CAL BIBLIOGRAPHY SELECTIONS FOR Imperial/Official Aramaic: Elephantine General

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CAL Bibliography for Elephantine


Lagrange, M.-J., "Bulletin." RB 13 (1904): 130–59. Elephantine

Schäfer, H., "Die Auswanderung der Krieger unter Psammetich I. und der Söldneraufstand in Elephantine unter Apries." Klio 4 (1904): 152–63 + 4 pls.. Elephantine

Steindorff, G., "Elephantine ('Elefanti/nh)." Pp. 2321–24 In Paulys Real-Encyclopädie der classischen Altertumswissenschaft. Wissowa, G., et al., ed. Stuttgart: J. B. Metzler, 1905. Elephantine

Lagrange, M.-J., "Bulletin." RB 14 (1905a): 132–60. Elephantine

Vogüé, Charles Jean Melchior Marquis de, "Papyrus araméens d'à‰gypte." CRAIBL (1906): 499–508. Elephantine

Bacher, W., "The Origin of the Jewish Colony of Syene (Assuan)." JQR 19 (1906-7): 441–44. Elephantine

Rubensohn, O., Elephantine-Papyri. à„gyptische Urkunden aus den Kgl. Museen in Berlin: Griechische Urkunden-Sonderheft . Berlin: Weidmannsche Buchhandlung, 1907. Elephantine

Cook, S.A., "The Jewish Temple of Yahu, God of Heavens, at Syene." Expositor 7/4 (1907): 497–505. Elephantine

Cooke, G.A., "The Assuan Papyri." JTS 8 (1907): 615–24. Elephantine

Daiches, S., "כתובות ארמיות מימי עזרא." Ha-Shiloah 17 (1907): 8–20, 504-22. Elephantine

Desnoyers, L., "Papyrus juifs araméens du Ve siècle avant Jésus Christ." BLE ser. 3, vol. 9 (1907): 138–48, 176-85. Elephantine

Döller, J., "Der Papyrusfund von Assuan." TQ 89 (1907): 497–507. Elephantine

Hoffmann, G., "Bemerkungen zu den Papyrusurkunden aus Elephantine (aus einem Briefe an D. H. Müller)." WZKM 21 (1907): 413–15. Elephantine

Hontheim, J., "Die neu entdeckten jüdisch-aramäischen Papyri von Assuan." BZ 5 (1907): 225–34. Elephantine

Johns, C.H. W., "The Assuan Aramaic Papyri." Expositor 7/3 (1907): 544–51. Elephantine

Lévi, I., "La colonie juive d'Assouan au ve siècle avant l'ère chrétienne." REJ 54 (1907): 35–44. Elephantine

Margoliouth, D.S., "The New Papyri of Elephantine." Expositor 7/4 (1907): 481–94. Elephantine

Mode, R.H., "The Assuan Aramaic Papyri." BW n.s. 29 (1907): 305–9. Elephantine

Nöldeke, Theodor, "Die aramäischen Papyri von Assuan [Review article of A. H. Sayce and A. E. Cowley, Aramaic Papyri Discovered at Assuan]." ZA 20 (1907): 130–50. TADB2.4 TADB2.6 TADB2.7 TADB2.8 TADB2.9 TADB2.11 Elephantine

Peters, N., "Die jüdische Gemeinde zu Syene im fünften Jahrhundert vor dem Geburt v. Chr. nach den Papyri von Assuan." Katholik ser. 3, vol. 36 (1907): 310–20, 369-77. Elephantine

Ronzevalle, S., "Scoperta di papiri aramaici in Egitto [in Arabic]." Al-Mashriq 10 (1907): 673–83. Elephantine

Schulthess, F., "Review of Aramaic Papyri Discovered at Assuan, by A. H. Sayce and A. E. Cowley." GGA 169 (1907): 181–99. Elephantine

Schürer, E., "Der jüdische Kalendar nach den aramäischen Papyri von Assuan." TLZ 32 (1907): 65–69. Elephantine

Smend, R., "Zu den von E. Sachau herausgegebenen aramäischen Papyrusurkunden aus Elephantine." TLZ 32 (1907): 705–11. Elephantine TADA4.7

Blau, L., "Az assuani aram papyrusok talmudi vilâgítâsban." Magyar-Zsidó Szemle 24 (1907-08): 222–38. Elephantine

Knobel, E.B., "A suggested explanation of the Ancient Jewish Calendar Dates in the Aramaic Papyri translated by Professor A. H. Sayce and Mr. A. E. Cowley." MNRAS 68 (1907-09): 334–45; 69: 8-11. Elephantine

Herz, N., "The Elephantinē Papyri." ExpTim 19 (1907-8): 333. Elephantine

Herz, N., "The New Aramaic Papyri." ExpTim 19 (1907-8a): 522. Elephantine

Peters, N., "Ein jüdischer Temple im à„gypten im 6. und 7. Jahrh. v. Chr.." Wissenschaftliche Beilage zur Germania 9 (1907a): 385. Elephantine

Schürer, E., "Review of: Aramaic Papyri Discovered at Assuan, by A. H. Sayce and A. E. Cowley." TLZ 32 (1907a): 1–7. Elephantine

Wright, Ch. H. H., , Light from Egyptian Papyri on Jewish History before Christ, . London: Williams and Norgate, 1908. Pp. . Elephantine

Bornstein, H., "פליטה מני קדם או שרידי קביעת שנים מדור עזרא ונחמיה." Pp. Hebräische Abteilung, 63–104 In Festschrift zu Ehren des Dr. A. Harkavy ... gewidmet. Günzburg, D. and Markon, I., ed. St. Petersburg [Berlin]: H. Itzkowski, 1908. Elephantine

Bruston, C., "Les papyrus judéo-araméens d'à‰léphantine." RTP 41 (1908): 97–113. Elephantine

Buhl, F., "Remarques sur les papyrus juifs d'à‰léphantine." Oversigt over det Kongelige Danske Videnskabernes Selskabs forhandlinger (1908): 37–64. Elephantine TADB2.6

Cook, S.A., "Supplementary Notes on the New Aramaic Papyri." Expositor 7/5 (1908): 87–96. Elephantine TADA4.7

Desnoyers, L., "Les nouveaux papyrus araméens d'à‰léphantine." BLE ser. 3, vol. 10 (1908): 235–46. Elephantine

Döller, J., "Drei neue aramäische Papyri." TQ 90 (1908): 376–84. Elephantine

Eerdmans, B.D., "Een nieuwe Jahwe-Tempel." Theologisch Tijdschrift 42 (1908): 72–81. Elephantine

Hontheim, J., "Zu den neuesten jüdisch-aramäischen Papyri aus Elefantine." BZ 6 (1908): 245–61. Elephantine

Köberle, D., "Die Papyri von Assuan und das Alte Testament." Neue kirchliche Zeitschrift 19 (1908): 173–206. Elephantine

Lagrange, M.-J., "Les fouilles d'à‰léphantine." RB n.s. 5 (1908): 260–67. Elephantine

