CAL Bibliography for NENA


Stoddard, D. T., Grammar of the Modern Syriac Language, as Spoken in Oroomiah, Persia and Koordistan. . New Haven: , 1855. NENA

Nöldeke, Theodor, Grammatik der neu syrischen Sprache am Urmia-See und in Kurdistan. . Leipzig: T. O. Weigel, 1868. NENA

Gottheil, R., The Judeo-Aramaean Dialect of Salamas. . New York: , 1893. NENA

Rosenberg, J., Lehrbuch der neusyrischen Schrift und Umgangssprache. . Vienna: , 1903. NENA

Oraham, Alexander J., Dictionary of the Stabilized and Enriched Assyrian Language and English. . Chicago: , 1943. NENA

Sagal, J. B., "Neo-Aramaic Proverbs of the Jews of Zakho." JNES 14 (1955): 251–70. ModAram NENA Zakho

Yaure, L., "A Poem in the Neo-Aramaic Dialect of Urmia." JNES 16 (1957): 73–87. NENA

Krotkoff, G., "Beobachtungen zum Neu-Ostaramäischen." ZDMG 111 (1961): 393–95. NENA

Friedrich, J. and Yaure, L., "Onkel Šälu und Qämbär. Eine neusyrische Verserzählung von D. Iljan." ZDMG 112 (1962): 6–49. NENA

Garbell, I., The Jewish Neo-Aramaic Dialect of Persian Azerbaijan: Linguistic Analysis and Golkloristic Texts. . The Hague: Mouton, 1965. NENA

Jacobi, H., Grammatik des thumischen Neuaramäisch. . Wiesbaden: DMG, 1973. NENA

Sabar, Yona, "היסודות העבריים בניב הארמי שבפי יהודי זאכו בכורדיסטאן." Lesh 38 (1973-4): 206–19. NENA Zakho

Manna, Jacques Eugène, Chaldean-Arabic Dictionary. . Beirut: Babel Center Publications, 1975. Lexicography NENA

Avinery, Iddo, "A Folktale in the Neo-Aramaic Dialect of the Jews of Zakho." JAOS 98 (1978): 92–96. NENA Zakho

Krotkoff, G., A Neo-Aramaic Dialect of Kurdistan: Texts, Grammar, and Vocabulary. AOS 64. New Haven: American Oriental Society, 1982. NENA

Polotsky, H.J., "Neusyrische Konjugation." OS 33-35 (1984-86): 323–32. NENA

Sabar, Yona, Homilies in the New-Aramaic of the Kurdistani Jews. . Jerusalem: Israel Academy, 1985. ModAram NENA

Hopkins, S., "A Tale in the Jewish Neo-Aramaic Dialect of Narada (Persian Azerbaijan)." Jerusalem Studies in Arabic and Islam 12 (1989): 243–81. ModAram NENA

Hoberman, R.D., "Chaldean Aramaic of Zakho," in Contini, R. and others, ed., Semitica: Serta philologica Constantino Tsereli dicata. Turin: Zamorani, 1993. Pp. 115–26. NENA Zakho

Sabar, Yona, "A Folktale and Folk Songs in the Christian Neo-Aramaic Dialect of Tel-Kā“pe (Northern Iraq)," in Contini, R. and others, ed., Semitica: Serta philologica Constantino Tsereteli dicata. Turin: Zamorani, 1993. Pp. 289–98. NENA ModAram

Sabar, Yona, The Book of Deuteronomy in Neo-Aramaic in the Dialect of the Jewish Community of Zakho: Including Selected Texts in Other Neo-Aramaic Dialects and a Glossary. Edah velashon, Publications of the Hebrew University Langauge Traditions Project . Jerusalem: Magnes, 1994. Zakho NENA Lexicography

Fox, S.E.,, "The Relationships of the Eastern Neo-Aramaic Dialects." JAOS 114 (1994): 154–62. NENA

Solomon, Z.S, "Basic Sentence Structure in Assyrian Aramaic." Journal of the Assyrian Academic Society 8 (1994): 83–107. NENA

Sabar, Yona, "The Christian Neo-Aramaic Dialects of Zakho and Dihok: Two Text Samples." JAOS 115 (1995): 33–51. Zakho Dihok NENA

