CAL Bibliography for New Testament


Delitzsch, F., Saat der Hoffnüng. . : , 1874. LangJesus New Testament

Potwin, L.S., "Words in New Testament Greek Borrowed from the Hebrew and Aramean." BSac 33 (1876): 52–62. New Testament Influences

Marshall, J.T., "Did St. Paul Use a Semitic Gospel?." Expositor 4/2 (1890): 69–80. New Testament

Hoffmann, O., Die griechischen Dialekte in ihrem historischen zusammenhange mit den wichtigsten ihrer quellen. . Göttingen: Vandenhoeck and Ruprecht, 1891. New Testament New Testament Influences

Marshall, J.T., "The Aramaic Gospel: Dr. Resch's proofs of Translation." Expositor 4/3 (1891): 375–90. New Testament

Marshall, J.T., "The Aramaic Gospel: Duplicate Translations in the Gospel of Mark." Expositor 4/4 (1891): 435–48. New Testament

Marshall, J.T., "The Aramaic Gospel: Galilean Dialect." Expositor 4/4 (1891): 208–23. New Testament

Marshall, J.T., "The Aramaic Gospel: Indications of Translation." Expositor 4/3 (1891): 205–20; 275-291; 452-467; 4/4:373-88. New Testament

Marshall, J.T., "The Aramaic Gospel: Introductory." Expositor 4/3 (1891): 1–17. New Testament

Marshall, J.T., "The Aramaic Gospel: The New Criterion." Expositor 4/3 (1891): 109–24. New Testament

Zunz, Leopold, Die gottesdienstlichen Vorträge der Juden, historisch entwickelt. . Frankfort: J. Kauffmann, 1892. New Testament MegTaanit Targums

Campbell, C., "Professor Marshall's Theory of an Aramaic Gospel." ExpTim 4 (1892-1993): 468–70. New Testament

Marshall, J.T., "The Aramaic Gospel: A Résumé of the Theory in accordance with Its Genesis." ExpTim 4 (1892-1993): 260–67. New Testament

Marshall, J.T., "The Aramaic Gospel: Reply to Dr. Colin Campbell." ExpTim 4 (1892-1993): 515–6. New Testament

Allen, W.C., "The Aramaic Gospel." Expositor 4/7 (1893): 386–400, 454-70. New Testament

Driver, S.R., "Professor Marshall's Aramaic Gospel." Expositor 4/8 (1893): 388–400, 419-31. New Testament

Marshall, J.T., "The Aramaic Gospel: Reply to Dr. Driver and Mr. Allen." Expositor 4/8 (1893): 176–92. New Testament

Lewy, J., "Die semitischen Fremdwörter bei den Greichen." (1895): . New Testament Influences

Nestle, E., Philologica sacra: Bemerkungen über die Urgestalt der Evangelien und Apostelgeschichte. . Berlin: Reuther and Reichard, 1896. New Testament

Allen, W.C., "The Aramaic Element in St. Mark." ExpTim 13 (1901): 328–30. New Testament

Dalman, Gustaf, Grammatik des judisch-palästinischen Aramäisch nach den Idiomen des palastinischen Talmud, des Onkelostargum und Prophetentargum und der jerusalemischen Targume. Aramaische Dialektproben. . Leipzig: Hinrichs, 1905. Grammar New Testament JPA Galilean JLA Targums

Ball, C.J., "Had the Fourth Gospel an Aramaic Archetype?." ExpTim 21 (1909): 91–93. Influences New Testament

Lattey, C., "The Semitisms of the Fourth Gospel." JTS 20 (1918): 330–36. Influences New Testament

Haupt, Paul, "Hidalgo and Filius Hominis." JBL 40 (1921): 167–70. New Testament

Burney, C.F., The Aramaic Origin of the Fourth Gospel. . Oxford: Clarendon, 1922. New Testament

Box, C.G. H., "The Origin of the Fourth Gospel." The Jewish Guardian March 11 (1922): 8–9. Influences New Testament

Schulthess, F., "Zur Sparche der Evangelien." ZNW 21 (1922): 216–36, 241–58. New Testament

Montgomery, James A., The Origin of the Gospel according to St. John. . Philadelphia: John C. Winston Co., 1923. Influences New Testament

Driver, G.R., "The Original Language of the Fourth Gospel: A Criticism of Dr. Burney's Thesis; Part II." Jewish Guardian (1/12) (1923): 7–8. Influences New Testament

Thomsen, P., "Review of The Aramaic Origin of the Fourth Gospel, by C. F. Burney." OLZ 26 (1923): 332–35. New Testament Influences

Torrey, C.C., "The Aramaic Origin of the Gospel of John." HTR 16 (1923): 305–44. Influences New Testament

Albright, W.F., "Some Observations Favoring the Palestinian Origin of the Gospel of John." HTR 17 (1924): 189–95. Influences New Testament

Burrows, M., "The Johannine Prologue as Aramaic Verse." JBL 45 (1926): 57–69. Influences New Testament