Smith, J.M. P., "The Jewish Temple at Elephantine." BW n.s. 31 (1908): 448–59. Elephantine

Stähelin, F., "Elephantine und Leontopolis." ZAW 28 (1908): 180–82. Elephantine

Vogüé, Charles Jean Melchior Marquis de, "Nouvelles de la mission de M. Clermont-Ganneau en à‰gypte." CRAIBL (1908): 100, 127. Elephantine

Whitehouse, O.C., "Some Problems Suggested by the Recent Discoveries of Aramaic Papyri at Syene (Assuān)." Pp. 280–84 In Transactions of the Third International Congress for the History of Religions. , Oxford: Clarendon, 1908. Elephantine

Wilcken, U., "Review of: Aramaic Papyri Discovered at Assuan, by A. H. Sayce and A. E. Cowley." Archiv für Papyrusforschung 4 (1908): 228–30. Elephantine

Fotheringham, J.K., "Calendar Dates in the Aramaic Papyri from Assuan." MNRAS 69 (1908-9): 12–20, 470. Elephantine TADB2.1 TADB2.2 TADB2.3 TADB2.4 TADB2.6 TADB2.7 TADB2.8 TADB2.9 TADB2.10 TADB2.11

Whitehouse, O.C., "Some Problems Suggested by the Recent Discoveries of Aramaic Papyri at Syene (Assouan)." ExpTim 20 (1908-9): 200–205. Elephantine

Belléli, L., , Interprétations erronées et faux monuments: Remarques sur quelques inscriptions récemment éditées suivies d'un sommaire analytique de l'ouvrage 'An Independent Examination of the Assuan and Elephantine Aramaic Papyri', . Casal Montferrat: Rossi et Lavagno, 1909. Pp. . Elephantine

Chabot, J.-B., "Les papyri araméens d'à‰léphantine sont-ils faux?." JA 10/14 (1909): 515–22. Elephantine

Daiches, S., "Zu den Elephantine-Papyri." ZA 22 (1909): 197–99. Elephantine

Feldmann, F., "Die Papyri von Elefantine und der Pentateuch." ThGl 1 (1909): 288. Elephantine

Fotheringham, J.K., "Note on the Regnal Years in the Elephantine Papyri." MNRAS 69 (1909): 446–48, 542. Elephantine

Hoonacker, A. van, "Les troubles d'à‰léphantine en 411 av. J.C. d'après les papyrus Euting et Sachau." ZA 23 (1909): 187–96. Elephantine

Kelso, J.A., "The Unity of the Sanctuary in the Light of the Elephantine Papyri." JBL 28 (1909): 71–81. Elephantine

Sachau, E., "Ein altaramäischen Papyrus aus der Zeit des ägyptischen Königs Amyrtäus." Pp. 529–44 In Florilegium ou recueil de travaux d'érudition dédiés à  Monsieur le Marquis Melchior de Vogüé à  l'occasion du quatre-vingtième anniversaire de sa naissance. , Paris: Imprimerie nationale, 1909. Elephantine

Sayce, A.H., "The Aramaic Papyri of Assuan: a Rectification." ZA 22 (1909): 210. Elephantine

Steuernagel, C., "Bemerkungen über die neuentdeckten jüdischen Bedeutung für das Alte Testament." Theologische Studien und Kritiken 105 (1909): 1–12. Elephantine

Witzel, T., "Documenti aramaici del secolo V avanti Cristo trovati nell'Egitto superiore." Rivista storico-critica delle scienze teologiche 5 (1909): 680–90, 737-52. Elephantine

Witzel, T., "Urkundenfunde in Oberägypten (aus dem 5. Jahrh. v. Chr.)." Pastor Bonus 21 (1909): 371–79, 437-42, 481-87. Elephantine

Honroth, W., Rubensohn, O. and Zucker, F., "Bericht über die Ausgrabungen auf Elephantine in den Jahren 1906-1908." Zà„S 46 (1909-10): 14–61 + 9 pls. Elephantine

Belléli, L., , An Independent Examination of the Assuan and Elephantine Aramaic Papyri, . London: Luzac and Co., 1909a. Pp. . Elephantine

Hoonacker, A. van, "Die rechtliche Stellung des jüdischen Tempels in Elephantine gegenüber den Einrichtungen des Alten Testamentes." ThGl 1 (1909a): 438–47. Elephantine

Westberg, F., , Die Biblische Chronologie nach Flavius Josephus, . Leipzig: Deichert, 1910. Pp. . Elephantine

Alt, A., "Psammetich II. in Palästina und in Elephantine." ZAW 30 (1910): 288–97. Elephantine

Revillout, E., "Lettre à  M. Clermont Ganneau de l'Institut sur les monnaies mentionnées dans les papyrus araméens d'à‰léphantine." Revue égyptologique 13 (1910): 158–63. Elephantine

Sidersky, D., "Le calendrier sémitique des papyri araméens d'Assouan." JA 10/16 (1910): 587–92. Elephantine

Fotheringham, J.K., "A Reply to Professor Ginzel on the Calendar Dates in the Elephantine Papyri." MNRAS 71 (1910-11): 661–63. Elephantine

Sprengling, M., "Chronological Notes from the Aramaic Papyri. The Jewish Calendar. Dates of the Achaemenians (Cyrus-Darius II)." AJSL 27 (1910-11): 233–66. Elephantine

Ungnad, A., , Aramäische Papyrus aus Elephantine: Kleine Ausgabe unter Zugrundelegung von Eduard Sachau's Erstausgabe, . Leipzig: J. C. Hinrichs, 1911. Pp. . Collections Elephantine

Albright, W.F., "Recent Discoveries at Elephantine." Upper Iowa Academician (1911): 18–20. Elephantine

Dussaud, René, "Les papyrus judéo-araméens d'à‰léphantine publiés par M. Sachau." RHR 64 (1911): 343–53. Elephantine ElJarI.3 ElJarI.5 ElJarI.8 ElWoStamp

Grimme, H., "Die jüdische Kolonie von Elephantine in neuer Beleuchtung." ThGl 3 (1911): 793–800. Elephantine

Gunkel, H., "The Jâhû Temple in Elephantine. Translated by M. Gurney.." Expositor 8/1 (1911): 20–39. Elephantine

Jampel, S., "Die neuen Papyrusfunde in Elephantine." MGWJ 55 (1911): 641–65. Elephantine

Lidzbarski, M., "Review of Aramäische Papyrus und Ostraka aus einer jüdischen Militär-Kolonie zu Elephantine, by A. Sachau." Deutsche Literaturzeitung 29 (1911): 66–81. Elephantine

Meyer, E., "Zu den aramäischen Papyri von Elephantine." SPAW 47 (1911): 1026–53. Elephantine TADC4.14 EdfuOstr TADA4.2 TADA4.5 TADA6.1 TADA6.2 TADB4.2

Nau, F.N., "Juifs et Samaritains à  à‰léphantine." JA 10/18 (1911): 660–62. Elephantine

