CAL Bibliography output

CAL Bibliography for BADan


Bertholdt, L., , Daniel aus dem Hebräisch-Aramäischen neu übersetzt und erklärt mit einer vollständigen Einleitung und einigen historischen und exegetischen Excursen, . Erlangen: Palm, 1806. Pp. . BADan

Barnes, A., , Notes, critical, illustrative and practical, on the Book of Daniel with an introductory dissertation, . New York: Leavitt and Allen, 1853. Pp. . BADan

Merx, A., , Cur in libro Danielis iuxta Hebraeam Aramaea adhibita sit dialectus explicatur, . Jena: Typus Ratii, 1865. Pp. . BADan

Baer, S., , Libri Danielis, Ezrae et Nehemiae, . Leipzig: Tauchnitz, 1882. Pp. . BADan

Keil, C.F., The Book of the Prophet Daniel. . Edinburgh: Clark, 1884. BADan

Fuller, J.M., "The Book of Daniel in the Light of Recent Research and Discoverys." Expositor ser. 3, vol. 1 (1885): 217–25; 431-38. BADan

Clermont-Ganneau, Charles, "Manâ Thécel Pharès et le festin de Balthasar." JA 8/8 (1886): 36–67. BADan

Nöldeke, Theodor, "Mene tekel upharsin." ZA 1 (1886): 414–18. BADan

Derenbourg, H., "The Greek Words in the Book of Daniel." Hebraica 4 (1887): 407–17. BADan

Bevan, A.A., , A Short Commentary on the Book of Daniel, . Cambridge: Cambridge Univ. Press, 1892. Pp. . BADan

Prince, J.D., , Mene Mene Tekel Upharsin: An Historical Study of the Fifth Chapter of Daniel, . Baltimore: Author, 1893. Pp. . BADan

Thomson, J.E. H., "The Chaldee of Daniel compared with that of the Targums." The Thinker 4 (1893): 486–93. BADan

Behrmann, G., Das Buch Daniel. HKAT [Nowack] . Göttingen: Vandenhoeck and Ruprecht, 1894. BADan

Gunkel, H., , Schöpfung und Chaos in Urzeit und Endzeit, . Göttingen: Vandenhoeck and Ruprecht, 1895. Pp. . BADan

Kamphausen, A., The Book of Daniel. The Sacred Books of the Old Testament 18. Leipzig: J. C. Hinrichs, 1896. BADan

Peters, J.P., "Notes on the Old Testament." JBL 15 (1896): 106–17. BADan

Prince, J.D., , A Critical Commentary on the Book of Daniel, . Leipzig: J. C. Hinrichs, 1899. Pp. . BADan

Cook, S.A., "The Articles of Dress in Dan 3:21." Journal of Philology 26 (1899): 306–11. BA BADan

Driver, S.R., The Book of Daniel. The Cambridge Bible for Schools and Colleges . Cambridge: Cambridge Univ. Press, 1900. BADan

Marti, K., Das Buch Daniel. Kurzer Hand-Commentar zum Alten Testament 18. Tübingen: J. C. B. Mohr, 1901. BADan

König, E., "Mene Mene Tekel." Neue kirchliche Zeitschrift 12 (1901): 957. BADan

Margoliouth, D.S., "The Greek Words in Daniel." ET (1901): 237–38. Vocab BADan

Preiswerk, H., , Der Sprachenwechsel im Buche Daniel, . Bern: Berner Tagblatt, 1902. Pp. . BADan

Torrey, C.C., "Notes on the Aramaic Part of Daniel." Transactions of the Connecticut Academy of Arts and Sciences 15 (1909): 239–82. BADan

Wilson, R.D., "The Aramaic of Daniel." Pp. 261–306 In Biblical and Theological Studies by the Members of the Faculty of Princeton Theological Seminary. , New York: Scribner, 1912. BADan

Ehrlich, A.B., Randglossen zur Hebräischen Bibel. Textkritisches, sprachliches und sachliches. 7. Band: Hohes Lied, Ruth, Klaglieder, Koheleth, Esther, Daniel, Ezra, Nehemia, Könige, Chronik: Nachträge und Gesamtregister. . Leipzig: Hinrichs, 1914. BADan BAEzra

