CAL Bibliography for Syriac


Anonymous, A Comprehensive Bibliography on Syriac Christianity. ONLINE AT: . Hebrew University, Jerusalem: The Center for the Study of Christianity, 0000. Syriac Religion Bibliog

Widmanstetter, J. A., Syriacae linguae ... prima elementa. . Vienna: M. Cymbermann, 1555. Syriac Grammar

Tychsen, O., Elementale Syriacum sistens grammaticam chrestomathiam et glossarium, subjunctis novem tabulis aere expressis. . Restock: , 1793. Syriac Grammar

Gutbier, A. and Henderson, E., Aegidii Gutbirii Lexicon syriacum: omnes Novi Testamenti syriaci dictiones et particulas complectens. . London: sumptibus Samuelis Bagster et ff, 1836. Syriac Lexicography

Agrell, Carl Magnus, Castell, Edmund and Lindgren, Henr. Gerh., Supplementa ad Lexicon syriacum Castellianum scripsit Carolus Magnus Agrell. . Upsaliae: Excudebant Regie Academiae, 1839. Syriac Lexicography

Wright, W., "Anecdota Syriaca." The Journal of sacred literature and biblical records (1863): . Syriac

Wenig, J. B., Soholia syr. i. Chrest. syr.. . Innsbruck: , 1866. Syriac Grammar

Martin, P., Syriens orientaux et occidentaux: Essai sur les deux principaux dialectes araméens. . Paris: Imperimerie nationale, 1872. Syriac Grammar

Payne Smith, Robert, Thesaurus syriacus. . Oxonii: e typographeo Clarendoniano, 1879-1901, reprint Olms 1981. Lexicography Syriac SyrLex

Baethgen, F.W. A., Turrāṣ mamllā suryāyā, oder Syrische Grammatik des Mar Elias von Tirhan. . Leipzig: Hinrichs, 1880. Syriac Grammar

Sachau, E., "Zur Trilinguis Zebedaea." ZDMG 36 (1882): 345–52. Syriac

Alexius, Saint and Amiaud, Arthur, La légende syriaque de saint Alexis, l'homme de Dieu. Bibliothèque de l'École des hautes études ... Sciences philologiques et historiques 79. Paris: E. Bouillon, 1889. Syriac

Kayser, C., Das Buch von der Erkenntniss der Wahrheit, oder, Der Ursache aller Ursachen nach den syrischen Handschriften zu Berlin, Rom, Paris und Oxford. . Leipzig: J.C. Hinrichs, 1889. Syriac Causa

Wilson, R.D., Elements of Syriac Grammar by an Inductive Method. . New York: , 1891. Syriac Grammar

Lagarde, P. de, Bibliothecae syriacae a Paulo de Lagarde collectae quae ad Philologiam Sacram pertinet. . Göttingen: , 1892. Syriac

Löw, Immanuel, "review of Payne-Smith, Thesaurus syriacus ܨ-ܩ." ZDMG 47 (1893): 514–37. Lexicography Syriac BarBahlul

Audo, Thomas, Dictionnaire de la langue chaldéenne. . Mosul: Imprimerie des pères dominicains, 1897. Lexicography Syriac

Merx, E. O., Historia artis grammicae apud Syros. . Leipzig: , 1897. Syriac Grammar

Nöldeke, Theodor, Kurzgefasste Syrische Grammatik. . Leipzig: , 1898. Grammar Syriac

Margoliouth, Jessie Payne, A Compendious Syriac Dictionary: Founded upon the Thesaurus Syriacus of R. Payne Smith. . Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1903. Vocab Syriac SyrLex

Nöldeke, Theodor, Compendious Syriac Grammar. . London: Williams and Norgate, 1904. Grammar Syriac

Preuschen, E., Acts of Thomas: Zwei gnostische Hymnen. . Gieszen: J. Ricker (A. Topelmann), 1904. Syriac Perl Gnosticism