Sayce, A.H., "The Jewish Garrison and Temple in Elephantinē." Expositor 8/2 (1911): 97–116. Elephantine

Blau, L., Die jüdische Ehescheidung und der jüdische Scheidebrief: Eine historische Untersuchung. . Strassburg: Trübner, 1911-12. Elephantine

Margolis, M.L., "The Elephantine Documents." JQR n.s. 2 (1911-12): 419–43. Elephantine TADC1.1 TADA4.1 TADA4.7

Sayce, A.H., "The Jewish Papyri of Elephantinē." ExpTim 23 (1911-12): 92–93. Elephantine

Ginzel, F.K., Handbuch der mathematischen und technischen Chronologie. . Leipzig: , 1911-14. Elephantine

Halévy, J., "Les nouveaux papyrus d'à‰léphantine." RevSém 19 (1911a): 473–97. Elephantine APO77.2 TADA4.1 TADA4.7 TADA4.8 TADA4.9 TADA5.2

Sayce, A.H., "The Jews and Their Temple in Elephantinē." Expositor 8/2 (1911a): 417–34. Elephantine

Strack, H.L., "Review of Aramäische Papyrus aus Elephantine, by A. Ungnad." ZDMG 65 (1911a): 832–38. Elephantine

Anneler, H., , Zur Geschichte der Juden von Elephantine, . Bern: M. Drechsel, 1912. Pp. . Elephantine

Jirku, A., Die jüdische Gemeinde von Elephantine und ihre Beziehungen zum Alten Testament. Biblische Zeit- und Streitfragen ser. 7, vol. 11. Berlin: Runge, 1912. Elephantine

Meyer, E., Der Papyrusfund von Elephantine: Dokumente einer jüdischen Gemeinde aus der Perserzeit und das älteste erhaltene Buch der Weltliteratur. . Leipzig: J. C. Hinrichs, 1912. Elephantine

Blau, L., "Az elephantinei zsidó katonai telep ujabb aram papyrusai." Magyar-Zsidó Szemle 29 (1912): 41–61. Elephantine

Boylan, P., "The New Aramaic Papyri from Elephantine." ITQ 7 (1912): 40–50. Elephantine

Burney, C.F., "New Aramaic Papyri and Old Testament History." CQR 74 (1912): 392–409. Elephantine

Burney, C.F., "The Priestly Code and the New Aramaic Papyri from Elephantinē." Expositor 8/3 (1912): 97–108. Elephantine

Cook, S.A., "The Elephantinē Papyri and the Old Testament." Expositor 8/3 (1912): 193–207. Elephantine

Elhorst, H.J., "Nieuw licht uit Elephantine." Nieuw theologisch tijdschrift 1 (1912): 19–34. Elephantine

Gelderen, C. van, "Samaritaner und Juden in Elephantine-Syene." OLZ 15 (1912): 337–44. Elephantine

Grimme, H., "Die Jahotriade von Elephantine." OLZ 15 (1912): 11–17. Elephantine

Halévy, J., "Les nouveaux papyrus d'à‰léphantine." RevSém 20 (1912): 31–78, 153-77. Elephantine TADC1.1

Holtzmann, O., "Review of Chronological Notes from the Aramaic Papyri, by M. Sprengling." TLZ 37 (1912): 166–67. Elephantine

Knudtzon, J.A., "Der Gottesname יהוה–יהו•." OLZ 15 (1912): 486–92. Elephantine

Kohler, J., "Bemerkungen zu den aramäischen Urkunden von Elephantine." ZVR 27 (1912): 142–44. Elephantine

Leander, P., "Der elephantinische Gottesname יהו•." OLZ 15 (1912): 151–53. Elephantine

Lewis, Agnes Smith, "Achikar and the Elephantinē Papyri." Expositor ser. 8, vol. 3 (1912): 207–12. Elephantine TADA6.2

Lévi, I., "Nouveaux papyrus araméens d'à‰léphantine [Review article: E. Sachau, Aramäische Papyrus und Ostraka aus einer jüdischen Militärkolonie zu Elephantine]." REJ 63 (1912): 161–84. Elephantine TADC3.15 TADA4.1 TADA4.10

Mahler, E., "Die Doppeldaten der aramäischen Papyri von Assuan." ZA 26 (1912): 61–76. Elephantine

Margoliouth, D.S., "The Elephantinē Papyri." Expositor 8/3 (1912): 69–85. Elephantine TADC1.1 TADA6.2 TADB6.2

Mittwoch, E., "Der Wiederaufbau des jüdischen Tempels in Elephantine-Ein Kompromiss zwischen Juden und Samaritanern." Pp. 227–33 In Judaica: Festschrift zu Hermann Cohens siebzigstem Geburtstage. , Berlin: Bruno Cassirer, 1912. Elephantine

Nau, F.N., "Le denier du cult juif à  à‰léphantine au ve siècle avant notre ère." Revue de l'orient chrétien 17 (1912): 100–104. Elephantine

Praček, J.V., "Review of Chronological Notes from the Aramaic Papyri, by M. Sprengling." OLZ 15 (1912): 168–70. Elephantine

Pritsch, E., "Jüdische Rechtsurkunden aus Aegypten." ZVR 27 (1912): 7–70. Elephantine

Schwally, F., "Review of Aramäische Papyrus und Ostraka aus einer jüdischen Militär-Kolonie zu Elephantine, by A. Sachau." OLZ 15 (1912): 160–68. Elephantine

Seidel, M., "Bemerkungen zu den aramäischen Papyrus und Ostraka aus Elephantine." ZAW 32 (1912): 292–98. Elephantine

Eberharter, A., "Die aramäischen Schriftdenkmäler aus Elefantine und ihre Bedeutung für die alttestamentliche Wissenschaft." Theologisch-praktische Monatsschrift 23 (1912-13): 265–75. Elephantine

Halévy, J., "L'inscription du roi Kalumu." JA ser. 10, vol. 19 (1912a): 408–10. KLMW Elephantine

Jirku, A., "Die fünf Städte bei Jes. 19, 18 und die fünf Tore des Jahu-Tempels zu Elephantine." OLZ 15 (1912a): 247–48. Elephantine

Margoliouth, D.S., "Note on the Elephantinē Papyri." Expositor 8/3 (1912a): 351–54. Elephantine TADA6.2

Blau, L., Papyri und Talmud in gegenseitiger Beleuchtung. Schriften herausgegeben von der Gesellschaft zur Förderung der Wissenschaft des Judentums . Leipzig: Gustav Fock, 1913. Elephantine

Jahn, G., Die Elephantiner Papyri und die Bücher Esra-Nehemja: Mit einem Supplement zu meiner Erklärung der hebräischen Eigennamen. . Leiden: Brill, 1913. Elephantine

