CAL Bibliography for CPA


Desreumaux, A., "Les recherches a Khirbet es-Samra (Jordanie) et la question du syro-Palestinien." CRAIBL 1983 (): 316–29. CPA

Nöldeke, Theodor, "Beiträge zur Kennitniss der aramäischen Dialecte." ZDMG 22 (1868): 443–527. CPA

Nöldeke, Theodor, "Ueber den christlich-palästinischen Dialect." Beiträge zur Kenntnis der aramäischen Dialekte 2 (1868): 85. CPA

Land, J.P. N., Anecdota Syriaca IV. . Leiden: , 1875. CPA

Nöldeke, Theodor, "Christilich-palästinensische Inschriften." ZDMG 32 (1878): 199–200. CPA

Lagarde, P. de, Evangeliarium hierosolymitanum Bibliothecae syriacae. . Göttingen: , 1892. CPA

Gwilliam, G. H., Burkitt, F. C. and Stenning, John F., Biblical and patristic relics of the Palestinian Syriac literature from mss. in the Bodleian Library and in the library of Saint Catherine on Mount Sinai. . Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1896. CPA

Margoliouth, G., "The Liturgy of the Nile." JRAS (1896): 677–727. CPA Nile

Lewis, Agnes Smith, A Palestinian Syriac Lectionary. Studia Sinaitica . London: , 1897. CPA

Lewis, Agnes Smith and Gibson, Margaret Dunlop, The Palestinian Syriac Lectionary of the Gospels: Re-edited from Two Sinai MSS. and from P. de Lagarde's Edition of the "Evangeliarium Hierosolymitanum". . London: , 1899. CPA

Lewis, Agnes Smith and Gibson, Margaret Dunlop, Palestinian Syriac Texts from Palimsest Fragments in the Taylor-Schechter Collection. . London: , 1900. CPA

Burkitt, F.C., "Christian Palestinian Literature." JTS 2 (1901): 174–185. CPA

Jacob, B., "Christlich-palästinisches." ZDMG 55 (1901): 135–45. CPA

Jacob, B., "Zu Friedrich Schulthess' Besprechung, ''S. 337ff.." ZDMG 55 (1901): 592–96. CPA

Lewis, Agnes Smith, "Christian Palestinian." ZDMG 55 (1901): 515–17. CPA

Schulthess, F., "Zu. B. Jacobs Aufsatz S. 135ff..." ZDMG 55 (1901): 337–40. CPA

Lewis, Agnes Smith and Gibson, Margaret Dunlop, An Appendix of Palestinian Syriac Texts. Studia Sinaitica . London: , 1902. CPA

Schulthess, F., "Christlich-palästinische Fragmente." ZDMG 56 (1902): 249–61. CPA

Schulthess, F., Lexicon Syropalaestinum. . Berlin: Wörterbuch der christlich-syrischen Sprache aus den biblischen Büchern und syrisch-palästinensischen Schriften des Frühmittelalters zusammengestellt, 1903. CPA Lexicography

Schulthess, F., Christlich-palästinische Fragmente aus der Omajjaden-Moschee zu Damaskus. Abhandlungen der Königlichen Gesellschaft der Wissenschaften zu Göttingen 8/3. Berlin: Weidmann, 1905. CPA

Kokovtsov, P., Nouveaux Fragments syro-palestiniens de la Bibliothèque Impériale de Saint-Pétersbourg. . : , 1906. CPA

Lewis, Agnes Smith and Gibson, Margaret Dunlop, Supplement to a Palestinian Syriac Lectionary. . Cambridge: , 1907. CPA

Macler, F., Mosaique orientale. . Paris: , 1907. CPA

Papadopulos-Kerameus, A., Varia Graeca Sacra. . Zapiski, St. Petersburg: , 1909. CPA

Baumstark, Anton, Die christlichen Literaturen des Orients. Sammung Göschen 527. : , 1911. CPA

Schulthess, F., "Aramäisches." ZA 25 (1911): 287–97. CPA

Lewis, Agnes Smith, The Forty Martyrs of the Sinai Desert and the Story of Eulogios. Horae Semiticae . Cambridge: , 1912. CPA

Schulthess, F., Das Problem der Sprache Jesu. . : , 1917. CPA

Schulthess, F., Grammatik des christlich-palästinischen Aramaisch. . Tübingen: Mohr, 1924. CPA

Assemani, S.E., Bibliothecae Apostolicae Vaticanae Codicum Manuscriptorum catalogus in tres partes distributus, in quarum prima orientales, in altera graeci, in tertia latini,. . Paris [repr. of Rome, 1758]: Maisonneuve, 1926. SyrFathers Syriac CPA