Boutflower, C., "The Historical Value of Daniel V and VI." JTS 17 (1916): 43–60. BADan

Hölscher, G., "Die Entstehung des Buches Daniel." Theologische Studien und Kritiken 92 (1919): 113–38. BADan

Haller, M., "Das Alter von Daniel 7." Theologische Studien und Kritiken 93 (1920-21): 83–87. BADan

Tisdall, W.S. C., "The Book of Daniel: Some Linguistic Evidence regarding its Date." Journal of Transactions of the Victoria Institute 53 (1921): 206–45. BADan

Tisdall, W.S. C., "Egypt and the Book of Daniel." Expositor (1921a): 340–57. BADan

Boutflower, C., , In and Around the Book of Daniel, . London: SPCK, 1923. Pp. . BADan

Marti, K., "Das Buch Daniel." Pp. 456–90 In Die Heilige Schrift des Alten Testaments. Kautzsch, E.Bertholet, A., ed. Tübingen: J. C. B. Mohr, 1923. BADan

Rowley, H.H., "The Belshazzar of Daniel and of History." Expositor 9/2 (1924): 182–95; 255-72. BADan

Albright, W.F., "The Conquests of Nabonidus in Arabia." JRAS (1925): 293–95. BADan

Bauer, H., "Menetekel." Pp. 27–30 In Vierter deutscher Münzforschertag zu Halle (Salle): Festgabe den Teilnehmern gewidmet. , : , 1925. BADan

Dix, G.H., "The Influence of Babylonian Ideas on Jewish Messianism." JTS 26 (1925): 241–56. BADan

Baumgartner, W., , Das Buch Daniel, . Giessen: Töpelmann, 1926. Pp. . BADan

Gall, A.F. von, , Basileia tou Theou. Heidelberg: C. Winter's Universitätsbuchhandlung, 1926. BADan

Baumgartner, W., "Neues keilschriftliches Material zum Buche Daniel?." ZAW 44 n.s.3 (1926a): 38–56. BADan

Driver, G.R., "The Aramaic of the Book of Daniel." JBL 45 (1926a): 110–119. BADan

Montgomery, James A., A Critical and Exegetical Commentary on the Book of Daniel. ICC . New York: Scribner, 1927. BADan

Joüon, P., "Notes sur quelques versets araméens de Daniel et d'Esdras." Bib 8 (1927): 182–87. BADan BAEzra

Procksch, O., "Der Menschensohn als Gottessohn." Christentum und Wissenschaft 3 (1927): 425–43. BADan

Baumgartner, W., "Das Aramäische im Buche Daniel." ZAW 4 (1927a): 81–133. BADan Grammar

Goettsberger, J., Das Buch Daniel. Die Heilige Schrift des Alten Testamentes 8/2. Bonn: P. Hanstein, 1928. BADan

Alfrink, B., "Der letzte König von Babylon." Bib 9 (1928): 187–205. BADan

Rowley, H.H., "'The Chaldeans' in the Book of Daniel." ExpTim 39 (1928): 188–89. BADan

Taylor, W.R., "Modern Criticism and the Book of Daniel." Canadian Journal of Religious Thought 6 (1928): 426–37. Literature BADan

Alfrink, B., "Darius Medus." Bib 9 (1928a): 316–40. BADan

Charles, R.H., , A Critical and Exegetical Commentary on the Book of Daniel, . Oxford: Clarendon, 1929. Pp. . BADan

Dougherty, R.P., Nabonidus and Belshazzar: a Study of the Closing Events of the Neo-Babylonian Empire. Yale Oriental Series, Researches vol. 15. New Haven: Yale University, 1929. BADan

Kuhl, C., , Die drei Männer im Feuer, . Berlin: Töpelmann, 1930. Pp. . BADan

Rowley, H.H., "The Historicity of the Fifth Chapter of Daniel." JTS 32 (1930-31): 12–31. BADan

Boutflower, C., , Dadda-'Idri; or, The Aramaic of the Book of Daniel, . London: SPCK, 1931. Pp. . BADan