Epstein, Jacob Nahum, "Weitere Glossen zu den 'aramäischen Papyrus und Ostraka'." ZAW 33 (1913): 138–50, 222-35. Elephantine TADB5 TADB5.2 TADB5.4 TADB5.5 TADC1.1 TADC3.3 TADC3.13 TADC3.14 TADC3.15 APO76.4 APO78.2 TADA3 TADA3.2 TADA3.6 TADA3.8 TADA4.2 TADA4.3 TADA4.4 TADA4.6 TADA4.7 TADA4.8 TADA4.9 TADA4.10 TADA5.2 TADA6.2 TADB2.7 TADB2.8 TADB3 TADB4.30 TADB4.40 TADB4.6 TADB7 TADB7.2 TADB7.3

Fotheringham, J.K., "Dates in the Elephantine Papyri." JTS 14 (1913): 570–75. Elephantine TADB2.3 TADB2.6 TADB2.7

Rothstein, J.W., "Review of Die Elephantiner Papyri und die Bücher Esra-Nehemja, by G. Jahn." ZDMG 67 (1913): 718–31. Elephantine

Spiegelberg, W., "Die demotische Notiz in dem Papyrus 8 von Elephantine." OLZ 16 (1913): 15–16. Elephantine

Wilcken, U., "Papyrus-Urkunden." Archiv für Papyrusforschung und verwandte Gebiete 5 (1913): 198–300. Elephantine

Gray, G. Buchanan, "Children Named after Ancestor in the Aramaic Papyri from Elephantine and Assuan." BZAW 27 (1914): 161–76. Elephantine

Grimme, A., "Review of Zur Geschichte der Juden von Elephantine, by H. Anneler." OLZ 17 (1914): 406–7. Elephantine

Jahn, G., "Antwort auf die Besprechung meiner Schrift über die Elephantiner Papyri durch Prof. J. W. Rothstein ZDMG. 67, 718." ZDMG 68 (1914): 142–48. Elephantine

Pilter, W.T., "The Word אגורא and Its Cognate Forms." OLZ 17 (1914): 66–68. Elephantine Vocab )gwr N

Lemonnyer, A., "Achima." RSPT 8 (1914[-19]): 289–96. Elephantine

Hoonacker, A. van, Une communauté judéo-araméenne à  à‰léphantine, en à‰gypte, aux VIe et Ve siècles av. J.-C.. The Schweich Lectures 1914 . London: Oxford University Press for the British Academy, 1915. Elephantine

Cook, S.A., "The Significance of the Elephantine Papyri for the History of Hebrew Religion." AJT 19 (1915): 346–82. Elephantine TADC1.1 TADC3.15 APO77.2 SaqTab TADA4 TADA4.2 TADA4.3 TADA4.4 TADA4.5 TADA4.7 TADA4.8 TADA4.9 TADA4.10 TADA5.2 TADA6 TADA6.2 TADB2 TADB2.2 TADB2.3 TADB2.4 TADB2.6 TADB2.7 TADB2.8 TADB2.9 TADB2.10 TADB2.11 TADB3 TADB4.3 TADB4.5 TADB4.6 TADB5 TADB7.2

König, E., "Religionsgeschichtliche Hauptmomente in den Elephantinetexten." ZAW 35 (1915): 110–19. Elephantine

Lagrange, M.-J., "Review of Une communauté judéo-araméenne à  à‰léphantine, en à‰gypte, aux VIe et Ve siècles av. J.-C., by A. van Hoonacker." RB n.s. 12 (1915): 595–98. Elephantine

Löw, Immanuel, "Zu den aramäischen Papyrus von Elephantine." OLZ 18 (1915): 7. Elephantine TADC1.1

Meyer, E., "à„gyptische Dokumente aus der Perserzeit." SPAW (1915): 287–311. Elephantine

Offord, J., "The Elephantine Papyri as Illustrative of the Old Testament." PEFQS (1915): 72–80, 144-51. Elephantine

Muuss, R., "Der Jahwetempel in Elephantine." ZAW 36 (1916): 81–107. Elephantine

Torczyner, H., "Wissenschaftlicher Jahresbericht über die morgenländischen Studien im Jahre 1915: Das Semitische 1913-1915, mit Ausschluss der Assyriologie, des Sabaeo-Minäischen und der abbesinischen Dialekte sowie der alttestamentlichen Studien." ZDMG 70 (1916): 274–91. Elephantine

Smith, J.M. P., "Jewish Religion in the Fifth Century B.C.." AJSL 33 (1916-17): 322–33. Elephantine

Sprengling, M., "The Aramaic Papyri of Elephantine in English." AJT 21 (1917): 411–52. Collections Elephantine

Sprengling, M., "The Aramaic Papyri of Elephantine in English Continued." AJT 22 (1918): 349–75. Elephantine Collections

Strazzulli, A., Bovier-Lapierre, P. and Ronzevalle, S., "Rapport sur les fouilles à  à‰léphantine de l'Institut Biblique Pontifical en 1918." ASAE 18 (1918-19): 1–7. Elephantine

Blau, L., "Die Strafklauseln der griechischen Papyrusurkunden beleuchtet durch die aramäischen Papyri und durch den Talmud." MGWJ 63 (1919): 138–55. Elephantine

Lemonnyer, A., "La déesse Anath d'à‰lephantine." RSPT 9 (1920): 581–88. Religion Elephantine

Hirschberg, A.S., "The Discovery of Papyri at Elephantine and at Syene [in Hebrew]." Hatkufa 8 (1921): 339–68. Elephantine

Poznański, S., "Review of Jewish Documents of the Time of Ezra Translated from the Aramaic, by A. E. Cowley." OLZ 24 (1921): 303–5. Elephantine

Scheftelowitz, I., Die Bewertung der aramäischen Urkunden von Assuan und Elephantine für die jüdische und iranische Geschichte. Scripta Universitatis atque Bibliothecae Hierosolymitanarum- Orientalia et Judaica I/iv. Jerusalem: , 1923. Elephantine

Montgomery, James A., "Adverbial kålla in Biblical Aramaic and Hebrew." JAOS 43 (1923): 391–95. Lexicography Elephantine kl R kl N

Morgenstern, J., "The Three Calendars of Ancient Israel." HUCA 1 (1924): 13–78. Elephantine

Kittel, R., "Der Gott Bet'el." JBL 44 (1925): 125–53. Elephantine

Kittel, R., "Zum Gott Bet'el." ZAW 44 (1926): 170–72. Elephantine

Sidersky, D., "Le comput des Juifs d'à‰gypte au temps des Achéménides." REJ 82 (1926): 59–78. Elephantine TADB2 TADB2.2 TADB2.3 TADB2.7 TADB2.8 TADB2.9 TADB2.10 TADB2.11 TADB3

Struve, W., "Zur Geschichte der jüdischen Kolonie von Elephantine." Bulletin de l'Académie des Sciences de l'URSS 6/20 (1926): 445–54. Elephantine

Epstein, L.M., , The Jewish Marriage Contract: A Study in the Status of the Woman in Jewish Law, . New York: Jewish Theological Seminary, 1927. Pp. . Elephantine

