CAL Bibliography for Syr.Gram


Avinery, Iddo, "Personal Pronouns as Object in the Peshitta." Leshonenu 1974 (): . Syr.Gram Grammar

Duval, R., Traité de grammaire Syriaque. . Paris: , 1881. Grammar Syr.Gram

Nestle, E., Brevis linguae Syriacae grammatica, litteratura, chrestomathia cum glossario in usum praelectionum et studiorum privatorum. Porta linguarum orientalium . Karlsruhe: H. Reuther, 1881. Syr.Gram Syr.Lit

Bravmann, M.M., "The Infinitive in the Function of the "Psychological Predicate" in Syriac." Muséon 84 (1971 [reprinted in Studies in Semitic Philology1977: 261-66): 219–223. Grammar Syr.Gram

Avinery, Iddo, Syntax of Old Syriac According to the Peshitta Translation to the Pentateuch [Hebrew with French summary]. . Jerusalem: , 1973. Syr.Gram Grammar

Avinery, Iddo, "Notes on Ordinals versus Cardinals in Syriac." IOS 5 (1975): 45–6. Grammar Syr.Gram

Muraoka, Takamitsu, "On the Nominal Clause in the Old Syriac Gospels." JSS 20 (1975): 28–37. Syr.Gram Grammar

Avinery, Iddo, "The Position of the Declined kl in Syriac." Afroasiatic Linguistics 3/5 (September) =Leshonenu 40 (1975-76):293ff. (1976): 108–9. Grammar Syr.Gram kl N kl R

Bohas, G., "Quelques processes phonologiques en Syriaque." LOrA 1 (1988): 17–31. Syr.Gram

Joosten, Jan, "The Function of the So-called Dativus Ethicus in Classical Syriac." Or 58 (1989): 473–92. Syr.Gram

Segal, J.B., "Quššayaand rukkak̄a: A Historical Introduction." JSS 34 (1989): 483–91. Syr.Gram

Grotzfeld, Heinz, "Beiordnen oder Unterordnen? Einige Beobachtungen über die ܜbersetzungspraktiken beim ܜbertragen vom Griechischen ins Syrische," in Heinrichs, Wolfhart and Schoeler, Gregor, ed., Festschrift Ewald Wagner zum 65. Geburtstag. Band 1: Semitische Studien unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der Südsemitistik, Beiruter Texte und Studien . Beirut: Franz Steiner Verlag, 1994. Pp. 44–55. Syr.Gram TranslationTechnique

Bohas, G., "Les 'états du nom' en syriaque," in Amphoux, C.-B., A. Frey, and U. Schattner-Rieser, Études sémitiques et samaritaines offertes à Jean Margain, HTB4. Lausanne: Editions du Zèbre, 1998. Pp. 109-15. Syr.Gram

Fassberg, S.E., "Is Pael an Intensive/Plural Form of Peal in Syriac?." JA 287 (1999): 395–431. Syr.Gram Grammar

Fassberg, S.E., "The Alternation of the Stems Etpeel/Etpaalin Syriac [Heb]." Leshonenu 63 (2000-2001): 247–78. Syr.Gram Grammar

Edzard, L., "Problems with Post-vocalic Spirantization in Syriac: Cyclic Rule Ordering vs. 'Early Phonemization with Paradigmatic Levelling'." JSS 46 (2001): 77–95. Syr.Gram Grammar

Peursen, W.Th. van, "Morphosyntactic and Syntactic Issues in the Syriac Text of 1 Kings 1," in Cook, J., Bible and Computer: The Stellenbosch AIBI-6 Conference: Proceedings of the Association Internationale Bible et Informatique 'From Alpha to Byte', . Leiden: Brill, 2002. Pp. 99–111. Peshitta OTP.1Ki OTP Syr.Gram

Muraoka, Takamitsu, "Further Remarks on ܐܝܬ Clauses in Classical Syriac," in Peursen, W.Th. van//Romeny, R.B. ter Haar, Text, Translation, and Tradition: Studies on the Peshitta and its Use in the Syriac Tradition Presented to Konrad D. Jenner on the Occasion of his Sixty-Fifth B, Monographs of the Peshitta Institute 14. Leiden: Brill, 2006. Pp. 129-134. Syriac Syr.Gram )yt V

van Peursen, W.Th., "Clause Hierarchy and Discourse Structure in the Syriac Text of Sirach 14:20–27," in Peursen, W.Th. van//Romeny, R.B. ter Haar, Text, Translation, and Tradition: Studies on the Peshitta and its Use in the Syriac Tradition Presented to Konrad D. Jenner on the Occasion of his Sixty-Fifth B, Monographs of the Peshitta Institute 14. Leiden: Brill, 2006. Pp. 135-148. Syriac Syr.Gram Peshitta

Farina, M., "Diathesis and middle voice in the Syriac ancient grammatical tradition : the translations and adaptations of the Téchne Grammatiké and the Arabic model." Aramaic Studies 6 (2008): 175–93. Syr.Gram TranslationTechnique

Peursen, W.Th. van, "Language Variation, Language Development, and the Textual History of the Peshitta," in Gzella, H. and Folmer, M.L., Aramaic in its Historical and Linguistic Setting, Akad. d. Wissenschaften u.d. Literatur-Mainz; Ver. d. Orientalischen Kommission 50. Wiesbaden: Harrasowitz, 2008. Pp. 231–56. Peshitta Syr.Gram

Li, Tarsee, "Syriac Enclitic Pronouns Added to ܡܢܐ and ܡܢ." JSS 58 (2013): 65–99. Grammar Syr.Gram mn P

Aïm, E., "Le changement w>y en syriaque.." JSS 61 (2016): 85–102. Grammar Syr.Gram

Aïm, E., "Les racines avec waw fort en syriaque." Le Muséon 130 (2017): 301–25. Syriac Grammar Syr.Gram

Mushayabasa, G., "Tracing use and semantic contribution of the l-suffix construction in Biblical Hebrew and Classical Syriac." Journal for Semitics 26 (2017): 33p.. Grammar Syr.Gram l_ p

Bohas, G., "La morphophonologie dans la Grande Grammaire de Barhebraeus, à travers l’étude des verbes défectueux," in Farina, M., Les auteurs syriaques et leur langue, Études syriaques 15. Paris: Geuthner, 2018. Pp. 189-206. Syr.Gram Grammar

Aïm, E., "La formation des conjugations passives en Syriaque." Semitic Studies 64 (2019): 433–44. Syr.Gram

Napiorkowska, L., "A New Perspective on the Syriac hwayt qāṭel in a Non-past Context." Semitic Studies 64 (2019): 419–32. Syr.Gram

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