Nyberg, H., "Ein iranisches Wort im Buche Daniel." Le Monde Oriental 25 (1931): 178–204. BADan

Eerdmans, B.D., "Origin and Meaning of the Aramaic Part of Daniel." Pp. 198–202 In Actes du XVIIIe Congrès International des Orientalistes. , Leiden: Brill, 1932. BADan

Eissfeldt, O., "Baal Zaphon, Zeus Kasios und der Durchzug des Israeliten durchs Meer." Pp. 25–27 In Beiträge zur Religions-geschichte des Altertums. , Halle (Saale): Niemeyer, 1932. BADan

Rowley, H.H., "The Bilingual Problem of Daniel." ZAW n.s. 9 (1932): 256–68. BADan

Kraeling, E.G., "Some Babylonian and Iranian Mythology in the Seventh Chapter of Daniel." Pp. 228–31 In Oriental Studies in Honour of Cursetji Erachji Pavry. Pavry, J.D. C., ed. London: Oxford Univ. Press, 1933. BADan

Rowley, H.H., "Early Aramaic Dialects and the Book of Daniel." JRAS (1933): 777–805. BADan

Messina, G., "L'antico arameo." Pp. 69–103 In Miscellanea Biblica. , Rome: Pontifical Biblical Institute, 1934. BADan LangGen

Stevenson, W.B., "The Identification of the Four Kingdoms of the Book of Daniel." Transactions of the Glasgow University Oriental Society 7 (1934-35): 4–8. BADan

Rowley, H.H., Darius the Mede and the Four World Empires in the Book of Daniel: A Historical Study of Contemporary Theories. . Cardiff: University of Wales, 1935. BADan

Linder, J., "Das Aramäische im Buche Daniel." ZKT 59 (1935): 503–45. BADan

Soden, W. von, "Eine babylonische Volksüberlieferung von Nabonid in den Danielerzählungen." ZAW 53 n.s.12 (1935): 81–89. BADan

Zimmermann, F., "The Aramaic Original of Daniel 8-12." JBL 57 (1938): 255–72. BADan AramaicOrigin

Baumgartner, W., "Ein Vierteljahrhundert Danielforschung." TRu 11 (1939): 59–83, 125-44, 201-28. BADan

Melkman, J., "Danià«l V." Nieuw theologisch tijdschrift 28 (1939): 143–50. BADan

Zimmermann, F., "Some Verses in Daniel in Light of a Translation Hypothesis." JBL 58 (1939): 349–54. BADan AramaicOrigin

Oppenheimer, A.L., "Deux notes de lexicographie accadienne." Or ns 9 (1940): 219–22. BADan

Swain, J.W., "The Theory of the Four Monarchies: Opposition History under the Roman Empire." Classical Philology 35 (1940): 1–21. BADan

Eitan, I., "Biblical Studies." HUCA 14 (1941): 1–22. BADan

Joüon, P., "Cinq imparfaits (yiqtul) remarquables dans l'araméen de Daniel (4, 8, 31, 33; 6, 20; 7, 16)." Bib 22 (1941): 21–24. BADan Grammar

Parker, P., "The Meaning of 'Son of Man'." JBL 60 (1941): 151–57. BADan

Kraeling, E.G., "The Handwriting on the Wall." JBL 63 (1944): 11–18. BADan

Torres, C., "Dan 5,30s en relación con la historia de Caldea." Boletín de la Universidad de Santiago de Compostela 43 (1944): 15–59. BADan

Baumgartner, W., "Zu den vier Reichen von Daniel 2." TZ 1 (1945): 17–22. BADan

Gruenthaner, M.J., "The Four Empires of Daniel." CBQ 8 (1946): 72–82; 201-12. BADan

Sparks, H.F. D., "On the Origin of `Darius the Mede' at Daniel V. 31." JTS 47 (1946): 41–46. BADan

Torrey, C.C., "Medes and Persians." JAOS 66 (1946): 1–15. BADan

Waterman, L., "A Gloss on Darius the Mede in Daniel 7, 5." JBL (1946): 59–61. BADan

Ginsberg, H.L., Studies in Daniel: Text and Studies of the Jewish Theological Seminary of America. . New York: Jewish Theological Seminary, 1948. BADan

