CAL Bibliography for Peshitta-NT


Berg, F., "Appendix I: Quotations in the Syriac NT from the Peshitta OT," in , The Influence of the Septuagint upon the Peshitta Psalter. Leipzig: , 1895. Peshitta OTP.Ps Peshitta-NT OTP

Pusey, P. E. and Gwilliam, G. H., Tetraeuangelium sanctum iuxta simplicem Syrorum versionem ad fidem codicum, massorae, editonum denuo recognitum. . Oxford: Clarendon, 1901. Peshitta-NT

Anonymous, The New Testament in Syriac. . London: British and Foreign Bible Society, 1950. Peshitta-NT

Brock, Sebastian P., "Greek Words in the Syriac Gospels." Le Muséon 80 (1967): 389–426. OldSyrGospels Peshitta-NT )gwrs N )lw)) N )nnq) N )rk)s N )rkwn#2 N hrwm) N s)m) N )sr#3 N )swTw N byms N bwlwT N gns N glwsqwm N dynr N dytyq) N )yq) X )pyTrwp) N )yw I )wnglywn N )kdn N zwg#2 N zwg V

Clemons, J.T., "Some Questions on the Syriac Support for Variant Greek Readings." NovT 10 (1968): 26–30. Peshitta-NT

Black, Matthew, "The Syriac Versional Tradition," in Aland, Kurt, ed., Die alten Uebersetzungen des Neuen Testaments, die Kirchenväterzitate und Lektionare. Berlin and New York: , 1972. Pp. 120–59. Peshitta-NT OldSyrGospels

Metzger, Bruce Manning, The Early Versions of the New Testament: Their Origin, Transmission and Limitations. . Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1977. OldSyrGospels Peshitta-NT

Chilton, B., ""Amen": an Approach through Syriac Gospels." ZNW 69 (1978): 203–11. AramaicInGospels Peshitta-NT

The Way International Research Team, The Concordance to the Peshitta Version of the Aramaic New Testament. . New Knoxville: , 1985. Peshitta-NT

Aland, Barbara, Das Neue Testament in syrischer àœberlieferung I: Die GroàŸen Katholischen Briefe. ANTT 7 . Berlin and New York: , 1986. Peshitta-NT

Falla, T.C., "Questions Concerning the Content and Implications of the Lexical Work, A Key to the Peshitta Gospels." Syriacum 6 (1992): 85–99. Peshitta-NT

Luzârraga, J., "Las versiones siríacas del Magníficat." EstBib 50 (1992): 103–22. New Testament Peshitta-NT

Anonymous, Enlightenment. Enlightenment from the Aramaic: Selected Passages from the Khabouris Manuscript, and Ancient Text of the Syriac New Testament. . Grants Pass, OR: Foundation of Human Understanding, 1993. Peshitta-NT

Kiraz, G.A.,, A Computer-Generated Concordance to the Syriac New Testament: According to the British and Foreign Bible Society's Edition: Based on the SEDRA Database. . Leiden: Brill, 1993. Peshitta-NT

Kiraz, G.A., Lexical Tools to the Syriac New Testament. JSOT Manuals 7. Sheffield: JSOT Press, 1994. Lexicography Syriac Peshitta-NT

Lyon, J.P., Syriac Gospel Translations: A Comparison of the Language and Tradition Method Used in the Old Syriac, the Diatessaron, and the Peshitto. CSCO . Louvain: Peeters, 1994. Peshitta-NT

Aland, Barbara, Aland, Kurt, Mink, Gerd and Wachtel, Klaus, Novum Testamentum Graecum. Editio Critica Maior. IV. Die Katholischen Briefe. 1. Lieferung: Der Jakobusbrief. . Stuttgart: Deutsche Bibelgesellschaft, 1997. Peshitta-NT

Joosten, Jan, "La tradition syriaque des évangiles et la question du "substrat araméen"." RHPR 77 (1997): 257–72. New Testament Peshitta-NT

Brock, Sebastian P., "Translating the New Testament into Syriac (Classical and Modern)," in Krasovec, J., ed., The Interpretation of the Bible: The International Symposium in Slovenia, JSOTSup . Sheffield, UK: Academic, 1998. Pp. 371–85. Peshitta-NT ModAram

Böhm, T., "Bemerkungen zu den syrischen àœbersetzungen des Johannesprologs." ZNW 89 (1998): 45–65. OldSyrGospels.John Peshitta-NT

Thielman, Frank, "The Place of the Apocalypse in the Canon of St. Gregory Nazianzen." TynBul 49/1 (1998): 155–57. Peshitta-NT Harclean DionysiusSalibi

Baarda, T., "Nomikos in Syriac Texts." NovT 41 (1999): 383–389. Peshitta-NT nwmyq N nymws N

Simonet, J.-L., "Les citations des Actes des Apôtres dans les chapitres édités de Ketâbâ derēš mellē de Jean Bar Penkaye." Muséon 114 (2001): 97–119. Peshitta-NT Acts

Aland, Barbara and Juckel, Andreas, Das Neue Testament in syrischer àœberlieferung, II. Die paulinischen Briefe. ANTF 32. Berlin: Walter de Gruyter, 2002. Peshitta-NT

Olsson, B., "The Canticle of the Heavenly Host (Luke 2.14) in History and Culture." NTS 50 (2004): 147–66. Peshitta-NT OldSyrGospels.Luke

Weinberg, Joanna, Azariah de' Rossi's Observations on the Syriac New Testament: A Critique of the Vulgate by a Sixteenth-Century Jew. Warburg Institute Studies and Texts . London and Turin: Warburg Institute and Nino Aragno Editore, 2005. Peshitta-NT

Brock, Sebastian P., "Review of P. J. Williams, Early Syriac Translation Technique and the Textual Criticism of the Greek Gospels (Piscataway, NJ: Gorgias Press, 2004)." JTS 56 (2005): 622–24. Peshitta-NT

Juckel, Andreas, "The 'Syriac Masora' and the New Testament Peshitta," in ter Haar Romeny, R.B., The Peshitta: Its Use in Literature and Liturgy, MPIL 15. Leiden: Brill, 2006. Pp. 107-21. Peshitta-NT

Petersen, W.L., "Problems in the Syriac New Testament and How Syrian Exegetes Solved Them," in ter Haar Romeny, R.B., The Peshitta: Its Use in Literature and Liturgy, MPIL 15. Leiden: Brill, 2006. Pp. 53-74. Peshitta-NT

Varghese, Baby, "Peshitta New Testament Quotations in the West Syrian Anaphoras: Some General Observations," in Romeny, R.B. ter Haar, The Peshitta: Its Use in Literature and Liturgy, MPIL 15. Leiden: Brill, 2006. Pp. 379-89. Peshitta-NT Liturgy

Williams, P.J., "Review of Joanna Weinberg, Azariah de' Rossi's Observations on the Syriac New Testament (London and Turin: Warburg Institute and Aragno Editore, 2005)." Hugoye 9/1 (2006): . Peshitta-NT

Lund, Jerome A., "Translation Features of the Peshitta Epistle of James." Teologia i Człowiek 48 (2019): 127–44. Peshitta-NT TranslationTechnique

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