CAL Bibliography for PalJarH


Clermont-Ganneau, Charles, "Sceaux et cachets israélites, phéniciens et syriens." JA 8/1 (1883a): 123–59; 8/2:304-5. PalJarH

Vincent, L.-H., "Les fouilles allemandes à  Jéricho." RB ns 7 (1910a): 404–20. PalJarH

du Mesnil du Buisson, Robert comte, "Compte rendu de la mission de Khan Sheikhoun et de Souran, au nord de Hama (Syrie)." CRAIBL (1930): 320–31. PalJarH HamGr

Sukenik, E.L., "The 'Jerusalem' and 'The City' Stamps on Jar Handles." JPOS 13 (1933): 226–31. PalJarH

Diringer, D., , Le iscrizioni antico-ebraiche palestinesi, . Florence: Felice le Monnier, 1934. Pp. . PalJarH

Sukenik, E.L., "Paralipomena Palaestinensia." JPOS 14 (1934): 178–84 + 3 pls.. PalJarH Coins

Albright, W.F., "Light on the Jewish State in Persian Times." BASOR 53 (1934a): 20–22. PalJarH Coins

Torrey, C.C., "Hebrew and Aramaic from Beth Shemesh." JAOS 55 (1935): 307–310. PalJarH

McCown, C.C., , Tell en-Naṣbeh Excavated Under the Direction of the Late William Frederic Badè, . Berkeley: Palestine Institute of the Pacific School of Religion; New Haven: ASOR, 1947. Pp. . PalJarH

Vincent, L.-H., "Les épigraphes judéo-araméennes postexiliques." RB NS 56 (1949): 274–94. PalJarH

Moscati, S., L'epigrafia ebraica antica, 1935-1950. Biblica et Orientalia 15. Rome: Pontifical Biblical Institute, 1951. PalJarH

Aharoni, Y., "Excavations at Ramat Raḥel, 1954, Preliminary Report." IEJ 6 (1956): 137–57. PalJarH

Yadin, Y., "Note." IEJ 7 (1957): 153. PalJarH

Aharoni, Y., "Ramat Raḥel." RB NS 67 (1960): 398–400. PalJarH

Yadin, Y., "The Fourfold Division of Judah." BASOR 163 (1961): 6–12. PalJarH

Aharoni, Y., "Ramat Raḥel." RB NS 69 (1962): 401–4. PalJarH

Aharoni, Y., "Ramat Raḥel." RB NS 70 (1963): 572–74. PalJarH

Lapp, P.W., "Ptolemaic Stamped Handles from Judah." BASOR 172 (1963): 22–35. PalJarH

Cross, F.M., "Jar Inscriptions from Shiqmona." IEJ 18 (1968): 226–33, pl. 25. PalJarH

Cross, F.M., "Judean Stamps." EI (Albright Volume) 9 (1969): 20–27, pls. V/1-2. PalJarH

Cross, F.M., "Two Notes on Palestinian Inscriptions of the Persian Age." BASOR 193 (1969c): 19–24. PalJarH

Lance, H.D., "The Royal Stamps and the Kingdom of Josiah." HTR 64 (1971): 315–32. PalJarH

Naveh, Joseph, "Hebrew Texts in Aramaic Script in the Persian Period?." BASOR 203 (1971): 27–32. PalJarH AshdodOstr BeershebaOstr TFara HorvDor AradOstr

Colella, P., "Les abréviations ט et (XP)." RB n.s. 80 (1973): 547–58. ElathOst PalJarH

Avigad, N., "More Evidence on the Judean Post-Exilic Stamps." IEJ 24 (1974): 52–58 + 1 pl.. PalJarH

Teixidor, Javier, "Bulletin d'épigraphie sémitique." Syria 52 (1975): 261–95. Lexicography Asoka BeershebaOstr LachAlt PalJarH Nerab Stelae Pan Sf Xanthos Zak

Garbini, G., "Nuovi documenti epigrafici dalla Palestina-1976." Henoch 1 (1979a): 396–400. PalJarH

Betlyon, J.W., "The Provincial Government of Persian Period Judea and the Yehud Coins." JBL 105 (1986): 633–42. PalJarH Coins

Lemaire, André, "Les inscriptions palestiniennes d'époque perse: Un bilan provisoire." Transeuphratène 1 (1989): 87–105. PalJarH

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