Mingana, A., Cléf de la langue araméene ou grammaire complete et practique des deux dialects syriaques, occidental et oriental. . Missoul: , 1905. Syriac Grammar

Cardahi, G., Kitab al-Manāhegh seu syntaxis et rhetoricae syrorum institutiones. . Rome: , 1906. Syriac Grammar

Brun, J., Diction. syr-lat.. . Beryti: , 1911. Syriac Lexicography SyrLex

Gismondi, H., Linguae syricae grammatica et chrestomathia. . Rome: , 1913. Syriac Grammar

Klein, Otto, Syrische-griechisches Wörterbuch zu den vier kanonischen Evangelien nebst einleitenden Untersuchungen. BZAW 28. Giessen: Töpelmann, 1916. Lexicography Syriac NT Pesh

Sprengling, M., Antonius Rhetor on versification. Harvard Semitic Museum . Chicago: , 1916. Syriac Poetry

Assemani, S.E., Bibliothecae Apostolicae Vaticanae Codicum Manuscriptorum catalogus in tres partes distributus, in quarum prima orientales, in altera graeci, in tertia latini,. . Paris [repr. of Rome, 1758]: Maisonneuve, 1926. SyrFathers Syriac CPA

Margoliouth, Jessie Payne, Supplement to the Thesaurus of R. Payne Smith. . Oxford: , 1927. Syriac Lexicography SyrLex

Mingana, A. and Harris, J.R/, Christian documents in Syriac, Arabic and Garshuni, edited and translated with a critical apparatus by A. Mingana. Woodbrooke studies; Christian documents vii. Cambridge: Heffer, 1927. Syriac Dionysius bar Salibi gnatius Serapion Elias

Brockelmann, Carl, Lexicon syriacum. . Halle an der Saale: Max Niemeyer, 1928. Lexicography Syriac

Hatch, William Henry Paine, Greek and Syrian miniatures in Jerusalem, with an introduction and a description of each of the seventy-one miniatures reproduced. The Mediaeval academy of America. Publication 6. Cambridge, Mass.: The Mediaeval academy of America, 1931. Syriac art

Ungnad, A., Syrisches Grammatik mit Übungsbuch. . München: , 1932. Syriac Grammar

Deissmann, A., Forschungen und Funde im Serai: Mit einem Verzeichnis der nichtislamischen Handschriften im Topkapu Serai zu Istanbul. . Berlin/Leipzig: de Gruyter, 1933. Syriac

Hatch, William Henry Paine, An album of dated Syriac manuscripts. . Boston: American academy of arts and sciences, 1946. Syriac mss

Barsaum, I. E., Mots syriaques dans les dictionaires arabes. . Damas: Rev. Académie Arabe, 1951. Influences Syriac Grammar

Jargy, S., "Les 'fils et filles du pecte'." OCP (1951): 304–20. Syriac

Guillaumont, A., "Le Texte syriaque édité des Six Centuries d'Evargre le Pontique." Sem 4 (1951-52): 59–66. Syriac

Jansma, T., Acts of Thomas: A selection from the Acts of Judas Thomas. Semitic study series: new series 1. Leiden: Brill, 1952. Syriac Syr Acta Thom

Köbert, R., Textus et peradigmata syriaca. . Rome: , 1952. Syriac Grammar

Segal, J.B., The Diacritical Point and the Accents in Syriac. . Oxford: , 1953. Syr Poetry Syr Gram Syriac

Palacios, L., Grammatica syriaca. . Roma-Paris: , 1954. Syriac Grammar

Costaz, L., Grammaire syriaque. . Beyrouth: , 1955. Syriac Grammar

Díez Macho, A., "Noticiario bíblico de Estados Unidos." EstBibl 14 (1955): 245–50. Syriac

Köbert, R., Vocabularium syriacum. . Roma: Pont. Bib. Inst., 1956. Syriac Lexicography SyrLex

Schall, A., Studien über griechchische Fremdwörter im Syrischen. . Darmstadt: Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft, 1960. Syriac Grammar

