CAL Bibliography for Syr.Liturgy


van Overstraeten, Jeanne-Ghislaine, "Les liturgies nuptiales des églises de langue syriaque et le mystère de l'église-épouse." Parole de l'Orient 8 (1977-1978): 235–310. Syr.Liturgy Vocab

Obeid, Joseph, "Un sedro d-ḥussoyo pénitentiel de l'office commun maronite. ɉtude critique, traduction française et commentaire." Parole de l'Orient 9 (1979-1980): 183–204. Syr.Liturgy Vocab sdr N xwsy N

Brock, Sebastian P., The Church's bridal feast: a Syriac hymn for epiphany. . Oxford: Jericho, 1992. Syr.Liturgy

Thekeparampil, J., "The Prayer for the Departed in the West Syriac Library." Harp 5 (1992): 203–12. Syr.Liturgy

Chalassery, Joseph, The Holy Spirit and Christian Initiation in the East Syrian Tradition. . Rome: Mar Thoma Yogam (St. Thomas Christian Fellowship), 1995. Syr.Liturgy Peshitta OTP.OdesSol Didascalia ActsOfThomas Aphrahat Ephrem Narsai OTP

Madey, John, "Review of The Holy Spirit and Christian Initiation in the East Syrian Tradition, by Joseph Chalassery; Heaven on Earth: The Theology of Liturgical Spacetime in the East Syrian Qurbana, by Pauly Maniyattu." Christian Orient 8/3 (1997): 167–68. Syr.Liturgy

Poovathanikunnel, Thomas, "A Methodology for Syro-Malabar Sacramentology." Christian Orient 8/3 (1997): 156–66. Syr.Liturgy Vocab

Varghese, Baby, "The Liturgies of the Syriac Churches," in King, Daniel, The Syriac World, . London and New York: Routledge, 2019. Pp. 391-404. Syr.Liturgy

Maniyattu, Pauly, Heaven on Earth: The Theology of Liturgical Spacetime in the East Syrian Qurbana. . Rome: Mar Thoma Yogam (St. Thomas Christian Fellowship), [1995]. Syr.Liturgy

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