CAL Bibliography for ActsOfThomas


Kruze, H., "Zwei Geist-Epiklesen der syrischen Thomasakten." OrChr 69 (1985): 33–53. ActsOfThomas

Chalassery, Joseph, The Holy Spirit and Christian Initiation in the East Syrian Tradition. . Rome: Mar Thoma Yogam (St. Thomas Christian Fellowship), 1995. Syr.Liturgy Peshitta OTP.OdesSol Didascalia ActsOfThomas Aphrahat Ephrem Narsai OTP

Rose, Sophy, ""Give Me the Seal:" Theological Reflections on the Baptismal Texts of the Acts of Thomas." Christian Orient 8/4 (1997): 185–200. ActsOfThomas

Ferreira, J., The Hymn of the Pearl: The Syriac and Greek Texts with Introduction, Translations, and Notes. Early Christian Studies 3. Sydney: St. Paul's Publications and the Centre for Early Christian Studies, 2002. ActsOfThomas

Morrison, C.E., "The Text of the New Testament in the Acts of Judas Thomas," in ter Haar Romeny, R.B., The Peshitta: Its Use in Literature and Liturgy, MPIL 15. Leiden: Brill, 2006. Pp. 187-205. ActsOfThomas

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