Jennings, W., Lexicon to the Syriac New Testament. . Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1962. Lexicography Syriac NT Pesh

Robinson, T.H., Syriac Grammar. . Oxford: The Clarendon Press, 1962. Grammar Syriac

Baars, W., "The 'Nicene Creed' in the Manuscripts of the Syriac Massora." JTS 13 (1962): 226–39. Syriac

Denz, A., Strukturanalyse der pronominalen Objektsuffixe im Altsyrischen und klass. Arabisch. . Munich: Univ. Dissertation, 1963. Syriac Grammar

Hobeika, J., "Dictionnaire des vocables syriaques-araméens et leur influence dans la langue arabe, publié par le P. P. Sara." al-Machriq 57 (1963): 463–500. Syriac Lexicography SyrLex

Pirenne, J., "Aux origines de la graphie syriaque." Syria 40 (1963): 101–37. Syriac Grammar HelAdiab

Brockelmann, Carl, Syrische Grammatik. . Leipzig: Verlag Enzyklopädie, 1965. Grammar Syriac

Camps, G., "Síríaco, Idioma." EncBib 6 (1965): 761–64. Syriac Grammar

Yaron, R., "Syro-Romana." IURA 17 (1966): 114–64. Law Syriac

Baker, A., "Syriac and the Origins of Monasticism." DownRev 86 (1968): 342–53. Syriac

Lettinga, J. P., "Eine Schreibmaschine mit syrischer Tastatur." BO 25 (1968): 406–9. Syriac

Blau, Joshua, "The Origins of Open and Closed ein Proto-Syriac." BSOAS 32 (1969): 1–9. Syriac Grammar

Brock, Sebastian P., "Notes on Some Texts in the Mingana Collection." JSS 14 (1969): 205–26. Syriac

Brock, Sebastian P., "The Laments of the Philosophers over Alexander in Syriac." JSS 15 (1970): 205–218. Syriac

Köbert, R., "Addenda ad Vocabularium Syriacum, Romae 1956." Or 39 (1970): 315–19. Syriac Lexicography SyrLex

Leroy, J., "Une copie syriaque du Missale Romanum de Paul III et son arrière-plan historique." MUSJ 46 (1970-71): 353–82. Syriac

Strothmann, W., Die Anfānge der syrischen Studien in Europa. Göttinger Orientforschungen 1, 1. Wiesbaden: Harrasowitz, 1971. Syriac

Leloir, Louis, "La lecture de l'Écriture selon les anciens péres [syriaques]." RAM 47 (1971): 183–99. Syriac

Murray, Robert, "Mary the Second Eve in the Syriac Fathers." EastChQ 3 (1971): 372–84. Syriac

Weryho, J. W., "Syriac Influence on Islamic Iran (The Evidance of Loanwods)." FolOr 13 (1971): 299–321. Syriac Influences

Muraoka, Takamitsu, "Remarks on the Syntax of Some Types of Noun Modifier in Syriac." JNES 31 (1972): 192–94. Grammar Syriac

Vööbus, Arthur, "Importante découverte pour le les Hexaples syriaques: Le Pentateuque." RB 79 (1972): 481–83. SyrHex Syriac

Brock, Sebastian P., "Syriac Studies 1960--1970: A Classified Bibliography." Parole de l'Orient 4 (1973): 393–465. Syriac Biblio

Brock, Sebastian P., "Athanasiana syriaca Notes on Two Manuscripts." Muséon 86 (1973): 437–42. Syriac Athanasius

Segal, J.B., "Observations on a Recent Article on Syriac Inscriptions." BSOAS 36 (1973): 621–22. Syriac

Murray, Robert, "The Exhortation to Candidates for Ascetical Vows at Baptism in the Ancient Syriac Chruch." NTS 21 (1974-75): 59–80. Syriac

