CAL Bibliography for Had


Sachau, E., "Zur historischen Geographie von Nordsyrien." SPAW 21 (1892): 313–38. Arameans Zak Pan Had

Belger, C., "Sendschirli II." Berliner philologische Wochenschrift 13 (1893): 355–56, 385-88. Had Pan

Derenbourg, H., "Pînamou, fils de Karîl." REJ 26 (1893): 135–38. Pan Had Onomastics

Halévy, J., "Deux inscriptions sémitiques de Zindjîrlî." RevSém 1 (1893): 77–90. Had Pan BarRak.2

Luschan, F. von, "Fünf Bildwerke aus Gerdschin." Pp. In Ausgrabungen in Sendschirli, I. , Berlin: W. Spemann, 1893. Had BarRak.1 BarRak.2

Müller, D.H., "Die altsemitischen Inschriften von Sendschirli." WZKM 7 (1893): 33–70, 113-40. Sam'al Pan Had BarRak

Nöldeke, Theodor, "Bemerkungen zu den aramäischen Inschriften von Sendschirli." ZDMG 47 (1893): 96–105. Sam'al Pan Had

Sayce, A.H., "The Aramaean Inscriptions of Sinjerli and the Name of the Jews." The Academy 44 (1893): 16. Had Pan

Winckler, H., "Das syrische Land Jaudi und der angebliche Azarja von Juda." Pp. 1–23 In Altorientalische Forschungen. , Leipzig: Pfeiffer, 1893. Had

Halévy, J., "Les deux inscriptions hétéennes de Zindjîrlî." RevSém 1 (1893-94): 138–67, 218-58, 319-36; 2:25-60. Had Pan BarRak.1 BarRak.3 Sam'al Arameans

Winckler, H., "Zu den Inschriften aus Sendschirli-Gerdschin." Pp. 105–7 In Altorientalische Forschungen. , : , 1893a. Had Pan

Goeje, M.J. de, "Mededeeling over de opgravingen te Sendjirli." Pp. (32)–(39) In Verslagen en Mededeelingen der Koninklijke Akademie van Wetenschappen te Amsterdam, Afdeeling Letterskunde. , Amsterdam: Noord-Hollandsche Uitgeversmaatschappij, 1894. Had Pan

Jastrow, Marcus, "The Excavations at Sendschirli, and Some of Their Bearings on the Old Testament." BW 3 (1894): 406–16. Had Pan BarRak

Müller, D.H., "The Excavations at Sendschirli." The Contemporary Review 65 (1894): 563–75. Had Pan

Schmidt, N., "Immortality and the Hadad Statue." JBL 13 (1894): 16–18. Religion Had

Steindorff, G., "Deutsche Ausgrabungen im Orient." Deutsche Rundschau 78 (1894): 453–57. Had Pan BarRak

Prâšek, J.V., "Nâlezy Sendžirlskév Berlínském musei." [The discoveries from Zenjirli at the Berlin Museum] Zlatâ Praha 12 (1895): 82–83, 91-93. Had Pan

Troickiy, J.G., "[no title]." Christianskoye C$tenie 75 (1895): 422–30. Pan Had

Conder, C., "The Syrian Language." PEFQS 28 (1896): 60–78. Sam'al Pan Had

Strack, H.L., "Zum Kenntnis des älteren aramäisch." Theologisches Literaturblatt 17 (1896): 153–58. Had Pan

Halévy, J., "Nouvel examen des inscriptions de Zindjirli." RevSém 7 (1899): 333–55. Sam'al Pan Had BarRak

Sarauw, C., "Zu den Inschriften von Sendschirli." ZA 20 (1907): 59–67. Sam'al Pan Had

Schiffer, S., , Die Aramäer: Historisch-geographische Untersuchungen, . Leipzig: J. C. Hinrichs, 1911. Pp. . Arameans Sam'al Pan Had LionWts

Montgomery, James A., "Babylonian niš 'oath' in West-Semitic." JAOS 37 (1917): 329–30. Had

Kraeling, E.G., Aram and Israel; or the Aramaeans in Syria and Mesopotamia. CUOS 13. New York: Columbia Univ., 1918. Arameans Zak Pan BarH Had