Kortleitner, F.X., De Judaeorum in Elephantine-Syene colonia euisque rationibus cum vetere testamento intercedentibus. Commentationes biblicae 2. Innsbruck: F. Rauch, 1927. Elephantine

San Nicolò, M., "Vorderasiatisches Rechtsgut in den ägyptischen Eheverträgen der Perserzeit." OLZ 30 (1927): 217–21. Elephantine

Hempel, J., "Elephantine-Urkunden." Pp. 100–102 In RGG2. Gunkel, H.Zscharnack, L., ed. Tübingen: J. C. B. Mohr, 1927-32. Elephantine

Wagenaar, C.G., , De joodsche Kolonie van Jeb-Syene in de 5de eeuw voor Christus, . Groningen/The Hague: J. B. Wolters, 1928. Pp. . Elephantine

Türck, U., "Die Stellung der Frau in Elephantine als Ergebnis persisch-babylonischen Rechtseinflusses." ZAW 46 (1928): 166–69. Elephantine

Hennequin, L., "ɉléphantine (La colonie militaire juive d')." Pp. 962–1032 + 2 pls. In Dictionnaire de la bible: Supplément. Pirot, Louis, ed. Paris: Letouzey et Ané, 1928-87+. Elephantine TADA4.1 TADA4.7 TADA4.9

Ricciotti, G., "Elefantina." Pp. 626 + 1 pl. In Enciclopedia Italiana di scienze, lettere ed arti. Gentile, G., et al., ed. Milan: Istituto Giovanni Treccani, 1929-39. Elephantine TADA4.7

Eissfeldt, O., "Der Gott Bethel." Archiv für Religionswissenschaft 18 (1930): 1–30. Onomastics Religion Elephantine

MacDonald, E.M., The Position of Women as Reflected in Semitic Codes of Law. Univ. of Toronto Studies: Oriental Series 1. Toronto: Univ. of Toronto Press, 1931. Elephantine

Olmstead, A.T., , History of Palestine and Syria to the Macedonian Conquest, . New York/London: Scribner, 1931. Pp. . Elephantine

Dijkema, F., "De Tempel te Elefantine en de zoogenaamde Centralisatie van den Eeredienst te Jeruzalem." Nieuw theologisch tijdschrift 20 (1931): 321–33. Elephantine

Kees, H., "Syene." Pp. 1018–23 In Paulys Real Encyclopädie der classischen Altertumswissenschaft. Wissowa, G., et al., ed. Stuttgart: J. B. Metzler, 1931. Elephantine

Borchardt, L., "Das Elephantine-Mondjahr." MGWJ 76 (1932): 299–310. Elephantine TADA4 TADA6.2 TADB2 TADB2.2 TADB2.3 TADB2.7 TADB2.8 TADB2.9 TADB2.10 TADB3

Joüon, P., "Les mots pour 'sur', 'au dessus de', 'en haut' et 'au dessous de', 'en bas' en hébreu, araméen et arabe." Or 2 (1933): 275–80. Vocab Elephantine

Benveniste, E., "Termes et noms achémenides en araméen." JA 225 (1934): 177–93. Interf Elephantine

Joüon, P., "Notes grammaticales, lexicographiques et philologiques sur les papyrus araméens d'à‰gypte." MUSJ 18 (1934): 1–90. Grammar Elephantine

Kuhn, K.G., "יה ,יהו ,יהוה: àœber die Entstehung des Namens Jahwe." Pp. 25–42 In Orientalistische Studien: Enno Littmann zu seinem 60. Geburtstag am 16. September 1935. , Leiden: Brill, 1935. Elephantine

Müller, R., "Der Name der Nil-Insel Elephantine." Zeitschrift für Ortsnamenforschung 11 (1935): 183–84. Elephantine

Leibovitch, J., "Quelques egyptianismes contenus dans les textes araméens d'à‰gypte." BlE 18 (1935-36): 19–29. Interf Elephantine

Torrey, C.C., "The Two Persian Officers Named Bagoas." AJSL 56 (1939): 300–301. Elephantine

Joüon, P., "Notes de grammaire et de lexicographie araméenne." Bib 22 (1941a): 263–68. Elephantine

Parker, R.A., "Darius and His Egyptian Campaign." AJSL 58 (1941a): 373–77. Elephantine

Cassuto, U.M. D., "אלוהיהם של יהודי יב [The Gods of the Jews of Elephantine]." Kedem 1 (1942): 47–52. TADC3.15 Religion Elephantine

Neufeld, E., , Ancient Hebrew Marriage Laws with Special References to General Semitic Laws and Customs, . London: Longmans, Green, 1944. Pp. . Elephantine

Chabot, J.-B., "Les fouilles de Clermont-Ganneau à  à‰léphantine." Journal des savants (1944): 87–92, 136-42. Elephantine

Korngruen, P., מושבות צבאיות של היהודים בימי קדם. . Tel Aviv: Massada, 1948. Elephantine

Dussaud, René, "Yahô chez les Juifs d'à‰léphantine." Syria 26 (1949): 390–91. Elephantine

Welles, C.B., "Manumission and Adoption." RIDA 3 (1949): 507–20. Elephantine

Pericoli Ridolfini, F.S., "Elefantina." Pp. 197–98 In Enciclopedia Cattolica. , Vatican City: Ente per l'Enciclopedia Cattolica e per il Libro Cattolico, 1949-54. Elephantine

Dussaud, René, "Un nouveau lot de papyrus judéo-araméens d'à‰léphantine." Syria 27 (1950): 200. Elephantine

Kutscher, Eduard Yechezkel, "פרקים מתוך תחביר של יב." M.A. thesis, Hebrew Univ.. (1950): . Elephantine Grammar Syntax

Kraeling, E.G., "New Light on the Elephantine Colony." BA 15 (1952): 50–67 + 2 pls.. Elephantine TADB3.9 TADB3.10

Sachs, A., "The Answer to a Puzzle." BA 15 (1952): 89. Elephantine

Rost, L., "Neue Papyri aus Elephantine." AfO 16 (1952-53): 378–79. Elephantine

Albright, W.F., Archaeology and the Religion of Israel. Ayer Lectures of the Colgate-Rochester Divinity School . Baltimore: Johns Hopkins Univ. Press, 1953. Elephantine

Kraeling, E.G., , The Brooklyn Museum Aramaic Papyri: New Documents of the Fifth Century B.C. from the Jewish Colony at Elephantine, . New Haven: Yale Univ. Press, 1953. Pp. . Elephantine TADB3.2 TADB3.3 TADB3.4 TADB3.5 TADB3.6 TADB3.7 TADB3.8 TADB3.9 TADB3.10 TADB3.11 TADB3.12 TADB3.13 BMAP TADA3.9 TADB6.1 TADC3.17 TADC1.1 Collections

Rabinowitz, J.J., "Marriage Contracts in Ancient Egypt in the Light of Jewish Sources." HTR 46 (1953): 91–97. Elephantine