Hospers, J.H., , Twee Problemen betreffende het Aramees van het Boek Danià«l, . : . [Inaugural Lecture, Rijksuniversiteit te Groningen], 1948. Pp. . BADan

Lattey, C., , The Book of Daniel, . Dublin: Browne and Nolan, 1948. Pp. . BADan

Furlani, G., "Aram. גזרין = scongiuratori." AANL Rendiconti ser. 8, vol. 3 (1948): 177–96. BADan gzr#2 N

Sjöberg, E., "Människosonen och Israel i Dan 7 [Filius hominis et Israel in Dan 7]." Religion och Bibel 7 (1948): 1–16. BADan

Gruenthaner, M.J., "The Last King of Babylon." CBQ (1949): 406–27. BADan

Guglielmo, A. de, "Dan. 5:25-An Example of a Double Literal Sense." CBQ 11 (1949): 202–6. BADan

Rosenthal, Franz, "Review of Studies in Daniel, by H. L. Ginsberg." JAOS 69 (1949): 173–74. BADan

Manson, T.W., "The Son of Man in Daniel, Henoch and the Gospels." BJRL 32 (1949-50): 171–93. BADan

Steinmann, J., , Daniel, . Paris: Cerf, 1950. Pp. . BADan

Alexander, J.B., "New Light on the Fiery Furnace." JBL 69 (1950): 375–76. BADan

Audet, J.-P., "A Hebrew-Aramaic List of Books of the Old Testament in Greek Transcription." JTS n.s. 1 (1950): 135–54. BADan LangGen

Bentzen, A., "Daniel 6. Ein Versuch zur Vorgeschichte einer Märtyrerlegende." Pp. 58–64 In Festschrift Alfred Bertholet zum 80. Geburtstag gewidmet von Kollegen und Freunden. , Tübingen: J. C. B. Mohr, 1950. BADan

Eising, H., "Gottesoffenbarung bei Daniel im Rahmen der atl. Theophanie." Pp. 62–73 In Alttestamentliche Studien F. Nötscher zum 60. Geburtstag 19. Juli 1950 gewidmet von Kollegen, Freunden und Schülern. , Bonn: P. Hanstein, 1950. BADan

Sjöberg, E., "Uttrycket 'Människoson' i Gamla testamentet [The expression 'Son of Man' in the Old Testament]." Svensk TKv 26 (1950): 35–44. BADan

Cassin, E., "Daniel dans la 'fosse' aux lions." RHR 139 (1951): 129–61. BADan

Eissfeldt, O., "Die Menetekel-Inschrift und ihre Deutung." ZAW 63 n.s. 22 Heft 1/2 (1951): 105–14. BADan

Morenz, S., "Das Tier mit den Hörnern, ein Beitrag zu Dan 7.7f." ZAW 63 (1951): 151–54. BADan

Saydon, P.P., "The Interpretation of Daniel 5, 30-31." Scripture 4 (1951): 362–63. BADan

Bentzen, A., Daniel. HAT 19. Tübingen: J. C. B. Mohr, 1952. BADan

Schneider, H., Das Buch Daniel. Herders Bibelkommentar 9/2. Freiburg: Herder, 1952. BADan

Torrey, C.C., "Ein griechisch transkribiertes und interpretiertes hebräisch-aramäisches Verzeichnis der Bücher des Alten Testaments aus dem 1. Jahrhundert n. Chr.." TLZ 77 (1952): 249–54. BADan

Feuillet, A., "Le Fils de l'Homme de Daniel et la tradition biblique." RB n.s. 60 (1953): 170–202; 321-46. BADan

Grill, S., "Die drei Männer im Feuer (Dan 3)." Oberrheinisches Pastoralblatt 54 (1953): 22–27. BADan

Augé, R., Daniel. La Biblia de Montserrat 15/2. Montserrat: Monastery of Montserrat, 1954. BADan

Alt, A., "Zur Menetekel-Inschrift." VT 4 (1954): 303–5. BADan

Knauer, G.N., "sarabara." Glotta 33 (1954): 100–118. BADan

Nelis, J.T., "De vier wereldrijken in het Boek Danieël." Bijdragen 15 (1954): 349–62. BADan