Vööbus, Arthur, "Important Discoveries for the Early Stage of the West-Syrian Liturgico-Historical Genre La'zar bar Sābetaā." SacEr 22 (1974-75): 289–93. Syriac

Brock, Sebastian P., "Some Aspects of Greek Words in Syriac," in Dietrich, A., Synkretismus im syrisch-persischen Kulturgebiet, . Göttingend: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 1975. Pp. 80-108. Syriac Interf Loanwords

Vööbus, Arthur, "Discovery of an Unknown Syrian Author: Methodios of Petrā." Abr-Nahrian 17 (1976-77): 1–5. Syriac

Fischer, R. H., A Tribute to Arthur Vööbus: Studies in Early Christian Literature and Its Environment, Primarily in the Syrian East. . Chicago: Lutheran School of Theology at Chicago, 1977. Syriac

Murray, Robert, Symbols of church and kingdom a study in early Syriac tradition. . London, New York: Cambridge University Press, 1977. Syriac SyrFathers

Graffin, F and Guillaumont, A., Symposion syriacum 1976. OCA 205. Rome: Oriental Institute, 1978. Syriac

Rompay, Lucas van, Graeco-syriaca: Enkele beschouwingen over get lot van een linguistische minderheid in de kristelijke Oudheid. . Leiden: Universitaire Pers., 1978. Syriac

Brock, Sebastian P., "Abraham and the Ravens: A Syriac Counterpoint to Jubilees 11-12 and Its Implications." JSJ 9 (1978): 135–52. Syriac

Ishow, H., "Faut-il remplacer le terme 'syriaque' par le terme 'araméen'?." OrChrAn 205 (1978): 359–65. Syriac

Vööbus, Arthur, "In Pursuit of Syriac Manuscripts." JNES 37 (1978): 187–93. Syriac

Goshen-Gottstein, Moshe H., Syriac Manuscripts in the Harvard College Library:A Catalog. HSS 23. Missoula, MT: Scholars, 1979. Syriac

Brock, Sebastian P., "Jewish Traditions in Syriac Sources." JJS 30 (1979): 212–32. Syriac

Brock, Sebastian P., "Aspects of Translation Technique in Antiquity." Greek, Roman and Byzantine Studies 20 (1979): 69–87. Syriac TranslationTechnique

Vööbus, Arthur, "Die Entdeckung der ältesten Urkunde für der syrische Übersetzung der Apostolischen Kirchenordnung." Oriens christianus 63 (1979): 37–40. Syriac

Brock, Sebastian P., "An Introduction to Syriac Studies," in Eaton, J.H., Horizons in Semitic Studies: Articles for the Student, University Semitic Aids 8. Birmingham: Birmingham Univ. Press, 1980. Pp. 1-33. Syriac

Healey, John F., "A Note on Syriac and Hebrew Manuscripts in Iraq." BSOAS 43 (1980): 576–78. Syriac

Brock, Sebastian P., "An Anonymous Syriac Homily on Abraham (Gen. 22)." Orientalia lovaniensia periodica 12 (1981): 225–60. Syriac

Brock, Sebastian P., "Passover, Annunciation and Epiclesis: Some Remarks on the Term aggenin the Syriac Version of Lk. 1:35." NovT 24 (1982): 222–33. Syriac NT Pesh

Drijvers, Han J. W., "Facts and Problems in Early Syriac-Speaking Christianity." Second Century 2 (1982): 157–75. Syriac

Wesselius, J.W., "The Spelling of the Third Person Masculine Singular Suffixed Pronoun in Syriac." BO 39 (1982): 251–54. Grammar Syriac

Brock, Sebastian P., Syriac Perspectives on Late Antiquity. . London: Variorum, 1984. Syriac Syr.Phil

Brock, Sebastian P., "East Syrian Liturgical Fragments from the Cairo Genizah." OrChrist 86 (1984): 58–79. Syriac

Gai, A., "Predicative State and Inflection of the Nominal Predicate in Akkadian and Syriac." Afroasiatic Linguistics 9 (1984): 72. Syriac Grammar