Vogt, E., "Novae papyri aramaicae Elephantinae." Bib 34 (1953): 265–67. Elephantine

Reider, J., "Review of The Brooklyn Museum Aramaic Papyri, by E. G. Kraeling." JQR 44 (1953-54): 337–40. Elephantine

Colombo, D., "Elefantina." Pp. 952–53 In Dizionario Ecclesiastico. Bozzone, A.M., ed. Turin: Editrice Torinese, 1953-58. Elephantine

Benveniste, E., "Eléments perses en araméen d'à‰gypte." JA 242 (1954): 297–310. Interf Elephantine

Cazelles, Henri, "Documents araméens d'à‰gypte nouvellement publiés." CRAIBL (1954): 505–11. Elephantine

Couroyer, B., "Termes égyptiens dans les papyri araméens du Musée de Brooklyn." RB 61 (1954): 554–59. Interf Elephantine

Falk, Z.W., "The Deeds of Manumission in Elephantine." JJS 5 (1954): 114–17. Elephantine

Horn, S.H. and Wood, L.H., "The Fifth-Century Jewish Calendar at Elephantine." JNES 13 (1954): 1–20 + 1 pl.. Elephantine ElStele TADB2.1 TADB2.2 TADB2.3 TADB2.4 TADB2.6 TADB2.7 TADB2.8 TADB2.9 TADB2.10 TADB2.11 TADB3.1 TADB3.2 TADB3.3 TADB3.4 TADB3.5 TADB3.6 TADB3.7 TADB3.8 TADB3.9 TADB3.10 TADB3.11 TADB6.1

Jansma, T., "Review of The Brooklyn Museum Aramaic Papyri, by E. G. Kraeling." BO 11 (1954): 215–16. Elephantine

Kutscher, Eduard Yechezkel, "New Aramaic Texts [Review article: E. G. Kraeling The Brooklyn Museum Aramaic Papyri]." JAOS 74 (1954): 233–48. TADB3.2 TADB3.3 TADB3.4 TADB3.5 TADB3.7 TADB3.8 TADB3.9 TADB3.10 TADB3.11 TADB3.12 TADB3.13 TADB1.1 ShFTI TAD D23.1 Elephantine Lexicography Law

Menasce, J. de, "Mots d'emprunt et noms propres iraniens dans les nouveaux documents araméens." BO 11 (1954): 161–62. Interf Elephantine

Milik, J.T., "Review of The Brooklyn Museum Aramaic Papyri, by E. G. Kraeling." RB NS 61 (1954): 247–51. Elephantine

Torrey, C.C., "More Elephantine Papyri [Review article: E. G. Kraeling The Brooklyn Museum Aramaic Papyri]." JNES 13 (1954): 149–53. Elephantine TADB3.4

Vogt, E., "Ex novis documentis aramaicis." Bib 35 (1954): 266–68. Elephantine TADB3.10 TADB3.11 TADB3.12 BADan

Eilers, W., "Neue aramäische Urkunden aus à„gypten." AfO 17 (1954-56): 322–35. Elephantine TADA6.7 TADA6.9 TADA6.14 TADB3.4 TADB3.6 TADB3.12 grd#3 N

Couroyer, B., "Review of The Brooklyn Museum Aramaic Papyri, by E. G. Kraeling." RB NS 61 (1954a): 251–53, 592-95. Elephantine

Milik, J.T., "Review of Aramaic Documents of the Fifth Century B. C., by G. R. Driver." RB NS 61 (1954a): 592–95. Elephantine

Cazelles, Henri, "Nouveaux documents araméens d'à‰gypte." Syria 32 (1955): 75–100 + 2 pls.. Elephantine TADB3.2 TADB3.3 TADB3.4 TADB3.5 TADB3.6 TADB3.8 TADB3.9 TADB3.10 TADB3.11 TADA6.4 TADA6.5 TADA6.7 TADA6.8 TADA6.9 TADA6.10 TADA6.11 TADA6.12 TADA6.13 TADA6.14 TADA6.15 TADA6.16 TADA3.9

Gordon, Cyrus H., "The Origin of the Jews in Elephantine." JNES 14 (1955): 56–58. Elephantine

Hammershaimb, E., "To nye samlinger aramaiske dokumenter frå 5. årh. f. Kr. [Two new collections of Aramaic documents from the 5th. cent. B.C.]." DTT 18 (1955): 129–34. Elephantine TADA6.2 BMAP

Lewy, J., "Review of Aramaic Documents of the Fifth Century B.C., by G. R. Driver." JQR 46 (1955): 289–95. Elephantine

Parker, R.A., "Some Considerations on the Nature of the Fifth-Century Jewish Calendar at Elephantine." JNES 14 (1955): 271–74. Elephantine TADB2.1 TADB2.2 TADB2.3 TADB3.1 TADB3.2 TADB3.7 TADB3.9

Driver, G.R., "Review of The Brooklyn Museum Aramaic Papyri, by E. G. Kraeling." PEQ (1955a): 91–94. Elephantine

Rabinowitz, J.J., "The Meaning of the Phrase מחר אי יום אחרן in the Aramaic Papyri." JNES 14 (1955a): 59–60. Elephantine

Segert, S., "Neue aramäische Texte aus à„gypten." ArOr 24 (1956): 383–403. Elephantine BMAP

Volterra, E., "Osservazioni sul divorzio nei documenti aramaici." Pp. 586–600 In Studi orientalistici in onore de Giorgio Levi della Vida. , Rome: Giovanni Bardi, 1956. Elephantine Law

Segert, S., "Aramäische Studien I. Die neuen Editionen von Brooklyn Papyri und Aršāms Briefe in ihrer Bedeutung für die Bibelwissenschaft." ArOr 24 (1956a): 383–403. Elephantine BA

Borger, R., "Anath-Bethel." VT 7 (1957): 102–4. Elephantine

Fitzmyer, Joseph A., "The Syntax of kl, kl' in the Aramaic Texts From Egypt and in Biblical Aramaic." Bib 38 (1957): 170–84. Elephantine Grammar BA kl R kl N

Hammershaimb, E., "Some Observations on the Aramaic Elephantine Papyri." VT 7 (1957): 17–34. Elephantine

Kraeling, E.G., "Elephantine-Urkunden." Pp. 415–18 In RGG3. , : , 1957. Elephantine

Pritsch, E., "Zum gegenwärtigen Stand der juristischen Papyrusforschung: Die aramäischen Urkunden." ZVR 60 (1957): 99–117. Elephantine

Rundgren, F., "Elephantine-aramäisches Mallaḥ di Mayyā und altägyptischesmw byn ." Studia Linguistica 11 (1957): 57–60. Elephantine

Vincent, A., "Les papyrus araméens d'à‰léphantine." BVC 17 (1957): 105–15. Elephantine

Eilers, W., "Neue aramäische Urkunden aus à„gypten: Nachträgliche Bemerkungen zu AfO 17, pp. 322-335." AfO 18 (1957-58): 125–27. Elephantine TADA6