Luckenbill, D.D., "Azariah of Judah." AJSL 41 (1925): 217–32. Had

Friedrich, J., "Zu den kleinasiatischen Personnennamen mit dem Element muwa." Pp. 359–78 In Kleinasiatische Forschungen. Sommer, F.Ehelof, H., ed. Weimar: Böhlau, 1930. Onomastics Pan Had

Poebel, A., Das appositionell bestimmte Pronomen der 1. Pers. Sing. in den westsemitischen Inschriften und im Alten Testament. Oriental Institute of the University of Chicago, Assyriological Studies 3. Chicago: Univ. of Chicago Press, 1932. KLMW Pronoun Had BarRak.1 BarRak.4

Montgomery, James A., "Notes on Early Aramaic Inscriptions." JAOS 54 (1934): 421–25. Had Sf Pan

Böhl, F.M. T. de Liagre, Der babylonische Fürstenspiegel. MAOG . : , 1937. Had

Driver, G.R., "Brief Notes." PEQ (1945): 5–14 + 1 pl.. Had BabBr BarRak Nerab Stelae Teima SealsOf AGironOstr

Elliger, K., "Sam'al und Hamat in ihrem Verhältnis zu Hattina, Unqi und Arpad: Ein Beitrag zur Territorialgeschichte der nordsyrischen Staaten im 9. und 8. Jahrhundert v. Chr.." Pp. 69–108 In Festschrift Otto Eissfeldt zum 60. Geburtstage 1. September 1947. Dargebracht von Freunden und Verehrern. Fück, J., ed. Halle (Saale): Niemeyer, 1947. Arameans Sf.1 Sf.2 Sf.3 Had Zak

Landsberger, B., Samal: Studien zur Entdeckung der Ruinenstätte Karatepe. Veröffentlichungen der türkischen historischen Gesellschaft 7/16. Ankara: Türkische Historische Gesellschaft, 1948. Sam'al Pan Had BarRak Sf Sf.2 Sf KLMW

Bowman, R.A., "Arameans, Aramaic, and the Bible." JNES 7 (1948): 65–90. LangGen Pan Zak ElathOst Araq Had

Dupont-Sommer, A., Les Araméens. L'orient ancien illustré . Paris: Maisonneuve, 1949a. Arameans ArslanTash Arebsun Pan AssOstr Sf BarRak TADA1.1 Zak HamGr BarH BarRak Nerab Stelae Asok.6 TADA5.3 Had

Brockelmann, Carl, "Das Aramäische, einschliesslich des Syrischen." Pp. 135–62 In Semitistik. , Leiden: Brill, 1954. LangGen Pan Had

Moscati, S., "Il plurale esterno maschile nelle lingue semitiche." RSO 29 (1954): 28–52. Grammar Pan Had

Snijders, L.A., "The Meaning of זר in the Old Testament: An Exegetical Study." OTS 10 (1954): 1–154. Had

Galling, K., "Der Ehrenname Elisas und die Entrückung Elias." ZTK 53 (1956): 129–48. Had

Garbini, G., "Note aramaiche. 1: p >b in yaudico." Antonianum 31 (1956): 310–11. Grammar Had Sf Pan

Moscati, S., "Sulla posizione linguistica del semitico nord-occidentale." RSO 31 (1956a): 229–34. LangGen Pan Had

Garbini, G., "La congiunzione semitica *pa-." Bib 38 (1957): 419–27. Grammar Pan TADB1.1 Had

Kienast, B., "Das Possessivsuffix der 3. m. sg., am pluralischen Nomen des Maskulinum im Südostaramäischen." Münchener Studien zur Sprachwissenschaft 10 (1957): 72–76. Had

Vattioni, F., "Il dio Resheph." AION 15 (1965a): 39–74. Had

Greenfield, Jonas C., "קווים דיאלקטיים בארמית הקדומה." Leshonenu 32 (1967-1968): 359–68. LangGen Sf.1 Sf.2 Sf.3 Had )nky R gm c )p c hrg V mwdd N gbwl N mnh N $m N nb$#3 N qtl V )x N

Yadin, Y., "על סמלי האלים בשמאל בקארתאגו ובחצור." Yediot 31 (1967a): 29–63. KLMW BarRak BarRak.2 BarRak.7 BarRak.8 Pan Had

Garbini, G., "Studi aramaici, 1-2." AION 29 (1969b): 1–15. Had Pan Sf.1 Sf.2 Sf.3 Grammar

