CAL Bibliography for Incant


Layard, A.H., Discoveries among the Ruins of Nineveh and Babylon. New York: Harper, Putnam, 1853. LionWts Incant

Levy, M.A., "àœber die Von Layard aufgefundenen chaldäischen Inschriften auf Topgefassen. Ein Betrag zur hebräischen Paläographie und zur Religionsgeschichte." ZDMG 9 (1855): 465–91. Incant

Schwab, M., "Les coupes magiques et l'hydromancie dans l'antiquite orientale." Proceedings of the Society of Biblical Archaeology 12 (1890-1991): 328–31; 13:594-95. Incant

Wohlstein, J., "àœber einige aramäische Inschriften auf Thongefässen des königlichen Museums zu Berlin." ZA 9 (1894): 11–41. Incant MandIncant

Montgomery, James A., Aramaic Incantation Texts from Nippur. . Philadelphia: Univ. of Pennsylvania Museum, 1913. JBAIncant MandIncant SyrIncant Incant

Barton, G.A., "Review of Aramaic Incantation Texts, by J. Montgomery." American Journal of Semitic Languages and Literatures 30 (1913): 231–32. JBAIncant MandIncant SyrIncant Incant

Epstein, Jacob Nahum, "Zum magischen Texte (Journal of the American Oriental Society 1912, p. 434 seq.)." JAOS 33 (1913): 179–80. Incant JBAIncant

Lévi, I., "Lilit et Lilin." REJ 68 (1914): 15–21. Incant lyly#2 N

Moberg, Axel, "Review of Aramaic Incantation Texts, by J. Montgomery." OLZ 17 (1914): 425–32. JBAIncant MandIncant SyrIncant Incant

Brown, G.W., "Note on Angarôs in Montgomery's AIT." JAOS 41 (1921): 159–60. MandIncant Incant

Epstein, Jacob Nahum, "Gloses babylo-araméennes." REJ 73 (1921): 27–58; 74:40-72. JBAIncant MandIncant SyrIncant Incant

Zoller, I., "Lilit et Lilin." Rivista di Anthropologia 27 (1926): 369–77. Incant lyly#2 N

Narkiss, M., "השבעה ארמית." Tarbiz 6 (1934): 106–07. Incant

Dupont-Sommer, A., La Doctrine gnostique de la lettre "waw". Bibliothéque archéologique et historique 41. Paris: Guethner, 1946. Incant Amu

Gurney, O.R., "A Tablet of Incantations against Slander." Iraq 22 (1960): 221–27. Incant

Roccati, A., "Due lettere ai morti." RSO 42 (1967): 323–28. Incant

Franco, Fulvio, "A Mandaic Lead Fragment from Tell Baruda (Choche)." Mesopotamia 17 (1982): 147–50. Incant

Vittmann, G., "Ein Zauberspruch gegen Skorpione in Wadi Hammamat," in Thiessen, H.-J. and Zauzich, K.-T., eds., Grammata Demotika: Festschrift für Erich Lüddeckens zum 15. Juni 1983. Würzburg: Zauzich, 1984. Pp. 245–256 + pl. 35. Incant ScorpionPapAr?

Geller, Mark J., "An Aramaic Incantation from Oxyrhynchos." Zeitschrift für Papyrologie und Epigraphik 58 (1985): 96–98. Incant

Zauzich, K.-T., "Abrakadabra oder à„gyptisch? Versuch über einen Zauberspruch." Enchoria 13 (1985): 119–132. Incant ScorpionPapAr?

Fauth, W., "Lilits und Astarten in aramäischen, mandäischen, und syrischen Zaubertexten." WO 17 (1986): 66–94. Incant MandIncant SyrIncant

Vittmann, G., "Zum Verständnis des demotischen Zauberspruchs im Wadi Hammamat." Discussions in Egyptology 13 (1989): 73–78. Incant ScorpionPapAr?

Swartz, Michael D., "Scribal Magic and Its Rhetoric: Formal Patterns in Medieval Hebrew and Aramaic Incantation Texts from the Cairo Genizah." HTR 83 (1990): 163–80. Incant

Sperling, D., "Aramaic nzh and Akkadian nesû." Maarav 7 (1991): 229–39. Incant JBAIncant JBAIncant nzh V

Naveh, Joseph and Shaked, Shaul, Magic Spells and Formulae. Aramaic Incantations of Late Antiquity. . Jerusalem: The Magnes Press, 1993. Incant JBAIncant SyrIncant

Schäfer, Peter and Shaked, Shaul, Magische Texte aus der Kairoer Geniza I, II, III. Texte und Studien zum antiken Judentum vols. 42, 64, 72 . Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck, 1994, 1997, 2000. Incant

Brashear, William M., "Out of the Closet: Recent Corpora of Magical Texts." Classical Philology 91 (1996): 372–83. Incant

Finkel, Irving L., "Babylonian Elements in Aramaic Childbirth Magic?." NABU 1997 (1997): . Incant

Geller, Mark J., "More Magic Spells and Formulae." BSOAS 60 (1997): 327–35. Incant