Pigulevskaja, N.V., "Fragments syro-palestiniens des psaumes CXXIII-IV." RB 43 (1934): 519–27. CPA

Baumstark, Anton, "Das Problem des christlichpalästinischen Pentateuchtextes." Oriens christianus 3 ser., 10 (1935): 201–24. CPA

Black, M., "The Palestinian Syriac Gospel and the Diatessaron." OC 3/14 (1939): 101–11. Diatessaron CPA

Black, Matthew, "A Christian Palestinian Syriac Horologion (Berlin MS Or. Oct. 1019)," in , , Texts and Studies I . Cambridge, U.K.: Cambridge U.P. Press, 1954. Astrology CPA

Rabin, C., "Christian Palestinian Aramaic Ḥangartā." JTS 7 (1956): 79. CPA xgrh N

Teixidor, Javier, "Epitaphes hiérosolymitaines en syriaque estranghelo." RB 68 (1961): 541–5. CPA

Baillet, M., "Un livret magique en Christopalestinien à l'Université de Louvain." Muséon 76 (1963): 375–400. CPA

Corbo, V., "Ricordi dell'entico christianesimo nel paese di Moab." SBFLA 14 (1963-64): 228–44. CPA

Sokoloff, Michael, "המשקל ׳מקטולי׳ בארמית המערבית הבינונית." [The Noun Pattern MQTWLYin Middle Western Aramaic] ערכי, המילון החדש לספרות חז’ל 2 (1964): 74–84. Grammar CPA Gal Samar

Brock, Sebastian P., "A Fragment of the Acta Pilatiin Christian Palestinian Aramaic." JTS ns 22 (1971): 157–58. CPA Acta Pilati

Kutscher, Eduard Yechezkel, "Note on the Title רש מרום." IEJ 22 (1972): 117. CPA Vocab mry N

Goshen-Gottstein, Moshe H., The Bible in the Syropalestinian Version. Part I. Pentateuch and Prophets. . Jerusalem: , 1973. CPA

Puech, E., "Remarques sur les insciptions christopalestiniennes de Kh. es-Samra." SBFLA 29 (1979): 259–69. CPA

Halloun, M. and Rubin, R., "Palestinian Syriac Inscriptions from `En Suweunit." SBFLA 31 (1981): 291–98. CPA

Puech, E., "Notes d'épigraphie christo-palestinienn de Kh. es-Samra." AION 43 (1983): 505–26. CPA

Puech, E., "L'Inscription christo-palestinienne du monastère d'el-Quweisme." SBFLA 34 (1984): 341–46. CPA

Puech, E., "Une inscription syriaque palestinienne." SBFLA 36 (1986): 306–16. CPA

Jaques, A., "A PALESTINIAN-SYRIAC INSCRIPTION IN THE MOSAIC PAVEMENT AT 'EVRON," in , Eretz-Israel: Archaeological, Historical and Geographical Studies /ארץ-ישראל: מחקרים בידיעת הארץ ועתיקותיה Vol. יט‎, MICHAEL AVI-YONAH MEMORIAL VOLUME, . Jerusalem: Israel Exploration Society, 1987. Pp. 54*-56*. CPA

Puech, E., "Une inscription syriaque palestinienne: Note additionnelle." SBFLA 37 (1987): 349–52. CPA

Bar-Asher, Moshe, "Le Syro-Palestinien -- Etudes grammaticales." JA 276 (1988): 27–59. CPA Grammar

Müller-Kessler, Christa, "Die àœberlieferungsstufen des Christlich-Palästinischen Aramäisch," in Diem, W. and Falaturi, Abdoldjavad, ed., XXIV Deutscher Orientalistentag: vom 26. bis 30. September 1988 in Köln: ausgewählte Vortrge, ZDMGSup . Stuttgart: F. Steiner, 1990. CPA

Müller-Kessler, Christa, Grammatik des Christlich-Palästinisch-Aramäischen. Teil 1: Schriftlehre, Lautlehre, Formenlehre. Texte und Studien zur Orientalistik . Hildesheim-Zürich-New York: Georg Olms Verlag, 1991. Grammar CPA

Rutschowscaya, M.-H. and Desreumaux, A., "Une peinture copte aur un bois inscrit en Araméen christo-plalestinien au Musée du Louvre." CRAIBL 89-92 (1992): . CPA

Bar-Asher, Moshe, "Palestinian Syriac and Samaritan Aramaic - A Comparative Study [Heb]," in Bar-Asher, Moshe and others, eds., ספר זכרון למשה גושן–גוטשטייןŸ [Studies in Bible and Exegesis. In memoriam Moshe Goshen-Gottstein]. Ramat GAn: Bar-Ilan University Press, 1993. Pp. 53–68. Grammar CPA Samar