Yaron, R., "The Schema of the Aramaic Legal Documents." JSS 2 (1957a): 33–61. Elephantine

Rabinowitz, J.J., "A Legal Formula in Egyptian, Egyptian-Aramaic and Murabba`at Documents." BASOR 145 (1957b): 33–34. Law Elephantine

Ben-Hayyim, Z. and Loewenstamm, S.E., "יב." Pp. 425–44 + 1 pl. EM. Cassuto, U.M. D., ed. Jerusalem: Bialik Institute, 1958. Elephantine TADA4.7

Eissfeldt, O., "Review of Aramaic Documents of the Fifth Century B.C., by G. R. Driver." OLZ 53 (1958): 559–60. Elephantine

Tuland, C.G., "Hanani-Hananiah." JBL 77 (1958): 157–61. Elephantine

Yaron, R., "Identities in the Brooklyn Museum Aramaic Papyri." Bib 39 (1958): 344–54. Elephantine

Bresciani, E., "La satrapia d'Egitto." Studi classici e orientali 7 (1958b): 132–88. Elephantine

Ginsberg, H.L., "Notes on Some Old Aramaic Texts." JNES 18 (1959): 143–49. Elephantine BA BADan 1QapGen

Greengus, S., "The Aramaic Marriage Contracts in the Light of the Ancient Near East and the Later Jewish Materials." M.A. thesis, Univ. of Chicago. (1959): . Elephantine

Rabinowitz, J.J., "The 'Great Sin' in Ancient Egyptian Marriage Contracts." JNES 18 (1959): 73. Elephantine

Yaron, R., "Redemption of Persons in the Ancient Near East." RIDA ser. 3, vol. 6 (1959): 155–76. Elephantine

Stiehl, Ruth, "Wörterverzeichnis aramäischer Inschriften und anderer Urkunden aus parthischer Zeit." Pp. 110–25 In Geschichte der Hunnen. Altheim, F., ed. Berlin: De Gruyter, 1959-62. Elephantine Lexicography OS.P1

Ricke, H., Die Tempel Nektanebos' II. in Elephantine und ihre Erweiterungen. Beiträge zur ägyptischen Bauforschung und Altertumskunde 6. Cairo: Schweizerisches Institut für à„gyptische Bauforschung und Altertumskunde in Kairo, 1960. Elephantine

Bardtke, H., "Elephantine und die jüdische Gemeinde der Perserzeit." Das Altertum 6 (1960): 13–31. Elephantine

Rabinowitz, J.J., "More on Grecisms in Aramaic Documents." Bib 41 (1960): 72–74. Elephantine TADB7.2 TADB3.9 TADA6.8

Yaron, R., "Aramaic Deeds of Conveyance." Bib 41 (1960a): 248-74, 379-94. Elephantine

Yaron, R., המשפט במסמכי יב. . Jerusalem: Hebrew University, 1961. Elephantine Law

Porten, Bezalel, "The Structure and Orientation of the Jewish Temple at Elephantine-A Revised Plan of the Jewish District." JAOS 81 (1961): 38–42. Elephantine

Rabinowitz, J.J., "The Susa Tablets, the Bible and the Aramaic Papyri." VT 11 (1961): 55–76. Elephantine TADB2.8 TADB2.3 TADB3.4 TADB2.11

Yaron, R., , Introduction to the Law of the Aramaic Papyri, . Oxford: Clarendon, 1961a. Pp. . Elephantine

Hammershaimb, E., "Om jødisk bosaettelse uden for Palaestina i gammeltestamentlig tid." DTT 25 (1962): 36–47. Elephantine

Körner, J., "Das soziale und religiöse Leben in der Militärkolonie von Elephantine: Eine Interpretation ausgewählter Papyri aus Elephantine als Beitrag zur Religionsgeschichte und Theologie des Alten Testaments." Pp. . , Jena: Ph.D. diss., Friedrich Schiller Univ., 1962. Elephantine

Porten, Bezalel, "שיבת ציון לאור כתבי יב." BM 16 (1963): 66–79. Elephantine

Volterra, E., "Yhwdy e 'rmy nei papiri aramaici del V secolo provenienti dall'Egitto." AANL Rendiconti (1963): 131–73. Elephantine

Grelot, Pierre, "L'huile de ricin à  à‰léphantine." Sem 14 (1964): 63–70. Elephantine tqm N m$k N cll N xbln N xtyl N

Verger, A., "Note sul diritto dei papiri aramaici di Elefantina." OrAnt 3 (1964): 47–59. Elephantine

Yaron, R., "Who Is Who at Elephantine." Iura 15 (1964): 167-72. Elephantine

Hoftijzer, J., "Review of Introduction to the Law of the Aramaic Papyri, by R. Yaron." [BO] 21 (1964a): 220-22. Elephantine

Verger, A., "L'amministrazione della giustizia nei papiri aramaici di Elefantina." AANL Rendiconti ser. 8, vol. 19 (1964a): 75–94. Elephantine

Volterra, E., "Osservazioni alla nota del Prof. R. Yaron." Iura 15 (1964a): 173–80. Elephantine

Verger, A., Ricerche giuridiche sui papiri aramaici di Elefantina. Studi semitici 16. Rome: Centro di studi semitici, Università  di Roma, 1965. Elephantine

Ayad, B.A., , The Topography of Elephantine according to the Aramaic Papyri, . Cairo: Institute of Coptic Studies, 1967. Pp. . Elephantine

Seidl, E., "Juristische Papyruskunde: 16. Bericht." Studia et Documenta Historiae et Iuris 33 (1967): 503–80. Elephantine

Yaron, R., "׳כסף זוז׳ בתעודות יב." Leš 31 (1967): 287-88. Elephantine

Porten, Bezalel, , Archives from Elephantine. The Life of an Ancient Jewish Military Colony. Berkeley: Univ. of California Press, 1968. Elephantine TADA2.3 Araq LachAlt

Seidl, E., Égyptische Rechtsgeschichte der Saiten- und Perserzeit. . Glückstadt: J. J. Augustin, 1968. Elephantine Religion

Couroyer, B., "Le temple de Yaho et l'orientation dans les papyrus araméens d'à‰léphantine." RB 75 (1968): 80–85. Elephantine

MacLaurin, E.C. B., "Date of the Foundation of the Jewish Colony at Elephantine." JNES 27 (1968): 89–96. Elephantine

Sperling, D., "The Akkadian Legal Termdīnu u dabābu ." JANES 1 (1968): 35–40. Elephantine

Muffs, Y., Studies in the Aramaic Legal Papyri from Elephantine. Studia et Documenta ad Iura Orientis Antiqui Pertinentia 8. Leiden: Brill, 1969. Elephantine

Porten, Bezalel and Greenfield, Jonas C., "The Guarantor at Elephantine-Syene." JAOS 89 (1969): 153–57. Elephantine Law TADB1.1 TADB3.1 TADB3.8 TADB3.9 TADB3.10 TADB3.11 TADB3.12 TADB3.13 TADB4.6

