CAL Bibliography for Elath Ostraca

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Glueck, N., "The First Campaign at Tell el-Kheleifeh (Ezion-Geber)." BASOR 71 (1938): 3–17. ElathOst

Glueck, N., "Ostraca from Elath." BASOR 80 (1940): 3–10. ElathOst ElathOst ElathOst

Glueck, N., "Ostraca from Elath (continued)." BASOR 82 (1940-1941): 3–11. ElathOst ElathOst

Albright, W.F., "Ostracon No. 6043 from Ezion-geber." BASOR 82 (1941): 11–15. ElathOst

Torrey, C.C., "On the Ostraca from Elath (Bulletin No. 80)." BASOR 82 (1941): 15–16. ElathOst

Torrey, C.C., "A Synagogue at Elath?." BASOR 84 (1941): 4–5. ElathOst

Rosenthal, Franz, "The Script of Ostracon No. 6043 from Ezion-geber." BASOR 85 (1942): 8–9. ElathOst

Bowman, R.A., "Arameans, Aramaic, and the Bible." JNES 7 (1948): 65–90. LangGen Pan Zak ElathOst Araq Had

Naveh, Joseph, "על כתבם של שני אוסטרוקונים מאילת." [On the script of two ostraca from Eilat] Yediot 30 (1966a): 39–44. ElathOst

Naveh, Joseph, "The Scripts of Two Ostraca from Elath." BASOR 183 (1966b): 27–30. ElathOst

Colella, P., "Les abréviations ט et (XP)." RB n.s. 80 (1973): 547–58. ElathOst PalJarH

Lemaire, André and Delavault, B., "La tablette ougaritique RS 16.127 et l'abreviation 'Ṭ' en nord-ouest sémitique." Sem 25 (1975): 31–41. ElathOst

Knauf, E.A., "The Persian Administration in Arabia." Transeuphratène 2 (1990): 201–17. Teima Teima.1 ElathOst Teima.20 Maskh.2 Maskhuta Teima.28

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