Greenfield, Jonas C., "Un rite religieux araméen et ses parallèles." RB 80 (1973): 46–52. Had

Tawil, H., "The End of the Hadad Inscription in the Light of Akkadian." JNES 32 (1973): 477–82. Had Sf.3

Dion, Paul-Eugène, La langue de Ya'udi: Description et classement de l'ancien parler de Zencirli dans le cadre des langues sémitiques du nord-ouest. Editions SR 1. Waterloo: Corporation for the Publication of Academic Studies in Religion in Canada, 1974. Sam'al KLMW Had Pan Grammar

Tawil, H., "Some Literary Elements in the Opening Sections of the Hadad, Zakir, and the Nērab II Inscriptions in the Light of East and West Semitic Royal Inscriptions." Or 43 (1974): 40–65. Zak Had Nerab Stelae

Teixidor, Javier, "Bulletin d'épigraphie sémitique." Syria 51 (1974): 299–340. Arameans AECT.58 BarH Daskyleion Gaza.1 Had Pan Persep

Dahood, M., "Review of La langue de Ya'udi, by P.-E. Dion." Or 45 (1976): 381–83. Sam'al KLMW Had Pan Grammar

Fitzmyer, Joseph A., "Review of La langue de Ya'udi, by P.-E. Dion." CBQ 38 (1976): 98–100. Sam'al KLMW Had Pan Grammar

Lipinski, Edward, "Review of La langue de Ya'udi, by P.-E. Dion." BO 33 (1976): 231–34. Sam'al KLMW Had Pan Grammar

Snell, D.C., "Review of La langue de Ya'udi, by P.-E. Dion." WZKM 68 (1976): 220–24. Sam'al KLMW Had Pan Grammar

Caquot, André, "Review of La langue de Ya'udi, by P.-E. Dion." Syria 54 (1977): 134–36. Sam'al KLMW Had Pan Grammar

Lipinski, Edward, "North-West Semitic Inscriptions [Review article: Textbook of Syrian Semitic Inscriptions I-II, by J. C. L. Gibson]." OLP 8 (1977): 81–117. Zak Sf.1 LurBr.1 LurBr Pan Had TADA1.1 LouvTab SaqStel.1 MemLibAlt Carp TADA2 Teima Teima.1 Daskyleion LouvTab

Puech, E., "Review of La langue de Ya'udi, by P.-E. Dion." RB 84 (1977): 446–47. Sam'al KLMW Had Pan Grammar

Puech, E., "Review of La langue de Ya'udi, by P.-E. Dion." RA 71 (1977a): 183–85. Sam'al KLMW Had Pan Grammar

Röllig, W., "Review of La langue de Ya'udi, by P.-E. Dion." ZDMG 127 (1977a): 449. Sam'al KLMW Had Pan Grammar

Dion, Paul-Eugène, "The Language Spoken in Ancient Samal." JNES 37 (1978): 115–18. Had Pan

Amadasi Guzzo, Maria Giulia, "Review of La langue de Ya'udi, by P.-E. Dion." RSO 53 (1979): 200–3. Sam'al KLMW Had Pan Grammar

Klíma, O., "Review of La langue de Ya'udi, by P.-E. Dion." ArOr 47 (1979): 211–12. Sam'al KLMW Had Pan Grammar

Oelsner, J., "Review of La langue de Ya'udi, by P.-E. Dion." OLZ 75 (1980a): 553–56. Sam'al KLMW Had Pan Grammar

Swiggers, P., "Review of La langue de Ya'udi, by P.-E. Dion." Language 57 (1981c): 505. Sam'al KLMW Had Pan Grammar

Lipinski, Edward, "The God 'Arqû-Rashap in the Samallian Hadad Inscription." Pp. 15–21 In Arameans, Aramaic and the Aramaic Literary Tradition. Sokoloff, Michael, ed. Ramat-Gan: Bar-Ilan Univ., 1983. Had

Faber, A., "On the Etymology and Use of Yaudi mt." ZDMG 137 (1987): 278–84. Had

Yun, Ilsung Andrew, "A Case of Linguistic Transition: The Nerab Inscriptions." JSS 51 (2006): 19–43. Nerab Stelae Grammar Fakhariyah Zak Sf Had Pan BarRak TADA2 TAD BA

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