Lange, Armin, "The Essene Position on Magic and Divination," in Bernstein, M.J., Garcìa Martìnez, Florentino and Kampen, John, ed., Legal Texts and Legal Issues: Proceedings of the Second Meeting of the International Organization for Qumran Studies, Cambridge 1995: Published in Honour of Joseph M. Baumgarten, Studies on the Texts of the Desert of Judah . Leiden, New York, Köln: Brill, 1997. Pp. 377–435. 1QapGen 4QPrNab 4Q242 4QIncant 4Q560 4QBront 4Q318 4QPhysiog 4Q561 Incant

Geller, Mark J. and Levene, D., "Magical Texts from the Geniza (with a New Duplicate)." JJS 49 (1998): 334–340. Incant

Hunter, Erica C. D., "Who are the Demons? The Iconography of Incantation Bowls." Studi epigrafici e linguistici 15 (1998): 95–115. Incant

Lyons, W.J. and Reimer, A. M., "The Demonic Virus and Qumran Studies: Some Preventive Measures." DSD 5/1 (1998): . 4QIncant 4Q560 Incant

Müller-Kessler, Christa, "Aramäische Koine - Ein Beschwörungsformular aus Mesopotamien." Baghdader Mitteilungen 29 (1998): 331–348. Incant SyrIncant JBAIncant MandIncant

Müller-Kessler, Christa and Kessler, Karlheinz, "Spätbabylonische Gottheiten in spätantiken mandäischen Texten." ZA 89 (1999): 65–87. Mandaic Incant

Müller-Kessler, Christa, "Aramäische Beschwörungen und astronomische Omina in nachbabylonischer Zeit. Das Fortleben mesopotamischer Kultur im Vorderen Orient," in Renger, J., ed., Babylon: Focus mesopotamischer Geschichte, Wiege früher Gelehrsamkeit, Mythos in der Moderne. 2. Internationales Colloquium der Deutschen Orient-Gesellschaft 24.-26. März 1998 in Berlin, . Saarbrücken: Saarbrücker Druckerei und Verlag, 1999. Pp. 427–443. Incant

Shaked, Shaul, "The Poetics of Spells. Language and Structure in Aramaic Incantations of Late Antiquity. 1: The Divorce Formula and its Ramifications," in Abusch, T.//van der Toorn, K., Mesopotamian Magic. Textual, Historical and Interpretative Perspectives, Ancient Magic and Divination 1. Groningen: , 1999. Pp. 173-95. Incant

Müller-Kessler, Christa, "Lilit(s) in der aramäisch-magischen Literatur der Spätantike." AF 28 (2001): 338–352. Incant

Moriggi, Marco, La Lingua delle coppe magiche siriache. Quaderni di semitistica 21. Firenze: Dipartimento di Linguistica, 2004. Grammar Incant Syriac

Bohak, G. and Shaked, Shaul, "From Qumran to Cairo: The Lives and Times of a Jewish Exorcistic Formula (with an Appendix by Shaul Shaked)," in Csepregi, I.//Burnett, C., Ritual Healing: Magic, Ritual and Medical Therapy from Antiquity until the Early Modern Period, . Florence: SISMEL, 2012. Pp. 31-52. Incant

Bohak, G. and Morgenstern, M., "A Babylonian Jewish Aramaic Magical Booklet from the Damascus Genizah." Ginzei Qedem 10 (2014): 9*–44*. JBAgeon Magic Incant tb( V mwql N gwnsq N rps V smr V

Fain, T., Ford, J.N. and et al., "Aramaic Incantation Bowls at the State Hermitage Museum, St. Petersburg." Babel und Bibel 9 (2016): 283–318. JBAIncant Incant kys) N

Geller, Mark J., "Magic Bowls Belong in Babylonia," in Kamlah, J., et al., Zauber und Magie im antiken Palāstina und in seiner Umwelt, Abhandlungen des Deutschen Palāstina-Vereins 46. Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz, 2017. Pp. 95-106. Incant JBAIncant br@)gr) N

Müller-Kessler, Christa, "Zauberschalen und ihre Umwelt: Ein Überblick über das Schreibmedium Zauberschale," in Kamlah, J., et al., Zauber und Magie im antiken Palāstina und in seiner Umwelt, Abhandlungen des Deutschen Palāstina-Vereins 46. Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz, 2017. Pp. 59-94. Incant

Müller-Kessler, Christa, "Šamaš, Sîn (Sira, Sahra), Delibat (Ištar, al-‘Uzzā), und Kēwān (Kajjamānu) in den frühen mandäischen magischen Texten und bei ihren Nachbarn — Eine Bestandsaufnahme." ISIMU: Revista sobre Oriente Próximo y Egipto en la antigüedad 20-121 (2017-18): 259–96. Incant Mandaic k)wn N lybt d

Belinitzky, B. and Paz, Y. , "Bound and Banned: Aphrahaṭ and Excommunication in the Sasanian Empire," in Butts, A.M.//Gross, Simcha, Jews and Syriac Christians: Intersections across the First Millennium. Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck, 2020. Pp. 67-88. Incant $md V $mt V

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