Bowman, R.A., "Review of Archives from Elephantine, by B. Porten." Or 39 (1970): 454–59. Elephantine

Charbel, A., "'Shelamim' nei documenti di Elefantina." BeO 12 (1970): 91–94. Elephantine TADA4.7

Klein, R.W., "Review of Archives from Elephantine, by B. Porten." Concordia Theological Monthly 41 (1970): 745 f.. Elephantine

Stern, E., "Review of Archives from Elephantine, by B. Porten." Qadmoniot 3/4 (1970): 145–6. Elephantine

Teixidor, Javier, "Review of Archives from Elephantine, by B. Porten." JAOS 90 (1970): 543–44. Elephantine

Veenhof, K.R., "Balans der Elefantine Papyri, I." Phoenix 16 (1970): 305, 310–27 + 2 pls.. Elephantine TADB3.3

Yaron, R., "Aramaica recentia." Pp. In Proceedings of the 12th International Congress of Papyrology. Samuel, D.H., ed. Toronto: Hakkert, 1970. Elephantine

Grelot, Pierre, "La communauté juive d'à‰léphantine." CdE 45 (1970a): 120–31. Elephantine

Couroyer, B., "Review of Archives from Elephantine, by B. Porten." BO 27 (1970b): 249–51. Elephantine

Bardtke, H., "Review of Archives from Elephantine, by B. Porten." TLZ 96 (1971): 96–98. Elephantine

Grelot, Pierre, "à‰tudes sur les textes araméens d'à‰léphantine." RB 78 (1971): 515–44. Elephantine

Nahon, G., "Review of Archives from Elephantine, by B. Porten." REJ 130 (1971): 103. Elephantine

Otzen, B., "Review of Archives from Elephantine, by B. Porten." DTT 34 (1971): 153–54. Elephantine

Porten, Bezalel, "The Restoration of Fragmentary Aramaic Marriage Contracts." Pp. 243–61 In Gratz College Anniversary Volume: On the Occasion of the Seventy-fifth Anniversary of the Founding of the College, 1895-1970. Passow, I.D.Lachs, S.T., ed. Philadelphia: n. p., 1971. Elephantine

Segal, J.B., "Review of Archives from Elephantine, by B. Porten." BSOAS 34 (1971): 141–2. Elephantine

Segert, S., "Zur Bezeichnung der Frauen in den aramäischen Verträgen von Elephantine." Pp. 619–21 In Studi in onore di Edoardo Volterra. , Milan: Giuffrè, 1971. Elephantine

Smitten, W.T. In der, "Vordeuteronomischer Jahwismus in Elephantine?." BO 28 (1971): 173–74. Elephantine

Yaron, R., "Review of Archives from Elephantine, by B. Porten." JSS 16 (1971): 240-44. Elephantine Law

Shunnar, Z., "Zu einer 'revidierten' Lesung des aramäischen Papyrus Berol. 23000." Pp. 277–89, 379-95 In Christentum am Roten Meer. Altheim, F., ed. Berlin and New York: De Gruyter, 1971, 1973. Elephantine

Grelot, Pierre, "Notes d'onomastique sur les textes araméens d'à‰gypte." Sem 21 (1971a): 95–117. Elephantine TADB1.1 TADB2.2

Grelot, Pierre, Documents araméens d'à‰gypte. Littératures anciennes du Proche-Orient . Paris: Cerf, 1972. Elephantine

Ayad, B.A., "The Topography of Elephantine according to the Aramaic Papyri." Pp. 23–37 In Medieval and Middle Eastern Studies in Honor of Aziz Suryal Atiya. Hanna, S.A., ed. Leiden: Brill, 1972. Elephantine

Couroyer, B., "Sapin vrai et sapin nouveau." Or 42 (1973): 339–56. Elephantine

Kaufman, Stephen A., "Review of Documents araméens d'ɉgypte, by P. Grelot." CBQ 35 (1973): 385–86. Elephantine

Silverman, M.H., "Egyptian Aramaic Texts [Review article: P. Grelot, Documents araméens d'à‰gypte]." CdE 48 (1973): 301–8. Elephantine

Couroyer, B., "Review of Documents araméens d'à‰gypte, by P. Grelot." RB 80 (1973a): . Elephantine

Nahon, G., "Review of Documents araméens d'à‰gypte, by P. Grelot." REJ 133 (1974): 342–43. Elephantine

Delaunay, J.A., "L'araméen d'empire et les débuts de l'écriture an Asie centrale." Pp. 219–36, pls. iv-xv In Commémoration Cyrus: Actes du Congrès de Shiraz 1971 et autres études rédigées à  l'occasion du 2500e anniversaire de la fondation de l'empire perse, Hommage universel, II. , Leiden: Brill, 1974a. Elephantine Paleography

Lipinski, Edward, "Review of Documents araméens d'à‰gypte, by P. Grelot." BO 31 (1974a): 119–24. Elephantine

Ayad, B.A., , The Jewish-Aramean Communities in Ancient Egypt, . Cairo: Institute of Coptic Studies, 1975. Pp. . Elephantine

Bresciani, E., "Review of Documents araméens d'à‰gypte, by P. Grelot." OrAnt 14 (1975): 174–75. Elephantine

Fitzmyer, Joseph A., "Review of Documents araméens d'à‰gypte, by P. Grelot." Bib 56 (1975): 254–56. Elephantine

Grelot, Pierre, "Review of Jews of Elephantine and Arameans of Syene (Fifth Century B.C.E.), by B. Porten in collaboration with J. C. Greenfield." RB 82 (1975): 288–92. Elephantine

Levine, B.A., "On the Origins of the Aramaic Legal Formulary at Elephantine." Pp. 37–54 In Christianity, Judaism and Other Greco-Roman Cults: Studies for Morton Smith at Sixty. Neusner, Jacob, ed. Leiden: Brill, 1975. Elephantine

Vogt, E., "Review of Studies in the Aramaic Legal Papyri from Elephantine, by Y. Muffs." Or 44 (1975): 129–31. Elephantine Law

Shirun, H., "Aramäische Texte aus à„gypten." Pp. 362–70 In Lexikon der à„gyptologie. Helck, W.Otto, E., ed. Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz, 1975-86. Elephantine

Segert, S., "Review of Documents araméens d'à‰gypte, by P. Grelot." WZKM 67 (1975a): 273–75. Elephantine

Ammassari, A., "La redazione del Codice dell'Alleanza (Es 20,22 e 24,3-8) e lo stile degli atti giuridici de Elefantina." Pp. 137–48 In La religione dei Patriarchi. , Rome: Città  Nuova, 1976. Law Elephantine

Greenfield, Jonas C., "A New Corpus of Aramaic Texts of the Achaemenid Period from Egypt." JAOS 96 (1976): 131–35. Elephantine

Itō, G., "Syenian frataraka and Persian fratarak: New Iranian Elements in Ancient Aramaic." Orient (Tokyo) 12 (1976): 47–66. Elephantine

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