CAL Bibliography for Ephrem


Baumstark, Anton, "Zur Geschichte des Tatiantextes vor Aphrem." OrChr 3 ser. 8 (1933): 1–12. Diatessaron Ephrem

Leloir, Louis, Commentaire de l'Évangile concordant. Corpus scriptorum Christianorum orientalium 2 v. in 1. Louvain: L. Durbecq, 1953-4. Ephrem

Murray, Robert, "The Theory of Symbolism in St. Ephrem's Theology." Parole de l'Orient 6-7 (1975-1976): 1–20. Ephrem

Yousif, Pierre, "Symbolisme christologique dans la Bible et dans la nature chez S. Ephrem de Nisibe." Parole de l'Orient 8 (1977-1978): 5–66. Ephrem Vocab

Kronholm, T., Motifs from Genesis 1-11 in the Genuine Hymns of Ephrem the Syrian. Coniectanea Biblica - Old Testament Series 11. Lund: Glerrup, 1978. Ephrem

Beck, E., Syr Ephrem Syrus. Sermones in Hebdomadam Sanctam. CSCO 412. Louvain: Peeters, 1979. Ephrem

Noujaïm, Guy, "Essai sur quelques aspects de la philosophie d'Ephrem de Nisibe." Parole de l'Orient 9 (1979-1980): 27–50. Ephrem qnwm N )tr N

Beck, E., "Die konditionale Periode in der Sprache Ephraems des Syrers." OrChr 64 (1980): 1–31. Ephrem Grammar

Beck, E., "Grammatisch-syntaktische Studien zur Sprache Ephraems des Syrers." OrChr 68 (1984-1985): 1–26; 69:1-32. Ephrem Grammar

bou Mansour, Tanios, "La liberté chez Saint Ephrem le syrien." Parole de l'Orient 12 (1984-1985): 3–89. Ephrem Vocab pr$ V pwr$n N kyn N hyl) N

Beck, E., "Besra (sarx) and pagrâ (sо̄ma) bei Ephräm dem Syrers." OrChr 70 (1986): 1–22. Ephrem bsr N pgr N

Yousif, Pierre, "Exégèse et typologie bibliques chez S. Ephrem de Nisibe et chez S. Thomas d'Aquin." Parole de l'Orient 13 (1986): 31–50. Ephrem Vocab

Leloir, Louis, "Le Commentaire d'Ephrem sur le Diatessaron. Quarante et un folios retrouvés." RB 94 (1987): 481–518. Ephrem

bou Mansour, Tanios, "à‰tude de la terminologie symbolique chez Saint à‰phrem." Parole de l'Orient XIV (1987): 221–62. Ephrem Vocab Twps N rz N dmw N clm N pl)h N ns N mxzy N

bou Mansour, Tanios, "Analyse de quelques termes christologiques chez Ephrem." Parole de l'Orient XV (1988-1989): 3–19. Ephrem Vocab xwlTn N mwzg N $wxlp N

McVey, K. E., Ephrem the Syrian: Hymns. Classics of Western Spirituality . New York/Newark, NJ: Paulist, 1989. Ephrem

Leloir, Louis, Saint à‰phrem: Commentaire de l'à‰vangile Concordant: Texte Syriaque (Manuscrit Chester Beatty 709), Folios Additionnels. Chester Beatty Monographs . Leuven and Paris: Peeters Press, 1990. Ephrem Diatesseron

Brock, Sebastian P., "A Brief Guide to the Main Editions and Translations of the Works of St. Ephraem." The Harp 3 (1990): 7–30. Ephrem

Botha, P. J., "The Rhetoric Function of Polarity in One of Ephrem the Syrian's Hymns on the Church." JS 3 (1991): 188–201. Ephrem

McCarthy, C., St. Ephrem's Commentary on Tatian's Diatessaron: An English Translation of Chester Beatty MS 709 with Introduction and Notes. JSS Sup . Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press, 1993. Ephrem Diatessaron

Bundy, D., "Revisiting the Diatessaron against the Manichaeans: Ephrem of Syria on John 1:4." Aram 5/1-2 (1993): 65–74. Ephrem

Kathauer, K. T., "The Self-Revealing God and Man in Ephrem." Harp 6 (1993): 233–48. Ephrem

Chalassery, Joseph, The Holy Spirit and Christian Initiation in the East Syrian Tradition. . Rome: Mar Thoma Yogam (St. Thomas Christian Fellowship), 1995. Syr.Liturgy Peshitta OTP.OdesSol Didascalia ActsOfThomas Aphrahat Ephrem Narsai OTP

Cerbelaud, D., "L'Antijudaïsme dans les hymnes De Pascha d'Ephrem le Syrien." Parole de l'Orient 20 (1995): 201–7. Ephrem

Brock, Sebastian P., "Greek Words In Ephrem and Narsai: A Comparative Sampling." Aram 11-12 (The Mandaeans, Antioch & Edessa & Cultural Interchange in the Arabian Peninsula) (1999-2000): 439–449. Interf Ephrem Narsai

Rodrigues Pereira, A.S., "Word Play in the Hymns of Ephrem the Syrian," in Noegel, S.B., Puns and Pundits : Word Play in the Hebrew Bible and ancient Near Eastern literature. Bethesda, MD: CDL Press, 2000. Ephrem

Brock, Sebastian P. and Kiraz, G.A., Ephrem the Syrian: Select Poems. Eastern Christian Texts 2. Provo, Utah: Brigham Young University Press, 2006. Ephrem kwyl N rz N

Lange, Ch., "Ephrem, his School, and the Yawnaya: Some Remarks on the Early Syriac Versions of the New Testament," in ter Haar Romeny, R.B., The Peshitta: Its Use in Literature and Liturgy, MPIL 15. Leiden: Brill, 2006. Pp. 159-75. Peshitta Ephrem OldSyrGospels

Lund, Jerome A., "Observations on Some Biblical Citations in Ephrem’s Commentary on Genesis." AS 4.2 (2006): 205–18. Ephrem Peshitta

Stevenson, Paul S., Stanzaic syntax in the Madrashe of Ephrem the Syrian. Monographs of the Peshitta Institute Leiden. Studies in the Syriac versions of the Bible and their cultural contexts 22. Leiden: Brill, 2016. Syriac Ephrem

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