Kaufhold, H., "Der Richter in den syrischen Rechtsquellen: Zum Einfluss islamischen Rechts auf die christlich-orientalische Rechtsliteratur." OrChrist 86 (1984): 91–113. Syriac Law

Witakowski, W., "Chronicles of Edessa." OS 33-35 (1984-86): 487–98. Syriac

Kaufhold, H., "Über die Entstehung der syrischen Texte zum islamischen Recht." Orchr 69 (1985): 54–72. Syriac

Sauget, J. -M., "Le manuscrit Sachau 220: son importance pour l'histoire des homéliaires syro-occidentaux." AION 45 (1985): 367–97. Syriac

Seidel, U., "Methodische Probleme der syrischen (ostaramäischen) Lexikologie." Hallesche Beiträge zur Orientwissenschaft 7 (1985): 23–46. Lexicography Syriac

Atto, Simon, Nederlands-Suryoyo Woordenboek. . Enschede: S. Atto, 1986. Lexicography Syriac

Albert, M., "La langue syriaque: Remarques stylistiques." Parole de l'orient 13 (1986): 225–48. Syriac

Seidel, U., "Möglichkeiten der syrischen (aramäischen) Lexikologie für die Sozial- und Wirtschaftsggeschichtsschreibung des Vorderen Orients." Hallesche Beiträge zur Orientwissenschaft 10 (1986): 53–77. Syriac Lexicography

Sixdenier, G., "Du nouveau sur Si-Ngan-Fou." JA 274 274 (1986): 467–71. Syriac

Vööbus, Arthur, "Discovery of an Unknown Syrian Author: Theо̄dо̄tē of Amid." Abr Nahrain 24 (1986): 1960–201. Syriac

Brock, Sebastian P. and Harvey, Susan Ashbrook, Holy women of the Syrian Orient. The Transformation of the classical heritage 13. Berkeley: University of California Press, 1987. Syriac JohnEph Martyrology

Brock, Sebastian P., "The Published Verse Homilies of Isaac of Antioch, Jacob of Serugh, and Narsai: Index of Incipits." JSS 32 (1987): 279–313. Syriac

Brock, Sebastian P., "Syriac Studies 1981-1985: A Classified Bibliography." Parole de l'Orient 14 (1987): 289–360. Bibliog Syriac

Halleux, A. de, "Les manuscrits syriaques du C. S. C. O.." Muséon 100 (1987): 35–48. Syriac

Hugonnard-Roche, H., "Sur les versions syriaques des Catégories d'Aristote." JA 275 (1987): 205–22. Syriac Aristotle

McConaughy, D.L., "The Syriac Manuscripts in the Coptic Museum, Cairo." OrChr 71 (1987): 213–15. Syriac

McConaughy, D.L., "An Update on the Syriac MSS Collections in South India." OrChr 71 (1987): 208–12. Syriac

Nigel, A., "Syriac Fragments in the Wellcome Institute Library." JRAS (1987): 43–47. Syriac

Halleux, A. de, "Une version syriaque révisée du commentaire d'Hippolyte sur Suzanne." Muséon 101 (1988): 297–341. Syriac

Halloun, M., "Two Syriac Inscriptions." SBFLA 38 (1988): 271–75. Syriac

Moller, G. I., "Towards a New Typology of the Syriac Manuscript Alphabet." JNSL 14 (1988): 153–97. Syriac

Puech, E., "Une inscription syriaque sur mosaique." SBFLA 38 (1988): 267–70. Syriac

Riad, Eva, Studies in the Syriac Preface. Studa Semitica Upsaliensia 11. Uppsala: Almqvist and Wiksell, 1988. Syriac

Brock, Sebastian P., "Syriac Culture in the Seventh Century." Aram 1 (1989): 268–80. Syriac

Hunter, Erica C. D., "Syriac Inscriptions from a Melkite Monastery on the Middle Euphrates." BSOAS 52 (1989): 1–17. Syriac