Vogt, E., "Ex novis documentis aramaicis." Bib 35 (1954): 266–68. Elephantine TADB3.10 TADB3.11 TADB3.12 BADan

Galling, K., "Die 62 Jahre des Meders Darius in Dan 6,1." ZAW 66 n.s. 25 (1954a): 152. BADan

Caquot, André, "Sur les quatre bētes de Daniel VII." Sem 5 (1955): 5–13. BADan

Coppens, J., "Le messianisme sapiential el les origines littéraires du Fils de l'Homme daniélique." Pp. 33–41 In Wisdom in Israel and in the Ancient Near East: Presented to Professor Harold Henry Rowley. Noth, M.Thomas, D. Winton, ed. Leiden: Brill, 1955. BADan

Couroyer, B., "Lḥn: chantre?." VT 5 (1955): 83–88. BADan

Noth, M., "Die Heiligen des Höchsten." Norsk Teologisk Tidskrift 56 (1955): 146–61. BADan

Rabinowitz, J.J., "A Legal Formula in the Susa Tablets, in an Egyptian Document of the Twelfth Dynasty, in the Aramaic Papyri, and in the Book of Daniel." Bib 36 (1955): 74–77. TADB2.3 BADan

Sanders, B.G., "The Burning Fiery Furnace." Theology 58 (1955): 240–45. BADan

Segall, B., "The Arts and King Nabonidus." AJA 59 (1955): 315–18. BADan

Heaton, E.W., The Book of Daniel. Torch Bible Commentaries . London: SCM, 1956. BADan

Milik, J.T., "'Prière de Nabonide' et autres écrits d'un cycle de Daniel: Fragments araméens de Qumrân 4." RB 63 (1956): 407–415. 4QPrNab 4Q242 4QpsDan ara 4Q243 4QpsDan arb 4Q244 4QpsDan arc 4Q245 4QTob arb 4Q196 4QFourKgdmsa 4Q552 BADan

Siegman, E.F., "The Stone Hewn from the Mountain: Daniel 2." CBQ 18 (1956): 364–79. BADan

Albright, W.F., From the Stone Age to Christianity: Monotheism and the Historical Process. . Baltimore: Johns Hopkins Univ. Press, 1957. TADC1.1 BADan

Cavalletti, S., "Ebraico biblico ed ebraico mishnico." Sef 17 (1957): 122–29. BADan

Freedman, D.N., "The Prayer of Nabonidus." BASOR 145 (1957): 31–32. BADan 4QPrNab 4Q242

Gevaryahu, H.M. I., "תפילת נבונאיד ממגילות מדבר יהודה: Lectures Delivered at the Third Annual Conference (1957) in Memory of E. L. Sukenik," in Liver, J., עיונים במגילות מדבר יהודה [The Qumran Fragment of the Prayer of Nabonidus] , . Jerusalem: Kiryat Sepher, 1957. Pp. 12-23. 4QprNab BADan

Gevirtz, S., "On the Etymology of the Phoenician Particleˁ€š ." JNES 16 (1957): 124–27. BADan

Wilson, J.V. K., "Two Medical Texts from Nimrud (continued)." Iraq 19 (1957): 40–49. BADan

Vergote, J., "Note sur ESHF." Journal of Juristic Papyrology 11-12 (1957-58): 93–96. BADan

Young, E.J., , Daniel's Vision of the Son of Man. London: Tyndale, 1958. BADan

Cameron, G.G., "Persepolis Treasury Tablets Old and New." JNES 17 (1958): 161–76. BADan

Emerton, John Adney, "The Origin of the Son of Man Imagery." JTS n.s. 9 (1958): 225–42. BADan

Gadd, C. J., "The Harran Inscriptions of Nabonidus." Anatolian Studies 8 (1958): 35–92. 4QprNab BADan

Rost, L., "Zur Deutung des Menschensohnes in Dan 7." Pp. 41–43 In Gott und die Götter: Festschrift E. Fascher. Delling, G., ed. Berlin: Evangelische Verlaganstalt, 1958. BADan