Müller-Kessler, Christa, "An Unidentified Christian-Palastinian-Aramaic Fragment in the Taylor-Schechter Collection: Isaiah 26: #16-37; #4, 11." BSOAS 56 (1993): 119–22. CPA

Beyer, K., "Die Aussprache des christlich-palästinischen Aramäisch: Zur neuen Grammatik von Christa Müller-Kessler." JSS 40 (1995): 241–57. CPA Grammar

Müller-Kessler, Christa, "Neue Materialien zum christlich-palästinisch-aramäischen Lexicon I," in Geller, Mark J. and others, ed., Studia Aramaica: New Sources and New Approaches: Papers Delivered at the London Conference of the Institute of Jewish Studies, University College, London, 26th-28th June 1991, JSSSup . Oxford: Oxford Univ. for Univ. of Manchester, 1995. Pp. 151–55. CPA Lexicography glgl V b(y np$ g(y V dwmly A dwmlyw N xyy np$ Tb( V nhm N nmr N (mc V p(y V c)y A r$l V

Müller-Kessler, Christa and Sokoloff, Michael, The Forty Martyrs of the Sinai Desert, Eulogios, the Stone Cutter and Anastasia. A Corpus of Christian Palestinian Aramaic . Groningen: Styx Publications, 1996. CPA

Müller-Kessler, Christa and Sokoloff, Michael, The Christian Palestinian Aramaic Old Testament and Apocrypha Version from the Early Period. Corpus of Christian Palestinian Aramaic . Groningen: STYX, 1997. CPA

Müller-Kessler, Christa and Sokoloff, Michael, The Christian Palestinian Aramaic New Testament Version from the Early Period: Vol. 2A, Gospels. Corpus of Christian Palestinian Aramaic . Groningen: STYX, 1998. CPA

Müller-Kessler, Christa and Sokoloff, Michael, The Christian Palestinian Aramaic New Testament Version from the Early Period: Vol. 2B, Acts of the Apostles and Epistles. Corpus of Christian Palestinian Aramaic . Groningen: STYX, 1998. CPA

Desreumaux, A., "Ephraim in Christian Palestinian Aramaic." Hugoye 1 (1998): pars. 1–6 + App. I-II. CPA

Naveh, Joseph, "Scripts and Inscriptions in Ancient Samaria." IEJ 48 (1998): 91–100. MtGerizimInscr Failaka TQasile CPA

Müller-Kessler, Christa and Sokoloff, Michael, The Catechism of Cyril of Jerusalem in the Christian Palestinian Aramaic Version. A Corpus of Christian Palestinian Aramaic . Groningen: Styx Publications, 1999. CPA

Brock, Sebastian P., "Fragments of Ps-John Chrysostom, Homily on the Prodigal Son, in Christian Palestinian Aramaic." Muséon 112 (1999): 335–362. CPA

Desreumaux, A., "Marc en araméen christo-palestinien." Mélanges de science religieuse 56 (1999): 73–84. CPA

Müller-Kessler, Christa, "Christian Palestinian Aramaic and Its Significance to the Western Aramaic Dialect Group." JAOS 119/4 (1999): 631–36. CPA

Müller-Kessler, Christa, "Die frühe christlich-palästinisch-aramäische Evangelienhandschrift CCR1 übersetzt durch einen ostaramäischen (syrischen) Schreiber?." JAB 1 (1999): 79–86. CPA

Puech, E., "Notes d'épigraphie christo-palestinienne cis-jordanienne." RB 108 (2001): 61–72. CPA

Díez Merino, Luis, "Literatura del arameo cristianopalestino." Helmantica: Revista de filología clásica y hebrea 54 (2003): 43–103. CPA

Baarda, T., "Parablepsis in the Christian Palestinian Aramaic Lectionary: The Case of Matthew 17.26." AS 3 (2005): 137–45. CPA

Abousamra, Gaby, "Coupe de prière syriaque chrétienne." Parole de l’Orient 35 (2010): 27–38. CPA

Morgenstern, M., "Christian Palestinian Aramaic," in Weninger, S. et al., The Semitic languages : an international handbook, . Berlin: De Gruyter Mouton, 2011. Pp. 628-37. CPA

Meyer, Mark, A comparative dialectical study of genitive constructions in Aramaic translations of Exodus. Perspectives on linguistics and ancient languages 2. Piscataway: Gorgias, 2012. Targums Peshitta CPA HistGram