Palmer, A., "The Syriac Letter-Forms of Turr Abdīn and Environs." OrChr 73 (1989): 68–89. Paleography Syriac

Parmentier, M. F. G., "Syriac Translations of Gregory of Nyssa." OLP 20 (1989): 143–93. Syriac

Preissler, H., "Altsyrische heidnische Namen in der frühen syrischen Literatur." Kilo 71/2 (1989): 503–7. Syriac

Salame-Sarkis, Ḥ., "Syria grammata kai agalmata." Syria 66 (1989): 313–30. Syriac

Abou Assaf, A., "Inscription syriaque au Musée da Ma'aret al-No'man." AnASyr 40 (1990): 161–62. Syriac

Brock, Sebastian P., "Diachronic Aspects of Syriac Word Formation: An Aid for Dating Anonymous Texts," in Lavenant, R., V Symposium Syriacum 1988, OCA 236. Rome: , 1990. Pp. 321–30. Syriac Grammar

Suermann, H., "Die Übersetzungen des Probus und eine Theorie zur Geschichte der syrischen Übersetzung griechischer Texte." OrChr 74 (1990): 103–14. Syriac TranslationTechnique

AbouZayd, S., ARAM Second International Conference: The Syriac-Arabic Cultural Interchange during the Abassid Era in Iraq. ARAM Periodical 3/1-2. Oxford: ARAM Society for Syro-Mesopotamian Studies, 1991. Syriac Influences

Desreumaux, A. and Briquel-Chatonnet, F., Répertoire des bibliothèques des catalogues de manuscrits syriaques. Documents, etudes et. repertoires publiés par l'Institut de Recherches et d'Histoire des Textes . Paris: CNRS, 1991. Syriac

Sörries, R., Die syrische Bibel von Paris: Paris, Bibliothèque Nationale, syr. 341: eine frühchristliche Bilderhandschrift aus dem 6. Jahrhundert. . Wiesbaden: Reichert, 1991. Syriac

Bobzin, H., "Über eine bisher unbekannte europäische Bezeugung des Terminus 'Karšuni' in 16. Jarhrhundert." JSS 36 (1991): 259–61. Syriac

Briquel-Chatonnet, F., "Note sur l'origine du manuscrit syriaque 366 de la Bibliothèque Nationale de Paris." VT 41 (1991): 119–21. Syriac

Hunter, L.-A., "The Syriac Buchanan Bible in Cambridge: Book of Illumination in Syria, Cilicia and Jerusalem of the Later Twentieth Century." OrChrPer 57 (1991): 331–69. Syriac

Maróth, M., "Eine unbekannte Version des Georgios-Legende aus Turfan." Altorientalische Forschungen 18 (1991): 86–108. Syriac

Maróth, M., "Eine unbekannte Version des Georgios-Legende aus Turfan." AltOrF 18 (1991): 86–108. Syriac

Morag, Shelomo, "Graded Isoglosses in East Aramaic," in Kaye, A.S., ed., Semitic Studies in Honor of Wolf Leslau on the Occasion of His Eighty-Fifth Birthday November 14th, 1991. Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz, 1991. Pp. 1085–99. Mandaic JBA Syriac LangGen

Visotzky, B.L., "Three Syraic Cruxes." JJS 42 (1991): 167–75. Syriac

Zonta, M., "Nemesiana syriaca: New Fragments from the Missing Syriac Version of the De Natura Hominis." JSS 36 (1991): 223–61. Syriac

Brock, Sebastian P., "Syriac Studies 1986-1990: A Classified Bibliography." Parole de l'Orient 17 (1992): 211–301. Syriac Bibliog

Kaniamparampil, K., "A Brief Sketch of Syriac in India." Harp 5 (1992): 197–201. Syriac