Vattioni, F., "Dan 3.8; 6.25 e i testi di Mari." RivB 6 (1958): 371. BADan

Eichrodt, W., "Zum Problem des Menschensohnes." EvT 19 (1959): 1–3. BADan

Frank, R.M., "The Description of the 'Bear' in Dn 7,5." CBQ 21 (1959): 505–7. BADan

Ginsberg, H.L., "Notes on Some Old Aramaic Texts." JNES 18 (1959): 143–49. Elephantine BA BADan 1QapGen

Kruse, H., "Compositio libri Daniel et idea Filii Hominis." Verbum Domini 37 (1959): 147–61; 193-211. BADan

Emerton, John Adney, "The Participles in Daniel v.12." ZAW 72 n.s.31/3 (1960): 262–63. BADan

Muilenburg, J., "The Son of Man in Daniel and the Ethiopic Apocalypse of Enoch." JBL 79 (1960): 197–209. BADan New Testament

Nober, P., "Notula Lexicalis ad yeba`ôn, Dan 4,33." Verbum Domini 38 (1960): 35–37. BADan b(y V

Geiss, G., , Auf Messers Schneide: Eine Auslegung von Daniel 6-12., . Neukirchen: Erziehungsverein, 1961. Pp. . BADan

Coppens, J. and Dequeker, L., "Le Fils de l'homme et les saints du Très-Haut en Daniel, VII, dans les apocryphes et dans le Nouveau Testament." ALBO series 3, 23 (1961): 108. BADan

Morgenstern, J., "The ''Son of Man'' of Daniel 7 13f: A New Interpretation." JBL 80 (1961): 65–77, esp. 76. New Testament BADan

Rosén, H.B., "On the Use of the Tenses in the Aramaic of Daniel." JSS 6 (1961): 183–203. BADan

Zimmermann, F., "Hebrew Translation in Daniel." JQR 51 (1961): 198–208. BADan AramaicOrigin

Rinaldi, G., Daniele. La Sacra Bibbia . Turin: Marietti, 1962a. BADan

Soden, W. von, " izqātu,išqātu'Kettenringe', ein aramäisches Lehnwort." AfO 20 (1963): 155. BADan Loanwords (zqh N

Wehr, H., "Das 'Tor des Königs' im Buche Esther und verwandte Ausdrücke." Islam 39 (1964): 247–60. BADan

Plöger, O., Das Buch Daniel. KAT 18. Gütersloh: G. Mohn, 1965. BADan

Brekelmans, C., "The Saints of the Most High and Their Kingdom." OTS 14 (1965): 305–29. BADan

Kitchen, K.A., "The Aramaic of Daniel." Pp. 31–79 In Notes on Some Problems in the Book of Daniel. Wiseman, D.J., ed. London: Tyndale, 1965. BADan

Shaffer, A., "Hurrian *kirezzi, West-Semitic krz." Or 34 (1965): 32–34. BADan Vocab krz V

Beek, M.A., "Zeit, Zeiten und eine halbe Zeit." Pp. 19–24 In Studia biblica et semitica Theodoro Christiano Vriezen qui munere professoris theologiae per XXV annos functus est, ab amicis, collegis, discipulis dedicata. , Wageningen: H. Veenman en Zonen, 1966. BADan

Landels, J.G., "Ship-Shape and Sambuca-Fashion." JHS 86 (1966): 69–77. BADan

Rowley, H.H., "Review of 'The Aramaic of Daniel,' by K. A. Kitchen." JSS 11 (1966): 112–16. BADan

Caquot, André, "Les quatre bētes et le 'Fils d'homme' (Daniel 7)." Sem 17 (1967): 37–71. BADan

Hanhart, R., "Die Heiligen des Höchsten." Pp. 90–101 In Hebräische Wortforschung: Festschrift zum 80. Geburtstag von Walter Baumgartner. Hartmann, B., et al., ed. : , 1967. BADan

Schmitt, R., "Griech. maniakes--ein iranisches Lehnwort." Die Sprache 13 (1967): 61–4. BADan