Meyer, Mark, A comparative dialectical study of genitive constructions in Aramaic translations of Exodus. Perspectives on linguistics and ancient languages 2. Piscataway: Gorgias, 2012. Targums Peshitta CPA HistGram

Li, Tarsee, Greek Indicative Verbs in the Christian Palestinian Aramaic Gospels: Translation Technique and the Aramaic Verbal System. Perspectives on Linguistics and Ancient Languages . Piscateway: Gorgias, 2013. CPA Syntax

Sokoloff, Michael, Texts of Various Contents in Christian Palestinian Aramaic. Orientalia Lovanensia Analecta 235. Leuven, Paris, Walpole: Peeters, 2014. CPA

Sokoloff, Michael, Texts of Various Contents in Christian Palestinian Aramaic. Orientalia Lovanensia Analecta 235. Leuven, Paris, Walpole: Peeters, 2014. CPA

Sokoloff, Michael, A Dictionary of Christian Palestinian Aramaic. Orientalia Lovanensia Analecta 234. Leuven, Paris, Walpole: Peeters, 2014. CPA Lexicography

Sokoloff, Michael, A Dictionary of Christian Palestinian Aramaic. Orientalia Lovanensia Analecta 234. Leuven, Paris, Walpole: Peeters, 2014. CPA Lexicography

Müller-Kessler, Christa, "Codex Sinaiticus Rescriptus (CSRG/O/P/S) A Collection of Christian Palestinian Aramaic Manuscripts." Le Muséon 127 (2014): 263–309. CPA CPA Hom

Müller-Kessler, Christa, "Christlich-palästinisch-aramäische Palimpseste im St. Katharinenkloster, Sinai mit dem Martyrium des Mamas von Kaisareia in Kappadokien (Arabic NF 66)." OrChr 99 (2016): 77–85. CPA gwyh N

Vainstub, D., Sokoloff, Michael and et al., "A New Christian Palestinian Aramaic Inscription in a Mosaic Pavement at Ḥura, israel." Le Muséon 129 (2016): 279–84. CPA Ḥura

Abudraham, O., "A New Christian Palestinian Aramaic Amulet." Orientalia 86:1 (2017): 97–106. CPA Orthography Amu

Li, Tarsee, "Greek Imperatives and Corresponding Expressions in Christian Palestinian Aramaic," in Li, Tarsee//Dyer, K., From Ancient Manuscripts to Modern Dictionaries, Perspective on Linguistics and Ancient Languages9. Piscataway: Gorgias, 2017. Pp. 97-108. CPA

The Martyrdom of Arianos and the Four Protectores in an Unpublished Christian Palestinian Aramaic Palimpsest, St Catherine Monastery (Sinai, Arabic NF 66) Mül, "The Martyrdom of Arianos and the Four Protectores in an Unpublished Christian Palestinian Aramaic Palimpsest, St Catherine Monastery (Sinai, Arabic NF 66)." Collectanea Christiana Orientalia 14 (2017): 115–25. CPA

Müller-Kessler, Christa, "Three Early Witnesses of the 'Dormition Of Mary' in Christian Palestinian Aramaic from the Cairo Genizah (Taylor-Schechter Collection) and the New Finds in St ." Apocrypha. Revue internationale des littératures apocryphes 29 (2018): 69–95. CPA

Capron, L., "Deux fragments d’épitres pauliniennes (1 Thess. et 1 Cor.) en araméen christopalestinien." Semitica 61 (2019): 127–37. CPA

Müller-Kessler, Christa, "The Unknown Martyrdom of Patriklos of Caesarea in Christian Palestinian Aramaic From St Catherine's Monastery (Sinai, Arabic NF 66)." Analecta Bollandiana 137 (2019): 63–71. CPA

Müller-Kessler, Christa, "An Overlooked Christian Palestinian Aramaic Witness of the ''Dormition of Mary'' in Codex Climaci Rescriptus (CCR IV)." Collectanea Christiana Orientalia 16 (2019): 81–98. CPA

Abudraham, O., "כתובת ארמית נוצרית ארץ ישראלית ממבוא מודיעים." שימור מורשת התרבות 3 (2020): 49–50. CPA

Müller-Kessler, Christa, "A Palimpsest Fragment with Unattested Passages of Job 3:11c-4:3b in Christian Palestinian Aramaic under Sinai, Greek NF MG 14." Collectanea Christiana Orientalia 17 (2020): 183–96. CPA

Müller-Kessler, Christa, "Unparalleled Variant Reading for Leviticus 26:26b-44 and Numbers 4:15B-5:6A in an Early Christian Palestinian Aramaic Palimpsest from St Catherine's Monastery ." RB (2021): 354–70. CPA $md V cdy V +my A

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