Luke, K., "Persian Words in Syriac." Harp 5 (1992): 231–49. Vocab Syriac Interf

Schrier, O.J., "Syriac Evidence for the Roman-Persian War of 421-422." Greek, Roman and Byzantine Studies 33 (1992): 75–86. Syriac

Palmer, A. and Brock, Sebastian P., The Seventh Century in the West-Syrian Chronicles, Including Two Seventh-Century Syriac Apocalyptic Texts, introduced, translated and annotated. Translated Texts for Historians . Liverpool: Liverpool University, 1993. Syriac

Brock, Sebastian P., "The Syriac Commentary Tradition: The Syriac, Arabic and Medieval Latin Traditions," in Burnett, C., Glosses and Commentaries on Aristotelian Logical Texts, Warburg Institute Surveys & Texts . London: , 1993. Pp. 3.18. Syriac Syr.Phil

Clemons, J.T., "Syriac Studies in the United States: 1783-1900." Aram 5/1-2 (1993): 75–86. Syriac

Outtier, B., "Un fragment syriaque inédit de IV Esdras." Apocrypha 4 (1993): 19–23. Syriac

Sauma, A., "The Origin of the Word Suryoyo-- Syrian." Harp 6 (1993): 171–97. Syriac

Kiraz, G.A., Lexical Tools to the Syriac New Testament. JSOT Manuals 7. Sheffield: JSOT Press, 1994. Lexicography Syriac Peshitta-NT

Kraus, Paul, Alchemie, Ketzerei, Apokryphen in frühen Islam: Gesammelte Aufsätze. . Hildesheim: Georg Olms Verlag, 1994. Syriac

Brakke, D., "The Greek and Syriac Versions of the Life of Antony." Muséon 107 (1994): 29–53. Syriac

Contini, R., "Gli inizi della linguistica siriaca nell'Europa rinascimentale." RSO 68 (1994): 15–30. Syriac

Greppin, J. A. C., "Some Probable New Syriac Vocabulary." Muséon 107 (1994): 23–27. Syriac

Luke, K., "The Syriac Versions of the New Testament." Bible Bhashyam 20 (1994): 124–38. Syriac

Vattioni, F., "Un resto dell'originale di Giobbe in un manoscritto della Laurenziana." Aug 34 (1994): 467–69. Syriac

Gelzer, H., Hilgenfeld, H. and Cuntz, O., Patrum Nicaenorum Nomina Latine Graece Coptice Syriace Arabice Armeniace. BSGRT . Leipzig: B. G. Teubner, 1995. Syriac

Brock, Sebastian P., "Mingana Syr. 628: A Folio from a Revision of the Peshitta Song of Songs." JSS 40 (1995): 39–56. Syriac

Healey, John F., "Lexical Loans in Early Syriac: A Comparison with Nabataean Aramaic." Studi epigrafici e linguistici 12 (1995): 75–84. Syriac Nabataean Vocab Loanwords

Rompay, Lucas van, "La littérature exégétique syriaque et le rapprochement des traditions syrienne-occidentale et syrienne-orientale." Parole de l'Orient 20 (1995): 221–35. Syriac

Brock, Sebastian P., "Greek Words in Syriac: some General Features." Scipta classica Israelica 15 (1996): 251–62. Syriac Interf Loanwords

Drijvers, Han J. W., "Early Syriac Christianity: Some Recent Publications." VC 50 (1996): 159–77. Syriac Bibliog

Fiey, J.-M., "Comment l'Occident en vint à  parler de 'Chaldéens'?." BJRL 78 (1996): 163–70. Syriac

Luke, K., "East Semitic Survivals in Syriac." Bible Bhashyam 22 (1996): 139–55. Syriac

Strothmann, W., "Versio Harklensis--Codex DO5 Cantabrigiensis." Oriens Christianus 80 (1996): 11–16. Syriac

Rodrigues Pereira, A.S., Studies in Aramaic Poetry (c. 100 B.C.E. - 600 C.E.): Selected Jewish, Christian and Samaritan Poems. Studia Semitica Neerlandica 34 . Assen: Van Gorcum, 1997. Poetry 1QapGen Targums Syriac Samar

