CAL Bibliography for FragmentTargum


Marmorstein, A., "Einige vorläufige Bemerkungen zu den neuentdeckten Fragmenten des jerusalemischen (palästinensischen) Targums." ZAW 49 (1931): 231–42. Targums TgPal FragmentTargum

Larraya, P., "Un texte complet du targum 'fragmentaire'." Memorial Renée Bloch (1958): . FragmentTargum Targums

Rieder, D., "On the 'Targum Yerushalmi' Known as 'The Fragmentary Targum'." Tarbiz 39 (1969): 93–95. FragmentTargum

Clarke, E.G., "The Neofiti I Marginal Glosses and the Fragmentary Targum Witnesses to Gen. VI-IX." VT 22 (1972): 257–65. Tg.Neof FragmentTargum Targums

Cowling, G., "Notes, Mainly Orthographical, on the Galilaean Targum and 1Q Genesis Apocryphon." AJBA 2 (1972): 35–49. Tg.Neofiti GT FragmentTargum 1QapGen

Klein, M.L., "The Extant Sources of the Fragmentary Targum to the Pentateuch." HUCA 46 (1975): 115–37. FragmentTargum Targums

Klein, M.L., "The Messiah 'That Leadeth upon a Cloud' in the Fragment-Targum to the Pentateuch." JTS 28 (1978): 137–39. FragmentTargum Targums

Klein, M.L., The Fragment-Targums of the Pentateuch According to Their Extant Sources: Vol. 1, Texts, Indices, and Introductory Essays, Vol. 2, Translation. AnBib 76. Rome: Biblical Institute, 1980. FragmentTargum Targums

Klein, M.L., "A Neglected MS of a Palestinian Fragment-Targum from the Cairo Genizah." Textus 10 (1982): 26–36. FragmentTargum

Brock, Sebastian P., "The Two Ways and the Palestinian Targum," in Davies, P.R. and White, R.T., ed., A Tribute to Geza Vermes: Essays on Jewish and Christian Literature and History, JSOTSup . Sheffield, U.K.: Academic Press, 1990. Pp. 137–52. TN.Deut Tg.Neofiti FT.Deut FragmentTargum TgPsJ.Deut TgPsJ

Glessmer, U., Einleitung in die Targume zum Pentateuch. Texte und Studien zum Antiken Judentum 48 . Tübingen: J. C. B. Mohr (Paul Siebeck), 1995. LangGen TgO GT Tg.Neofiti FragmentTargum TgPsJ

Sysling, H., Teḥiyyat Ha-Metim: The Resurrection of the Dead in the Palestinian Targums of the Pentateuch and Parallel Traditions in Classical Rabbinic Literature. Texte und Studien zum Antiken Judentum 57 . Tübingen: Mohr [Siebeck], 1996. TgPsJ FragmentTargum Tg.Neofiti

Mutius, H.-G. von, "Die bisher ignorierte hebräische Textvorlage des Fragmententargums zu Genesis 1, 30." BN 97 (1999): 35–36. FragmentTargum

Bernstein, M.J., "The Aramaic Versions of Deuteronomy 32: A Study in Comparative Targumic Theology." Pp. 29–52 Targum and Scripture. Flesher, P.V.M., Leiden - Boston: Brill, 2002. TgO.Deut FragmentTargum Tg.Neofiti TgPsJ.Deut

Campbell, R.M., " Parashiyyot and their Implications for Dating the Fragment-Targums." Pp. 105–14 Targum and Scripture. Flesher, P.V.M., Leiden - Boston: Brill, 2002. FragmentTargum

Kvam, B.O. G., "'Come, Let the Two of Us Go Out into the Field' The Targum Supplement to Genesis 4:8a - A Text-Immanent Reading?." Pp. 97–103 Targum and Scripture. Flesher, P.V.M., Leiden - Boston: Brill, 2002. TgO.Gen Tg.Neofiti TgPsJ Peshitta OTP.Gen FragmentTargum GT.Gen OTP

Sysling, H., "Three Harsh Prophets: A Targumic Tosefta to Parashat Korah." AS 2 (2004): 223–42. FragmentTargum FragmentTargum

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