Bergman, B.Z., "Han`el in Daniel 2:25 and 6:19." JNES 27 (1968): 69–70. BADan

Dexinger, F., Das Buch Daniel und seine Probleme. SBS 36. Stuttgart: Katholisches Bibelwerk, 1969. BADan

Rüger, H.P., "`Das Tor des Königs'-der königliche Hof." Bib 50 (1969): 247–50. BADan

Archer, G.L. Jr., "The Aramaic of the "Genesis Apocryphon" Compared with the Aramaic of Daniel," in Payne, J.B., ed., New Perspectives on the Old Testament. Waco, TX: Word Books, 1970. Pp. 160–69. 1QapGen BADan

Yamauchi, Edwin M., "The Greek Words in Daniel in the Light of Greek Influence in the Near East." Pp. 170–200 In New Perspectives on the Old Testament. Payne, J.B., ed. Waco, Texas: Word Books, 1970. BADan

Delcor, M., Le livre de Daniel. SB . Paris: Gabalda, 1971. BADan

Mertens, A., Das Buch Daniel im Lichte der Texte vom Toten Meer. SBM . Stuttgart: Katholisches Bibelwerk, 1971. BADan 1QDana 1Q71 1QDanb 1Q72 4QPrNab 4Q242 4QpsDan ara 4Q243

Müller, M., Messias og 'Menneskesøn' i Daniels Bog, Fà¸rste Enoksbog og Fjerde Ezrabog. Tekst og tolkning vol. 3. Copenhagen: Gad, 1972. BADan

Flusser, D., "The four empires in the Fourth Sibyl and in the Book of Daniel." IOS 2 (1972): 148–75. BADan

Morag, Shelomo, , The Book of Daniel: A Babylonian-Yemenite Manuscript, . Jerusalem: Kirjath Sepher, 1973. Pp. . BADan

Wood, L., , Commentary on Daniel, . Grand Rapids, Mich.: Zondervan, 1973. Pp. . BADan

Mastin, B.A., "Daniel 2.46 and the Hellenistic World." ZAW 85 (1973): 80–93. BADan

Coxon, Peter W., "Greek Loan-Words and Alleged Greek Loan Translations in the Book of Daniel." Transactions of the Glasgow University Oriental Society 25 (1973-74): 24–40. BA BADan Loanwords

Grelot, Pierre, "La Septante de Daniel IV et son substrat sémitique." RB 81 (1974): 5–23. BADan

Morag, Shelomo, "[A Babylonian-Yemenite Manuscript of the Book of Daniel]." Pp. 221–74, xx. In ספר זכרון לחנוך ילון. Kutscher, Eduard Yechezkel et al., ed. Ramat-Gan: Bar-Ilan Univ., 1974. BADan

Grelot, Pierre, "Le chapitre V de Daniel dans la Septante." Sem 24 (1974a): 45–66. BADan

Hasel, G.F., "The Identity of 'The Saints of the Most High' in Daniel 7." Bib 56 (1975): 173–92. BADan

Berger, K., Die griechische Daniel-Diegese: Eine altkirchliche Apokalypse: Text, àœbersetzung und Kommmentar. SPB 27. Leiden: Brill, 1976. BADan

Hammer, R., The Book of Daniel. The Cambridge Bible Commentary, NEB . Cambridge: Cambridge Univ. Press, 1976. BADan

Lacocque, A., Le livre de Daniel. Commentaire de l'Ancien Testament 15b. Neuchâtel: Delachaux et Niestlé, 1976. BADan

Schökel, L.A.Gonzalez, M.I.Mateos, J., Daniel. Los Libros Sagrados 18. Madrid: Cristiandad, 1976. BADan

Coxon, Peter W., "Daniel iii 17: A Linguistic and Theological Problem." VT 26 (1976): 400–409. BADan

Poythress, V.S., "The Holy Ones of the Most High in Daniel vii." VT 26 (1976): 208–13. BADan

Roca-Puig, R., "Daniele: Due semifogli del codice 967: P. Barc. inv. nn. 42 e 43." Aeg 56 (1976): 3–18. BADan

Sokoloff, Michael, " ˁamar neqēˁ, 'Lamb's Wool' (Dan 7:9)." JBL 95 (1976): 277–79. BADan nqy N

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