Silverstein, T. and Hilhorst, A., Apocalypse of Paul: A New Critical Edition of Three Long Latin Versions. Cahiers Orientalisme . Geneva: Patrick Cramer, 1997. Syriac

Brock, Sebastian P., "The Importance and Potential of SEERI in an International Context." The Harp: a Review of Syriac and Oriental Studies 10/1-2 (1997): 45–50. Syriac

Hoberman, R.D., "The Modern Chaldean Pronunciation of Classical Syriac," in Afsaruddin, A. and Mathias Zahniser, A.M., eds., Humanism, Culture, and Language in the Near East. Studies in Honor of Georg Krotkoff. Winona Lake, Indiana: Eisenbrauns, 1997. Pp. 253–265. Grammar Phonetics Syriac ModAram

Jenner, K.D., "The Development of Syriac Lectionary Systems." The Harp: a Review of Syriac and Oriental Studies 10/1-2 (1997): 9–24. Syriac

Joosten, Jan, "'Le Père envoie le Fils': La provenance occidentale d'une locution syriaque." RHR 214 (1997): 299–309. Syriac

Pahlitzsch, J., "St. Maria Magdalena, St. Thomas und St. Markus. Tradition und Geschichte dreier syrisch-orthodoxer Kirchen in Jerusalem." OrChr 81 (1997): 82–106. Syriac

Ribera i Florit, Josep, "L'arameu com a signe d'identitat semiticooccidental enfront de la cultura grecoromana [Aramaic as a Sign of Western Semitic Identity vis-à -vis Greco-Roman Culture]," in Borrell, A., Fuente, Alfonso de la and Puig i Tà rrech, Armand, ed., La Bíblia i el Mediterrani = la Biblia y el Mediterraneo = la Bible et la Mediterranée = la Bibbia e il Mediterraneo: Actes del Congrés de Barcelona, 18-22 de septembre de 1995. Barcelona: Associació Biblica de Catalunya, 1997. Pp. 67–75. Syriac Palm Nabataean

Teixidor, Javier, "Les textes syriaques de logique de Paul le Perse." Sem 47 (1997): 117–138. Syriac PaulthePersian Syr.Phil

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Brock, Sebastian P., "Charting the Hellenization of a Literary Culture: The Case of Syriac." Intellectual History of the Islamic World 3 (2015): 98–124. Syriac Interf

Butts, A.M., "The Use of syāmē as a Phonological Marker in Syriac." Hugoye 18 (2015): 103–109. Grammar Syriac

McCollum, Adam, "Greek Literature in the Christian East: Translations into Syriac, Georgian, and Armenian." Intellectual History of the Islamic World 3 (2015): 15–65. Syriac Influences

Takahashi, H., "Syriac as the Intermediary in Scientific Graeco-Arabica: Some Historical and Philological Observations." Intellectual History of the Islamic World 3 (2015): 66–97. Syriac Aristotle Syr.Phil

Butts, A.M., Language Change in the Wake of Empire: Syriac in its Greco-Roman Contaxt. Linguistic Studies in Ancient West Semitic 11. Winona Lake: Eisenbrauns, 2016. Syriac Influences Interf lwt p dyn X )yt X ))r N )ndrynT N )rkwn N )sr#2 N

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Butts, A.M., "Latin Words in Classical Syriac." Hugoye 19 (2016): 123–92. Loadwords Syriac Influence

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Healey, John F., "The Beginnings of Syriac in Context: Language and Script in Early Edessa and in Palmyra." Aram 28 (2016): 463–70. Syriac Palm Orthography

Korsvoll, N.H., Lied, L.I. and Lund, Jerome A., "British Library Additional Manuscript 14,686: Introduction, List of Readings, and Translation of Colophon and Notes." Hugoye 19 (2016): 385–402. Syriac

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