and Ruprecht, 1984. LangGen Collections 1QapGen 4QVisJacob 4Q537 4QapJudah 4Q538 4QapJoseph 4Q539 CTLevi 4QLevi 4QVisAmram 4QPrNab 4QEnoch Qumran Giants

Batto, B.F., "Red Sea or Reed Sea?." BARev 10 (1984): 57–63. 1QapGen

Yadin, Y., The Temple Scroll: The Hidden Law of the Dead Sea Sect. . New York: Random House; London: Weidenfeld & Nicolson, 1985. 1QapGen

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