CAL Bibliography for TAD A2 The Hermopolis letters

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Gabra, S., "Lettres araméennes trouvées à  Touna el Gebel (Hermoupolis Ouest)." BIE 28 (1945-46): 161–62 + 2 pls. TADA2

Kamil, M., "Papyri araméens découverts à  Hermoupolis-Ouest." BIE 28 (1945-46): 253–57. TADA2

Bea, A., "Papyri aramaicae nuper detectae." Bib 27 (1946): 295. TADA2

Gabra, S., "Fouilles de l'Université Fouad Ier, à  Hermopolis Ouest Tounah el-Gabal et Meir, saison 1946-1947." Bulletin of the Faculty of Arts (L'Université Fouad 1er) 9/1 (1947): 131–34. TADA2

Kamil, M., "Notice on the Aramaic Papyri Discovered at Hermopolis West [in Arabic]." Revue de l'Histoire juive en Egypte 1 (1947): 1–3; 173-72 (arab.). TADA2

Bea, A., "De papyris aramaicis nuper inventis." Bib 29 (1948): 307–8. TADA2

Pohl, A., "Neue aramäische Papyri von West-Hermopolis." Or 17 (1948): 549–50. TADA2

Kamil, M., "The Aramaic Papyri Discovered at Hermopolis West." Pp. 106–7 In Actes du XXIe Congrès des Orientalistes Paris 23-31 juillet 1948. , Paris: Imprimerie Nationale, 1949. TADA2

Pigulevskaja, N.V., "Novye aramejskie pamjatniki iz Germupol'a [Les nouveaux textes araméens d'Hermopolis]." VDI 28 (1949): 267–68. TADA2

Kamil, M., "Les dernières découvertes araméennes en Egypte." Pp. 189–204 In Studia aegyptiaca I. Mardis de Dar-el-Salam. , : , 1952. TADA2

Dahood, M., "La regina del cielo in Geremia." RivB 8 (1960): 166–68. TADA2

Bresciani, E. and Kamil, M., "Le lettere aramaiche di Hermopoli." AANL Memorie 8-9 (1966): 357–428. TADA2 TADA2.2 TADA2.3 TADA2.4 TADA2.5 TADA2.6 TADA2.7 Herm.8

Bresciani, E., "Nouveaux papyrus araméens d'époque perse provenant d'Hermopolis." CRAIBL (1967): 301–4. TADA2

Dupont-Sommer, A., "Observations sur les papyrus araméens d'époque perse provenant d'Hermopolis." CRAIBL (1967): 302–04. TADA2

Milik, J.T., "Les papyrus araméens d'Hermopoulis et les cultes syro-phéniciens en Egypte perse." Bib 48 (1967): 546–622. TADA2 TADA1.1

Grelot, Pierre, "Review of 'Le lettere aramaiche di Hermopoli,' by E. Bresciani and M. Kamil." RB 74 (1967e): 432–37. TADA2 TADA2.2 TADA2.3 TADA2.4 TADA2.5 TADA2.6 TADA2.7 Herm.8

Hammershaimb, E., "Some Remarks on the Aramaic Letters from Hermopolis." VT 18 (1968): 265–67. TADA2

Porten, Bezalel and Greenfield, Jonas C., "The Aramaic Papyri from Hermopolis." ZAW 80 (1968): 216–31. TADA2

du Mesnil du Buisson, Robert comte, à‰tudes sur les dieux phéniciens hérités par l'empire romain. à‰tudes préliminaires aux religions orientales dans l'empire romain 14. Leiden: Brill, 1970. TADA2

Hayes, J.P. and Hoftijzer, J., "Notae Hermopolitanae." VT 20 (1970): 98–106. TADA2

Donner, H., "Bemerkungen zum Verständnis zweier aramäischer Briefe aus Hermopolis." Pp. 75–85 In Near Eastern Studies in Honor of William Foxwell Albright. Goedicke, H., ed. London/Baltimore: Johns Hopkins, 1971. TADA2

Hammershaimb, E., "De aramaiske papyri frå Hermopolis [The Aramaic papyri from Hermopolis]." DTT 34 (1971): 81–104. TADA2

Kutscher, Eduard Yechezkel, "The Hermopolis Papyri." IOS 1 (1971): 103–19. TADA2

Naveh, Joseph, "The Palaeography of the Hermopolis Papyri." IOS 1 (1971a): 120–22. TADA2

Greenfield, Jonas C. and Porten, Bezalel, "The Hermopolis Letters[Heb]." Qadmoniot 7 (1974): 121–22. TADA2

Weippert, M., "Zum Präskript der hebräischen Briefe von Arad." VT 25 (1975): 202–12. TADA2

Lipinski, Edward, "North-West Semitic Inscriptions [Review article: Textbook of Syrian Semitic Inscriptions I-II, by J. C. L. Gibson]." OLP 8 (1977): 81–117. Zak Sf.1 LurBr.1 LurBr Pan Had TADA1.1 LouvTab SaqStel.1 MemLibAlt Carp TADA2 Teima Teima.1 Daskyleion LouvTab

Hoftijzer, J., "De Hermopolis-Papyri: Arameese brieven uit Egypte (5e eeuw v. Chr.)." Pp. 107–19 In Schrijvend verleden: Documenten uit het oude Nabije Oosten vertaald en toegelicht. Veenhof, K.R., ed. Leiden: Ex Oriente Lux, 1983. TADA2

Yun, Ilsung Andrew, "A Case of Linguistic Transition: The Nerab Inscriptions." JSS 51 (2006): 19–43. Nerab Stelae Grammar Fakhariyah Zak Sf Had Pan BarRak TADA2 TAD BA

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