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CAL Bibliography for TgEsth


Sperber, Alexander, The Bible in Aramaic: Based on Old Manuscripts and Printed Texts. . Leiden: Brill, 1959-1973. Collections TgO TargumJonathan TgCh Tg.Ruth TgSS Tg.Lam Tg.Qoh TgEsth Targums

Grelot, Pierre, "Observations sur les targums I et III d'Esther." Bib 56 (1975): 53–73. TgEsth

Levine, Étan, The Targum to the Five Megillot: Ruth, Ecclesiastes, Canticles, Lamentations, Esther: Codex Vatican Urbanit I. . Jerusalem: Makor, 1977. Tg.Ruth Tg.Qoh TgSS Tg.Lam TgEsth

Parente, F., "Ezra 6:11 in Targum Esther, 7:9." Studi classici e orientali 27 (1977): 303–6. Targums TgEsth

Díez Merino, Luis, "Targum de Ester segun la tradicion sefardi de Alfonso de Zamora." EstBib (1979): . TgEsth

Grossfeld, Bernard, "The Haggada in the Targum Rishon to Esther according to the Bibliothèque Nationale Paris Heb. 110." Hebrew Studies 23 (1982): 101–109. TgEsth

Grossfeld, Bernard, The First Targum to Esther: According to the MS Paris Hebrew 110 of the Bibliotheque Nationale. . New York: Sepher-Hermon Press, 1983. TgEsth

Grossfeld, Bernard, Concordance of the First Targum to the Book of Esther. SBLAS 5. Chico, CA: Scholars, 1984. TgEsth

Legrand, T., "Les targums d' Esther. Essai de comparaison des targums I et III du livre d'Esther (Chapitre premier)." Sem 37 (1987): 71–94. TgEsth

Klein, M.L. and Kasher, Rimon, "New Fragments of Targum to Esther from the Cairo-Genizah." HUCA 61 (1990): 89-124. TgEsth

Grossfeld, Bernard, The Two Targums of Esther: Translated, with Apparatus and Notes. The Aramaic Bible: The Targums . Collegeville: The Liturgical Press, 1991. TgEsth TgEsth2

Manns, F., "Le Targum d'Esther: Manuscrit Urbinati 1." SBFLA 46 (1996): 101–66. TgEsth

Dí­ez Merino, Luis, "Translation of Proper Names: A Targumic Method of Hermeneutics in Targum Esther." Pp. 203–23 Targum and Scripture. Flesher, P.V.M., Leiden - Boston: Brill, 2002. TgEsth

Tal, Abraham, "The Genizah Fragments of Targum Esther and their Testimony," in Bar-Asher, Moshe//Cohen, H., משאת אהרן Festschrift Dotan, . Jerusalem: Mosad Bialik, 2009. Pp. 132-71. TgEsth lpnTy p

Damsma, A., "The Targums to Esther." European Judaism 47 (2014): 127–36. TgEsth

Perng, H.-C., "קטעי תרגום אסתר מן הגניזה: נוסח ולשון." Leshonenu 83 (2021): 360–79. TgEsth TgEsth2 h$tn X

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