Roman Hebrew


CAL fonts

41201 Palm 1-742

41202 Palm 743-1148

41203 Palm 1149-1429

41204 Palm 1430-2206

41205 Palm 2207-2536

41206 Palm 2537-2576

41207 New Palmyrene Inscriptions (subsequent to PAT)

41301 Tariff (C3913=PAT 259)

42200 Nabatean Graffiti from Egypt

42201 Nabatean Tomb Inscriptions (NabTomb)

42202 NabMisc

42301 Babatha Archive: Subscriptions and Signatures to Greek texts

42302 Jar Inscriptions from Masada

42303 Nabatean Legal Papyri from the Cave of Letters

42550 4Q343 (4QLetter nab)

43200 Hatran Texts 1-416

43201 Hatran Texts 1001-1043

43202 Unclassified Hatran Texts

43203 Hatran Texts 1044-1124

44001 11QtgJob

44002 4Q Targum Texts

44003 4QTob

44301 Alleged 4Q legal texts

44401 Misc. Qumran Cave 4 religious texts

44402 Misc. Qumran 4Q fragmentary texts

44403 Qumran Enoch

44404 1QapGen

44405 VisAmram, Four Kingdoms and 4QPhysiogar

44406 Levi Document

44407 Astronomical Book of Enoch

44408 Qumran Book of the Giants

44409 Qumran unidentified fragments

44410 4Q texts on Levi and Kohath

44411 Qumran New Jerusalem

44413 4QpsDan (4Q pseudo-Daniel)

44414 4Q558 (4QpapVisionb ar

44415 4Q208 (4Q Enastr a ar)

44417 4Q534 thru 536 (Elect of God or Birth of Noah)

44550 4Q342 (4QLetter ar)

44601 4Q550 (=4Q (so called) Proto-Esther)

Eastern sites
45201 Inscriptions from various East Mesopotamian localities near Hatra

45202 Inscriptions from Assur

45203 Parthian period inscriptions from North-Eastern and Iranian sites

Doura Europos
46200 DurEurSyn

46500 DurEurParch

47200 Gerizim

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