Fassberg, S.E., "A Family History Told in the Jewish Neo-Aramaic Dialect of Zakho," in Baasten, M.F.J. and van Peursen, W.Th., Hamlet on a Hill: Semitic and Greek Studies Presented to Professor T. Muraoka on the Occasion of his Sixty-Fifth Birthday, Orientalia Lovaniensia analecta 118. Leuven: Peeters, 2003. Pp. 191–214. ModAram NENA Zakho

Khan, G.A., "Some Remarks on Linguistic and Lexical Change in the North Eastern Neo-Aramaic Dialects." Aramaic Studies 1 (2003): 179–90. NENA HistGram

Mutzafi, Hezy, "Etymological Notes on North-Eastern Neo-Aramaic." ArSt 3 (2005): 83–107. NENA ModAram Lexicography )dn N bwndq N pls N qd$h N Twy#2 V bll V b(w#2 N lbk V pwr V xrg V

McCollum, Adam, "Recent Studies on the Jewish Northeastern Neo-Aramaic Dialects." JQR 96 (2006): 569–577. NENA ModAram

Mutzafi, Hezy, "On the Etymology of Some Enigmatic Words in North-Eastern Neo-Aramaic." ArSt 4 (2006): 83–99. NENA ModAram Vocab

Awde, N. and et cl., Modern Aramaic (Assyrian/Syriac): Dictionary & Phrasebook. . New York: Hippocrene, 2007. Lexicography ModAram NENA Turoyo

Kahn, G.A., "Ergativity in the North Eastern Neo-AramaicDialects.," in Bar, T.//Cohen, E., Studies in Semitic and General Linguistics in Honor of Gideon Goldenberg, Alter Orient und Altes Testament 334. Münster: Ugarit Verlag, 2007. Pp. 147-57. NENA Grammar

Kapeliuk, Olga, "The Perfect Tenses in Urmi Neo-Aramaic," in Gzella, H. and Folmer, M.L., Aramaic in its Historical and Linguistic Setting, Akad. d. Wissenschaften u.d. Literatur-Mainz; Ver. d. Orientalischen Kommission 50. Wiesbaden: Harrasowitz, 2008. Pp. 313–34. NENA ModAram

Khan, G.A., "The Expression of Definiteness in North-Eastern Neo-Aramaic Dialects," in Gzella, H. and Folmer, M.L., Aramaic in its Historical and Linguistic Setting, Akad. d. Wissenschaften u.d. Literatur-Mainz; Ver. d. Orientalischen Kommission 50. Wiesbaden: Harrasowitz, 2008. Pp. 287–304. NENA ModAram

Khan, G.A., "The Genitive and Relative Clauses in the North-Eastern Neo-Aramaic Dialects ," in Watson, J.C. E. and Jan Retsö, Relative Clauses and Genitive Constructions in Semitic , . Oxford: OUP, 2009. Pp. 69-88. NENA Grammar

Mutzafi, Hezy, "Some Lexicographic and Etymological Notes on ‘A Jewish Neo-Aramaic Dictionary'." Aramaic Studies 9 (2011): 309–24. ModAram NENA Lexicography qwty N sbs V

Khan, G.A., "The copula in North-Eastern Neo-Aramaic," in Corriente, F. et al., Dialectology of the Semitic languages : proceedings of the IV meeting on comparative Semitics Zaragoza 06/9-11/2010, Aula orientalis 27. Sabadell (Barcelona): Ausa, 2012. Pp. 31-40. NENA

Khan, G.A., "Phonological emphasis in North-Eastern Neo-Aramaic," in Léonard, J.L. and N. Samia, Base articulatoire arrière : Backing and backness, LINCOM studies in phonology 1. Munich: LINCOM Europa, 2013. Pp. 111-31. NENA Phonology

Bar-Asher Siegal, Elitzur A., "Reciprocal NP-strategies in Jewish dialects of Near Eastern Neo-Aramaic in light of parallel Semitic constructions." Journal of Jewish languages 2 (2014): 49–77. NENA Grammar

Mutzafi, Hezy, "Further Jewish Babylonian Aramaic Words in Light of Neo-Aramaic [Heb.]." Lesh. 81 (2017): 257–75. JBA NENA vocab. dwr#3 N

Aloni, Oz, "‘The King and the Wazir’: A Folk-Tale in the Jewish North-Eastern Neo-Aramaic Dialect of Zakho," in Vidro, N. et al., Studies in Semitic Linguistics and Manuscripts: A Liber Discipulorum in Honour of Professor Geoffrey Khan, ACTA UNIVERSITATIS UPSALIENSIS: Studia Semitica Upsaliensia 30. Uppsala: Uppsala Univ., 2018. Pp. 272-97. NENA Zakho

Coghill, E., "Information structure in the Neo-Aramaic dialect of Telkepe," in Adamou, E. et al., Information structure in lesser-described languages : studies in prosody and syntax, . Amsterdam and Philadelphia: Benjamins, 2018. Pp. 297-327. NENA

Coghill, E., "The Neo-Aramaic Dialect of Telkepe," in Vidro, N. et al., Studies in Semitic Linguistics and Manuscripts: A Liber Discipulorum in Honour of Professor Geoffrey Khan, ACTA UNIVERSITATIS UPSALIENSIS: Studia Semitica Upsaliensia 30. Uppsala: Uppsala Univ., 2018. Pp. 234-71. NENA

Khan, G.A., "Remarks on the Historical Development and Syntax of the Copula in North-Eastern Neo-Aramaic Dialects." Aramaic Studies 16 (2018): 234–68. NENA HistGram

Khan, G.A., "The Neo-Aramaic dialects of northern Iraq," in Haig, G.//Khan, G.A., The languages and linguistics of Western Asia : an areal perspective, The world of linguistics 6. Berlin: De Gruyter Mouton, 2018. Pp. 305-53. ModAram NENA

Khan, G.A., "Jewish Neo-Aramaic in Kurdistan and Iran," in Hary, B.//Benor, S.B., Languages in Jewish communities, past and present, Contributions to the sociology of language 112. Berlin: De Gruyter Mouton, 2018. Pp. 9-34. ModAram NENA

Mengozzi, A. and Miola, E., "Paronomastic Infinitives in North-Eastern Neo-Aramaic: A Typological Approach." Aramaic Studies 16 (2018): 270–99. NENA Grammar

Mutzafi, Hezy, "Akkadian substrate words and meanings surfacing in Neo-Aramaic." Brill's journal of Afroasiatic languages and linguistics 10 (2018): 24–51. Loanwords NENA ModAram )mh#4 N

Mutzafi, Hezy, "Further Jewish Neo-Aramaic Innovations." Journal of Jewish Languages 6 (2018): 145–81. NENA

Mutzafi, Hezy, "Folk Etymology in the North-Eastern Neo-Aramaic Dialects." Aramaic Studies 16 (2018): 215–33. NENA

Napiorkowska, L., "Patterns of Diffusion of Phonological Change in the North-Eastern Neo- Aramaic Dialect of Azran ," in Vidro, N. et al., Studies in Semitic Linguistics and Manuscripts: A Liber Discipulorum in Honour of Professor Geoffrey Khan, ACTA UNIVERSITATIS UPSALIENSIS: Studia Semitica Upsaliensia 30. Uppsala: Uppsala Univ., 2018. Pp. 217-33. NENA

Coghill, E., "Northeastern Neo Aramaic: The Dialect of Alqosh," in Huehnergard, J.//Pat-El, N., The Semitic Languages: Second Edition. London and New York: Routledge, 2019. Pp. 711-47. ModAram NENA

Mutzafi, Hezy, "Further Akkadian Substrate Words and Meanings Surfacing in Neo-Aramaic." Orientalia 88 (2019): 210–37. NENA Vocab Loanwords ksn)#2 N bny V

Mutzafi, H., "Two Syriac Lexical Items in the Light of Neo-Aramaic," in Nicosia, M., Syriac Lexis and Lexica: Compiling ancient and modern vocabularies, Perspectives on Linguistics and Ancient Languages16. Piscataway, NJ : Gorgias, 2024. Pp. 169-78. Lexicography NENA pddw) N p(rm) N prmw( N

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