Springer, J. F., "The Aramaic and the Synoptic Problem." ATR 9 (1926-27): 47–55. New Testament

Joüon, P., "Quelques aramáïsmes sous-jacents au grec des évangiles." RSR 17 (1927): 210–29. New Testament

Allis, O.T., "The Alleged Aramaic Origin of the Fourth Gospel." Princeton Theological Review 26 (1928): 531–72. Influences New Testament

Matheson, D., ""Actors": Christ's Word of Scorn." ExpTim 41 (1929): 333–34. New Testament

Burrows, M., "The Original Language of the Gospel of John." JBL 49 (1930): 95–139. Influences New Testament

Joüon, P., "ὙΠΟΚΡΙΤΗΣ dans l'Evangile et hébreu Hanef." RSR 20 (1930): 312–16. New Testament xnp N

Colwell, E.C., The Greek of the Fourth Gospel: A Study of Its Aramaisms in the Light of Hellenistic Greek. . Chicago: University of Chicago, 1931. Influences New Testament

Kretzmann, P. E., "Aramaismen in Neuen Testament." CTM 2 (1931): 513–20. New Testament

Kretzmann, P. E., "The Question of Aramaic Originals." CTM 5 (1934): 211–40. New Testament

Harris, J.R., "Traces of Targumism in the New Testament." Expositor 32 (1935): 1920–21. Targums New Testament

Jousse, M., "Le outils gestuels de la mémoire dans le milieu ethnique palestinien: Le formulisme araméen des récits évangeliques." L'Ehnographie ns 30 (1935): . New Testament

Littmann, E., "Torrey's Buch über die vier Evangelien." ZNW 34 (1935): 20–34. New Testament

Littmann, E., "Torrey's Buch über die vier Evangelien." ZNW 34 (1935): 20–34. New Testament

Wensinck, A.J., "The Semitisms of Codex Bexae and Their Relation to the Non-Western Text of the Gospel of Luke." Bulletin of the Bezan Club 12 (1937): 11–48. New Testament

Dupont-Sommer, A., "Note archéologique sur le proverbe évangélique: Mettre la lampe sous le boisseau," in , Mélanges syriens offerts à  monsieur René Dussaud, secrétaire perpétuel de l'Académie des inscriptions et belles-lettres, par ses amis et ses élèves. Paris: Geuthner, 1939. Pp. 789–94. New Testament

Williams, C.S. C., "Syriasms in the Washington Text of Mark." JTS 42 (1941): 177–78. New Testament

Hudson, J.T., "The Aramaic Basis of St. Mark." ExpTim 53 (1941-1942): 264–70. New Testament

Goodspeed, E.J., "The Possible Aramaic Gospel." JNES 1 (1942): 315–40. New Testament

Andrews, D.K., "The Aramaic Particle dî and the Problem of Translation Greek," in Andrews, D.K., The Aramaic Particle dî and the Problem of Translation Greek. Chicago: unpublished, 1943. New Testament

Munck, J., "Deux notes sur la langue de Nouveau Testament. I: Le grec moderne et la langue du Nouveau Testament. II. Les sémitismes dans le Nouveau Testament." Classica et mediaevalia [Aarhus] 5 (1943): 187–208. New Testament

Sparks, H.F. D., "The Semitisms of St. Luke's Gospel." JTS 44 (1943): 129–38. New Testament

Unnik, W.C. van, "Aramaeismen bij Paulus." Vox theologica 14 (1943): 117–26. New Testament Influences

Wikgren, Allen, "The Targums and the New Testament ." Journal of Religion 24 (1944): 89–95. New Testament Targums

Gander, G., "Le texte du nouveau Testament: Etude d'isagogique et de linguistique appliquée." RTP 33 (1945): 15. New Testament

Smith, L.C., "A Greek-Aramaic Glossary of the Vocabulary of Jesus in the Gospel of Mark." Ph.D. diss., Yale Univ.. (1946-1947): . New Testament

Kahle, Paul E., The Cairo Geniza. Schweich Lectures of the British Academy 1941 . London: British Academy, 1947. New Testament Targums

Black, Matthew, "Aramaic Studies and the New Testament: The Unpublished Work of the Late A. J. Wensinck of Leyden." JTS 49 (1948): 157–65. New Testament LangJesus

Jeremias, J., "Die aramäische Vorgeschichte unserer Evangelien." TLZ 74 (1949): 527–32. New Testament

Sparks, H.F. D., "Some Observations on the Semitic Background of the New Testament." Bulletin of the SNTS 2 (1951): 33–42. New Testament

Torrey, C.C., "The Aramaic Period of the Nascent Christian Church." ZNW 44 (1952-53): 205–23. New Testament

Torrey, C.C., "Studies on the Aramaic of the First Century A.D. (New Testament Writings)." ZAW 65 (1953): 228–47. New Testament

Argyle, A. W., "An Alleged Mistranslation of Aramaic." JTS 5 (1954): 210. New Testament

Turner, B., "An Alleged Semitism." ExpTim 66 (1954-55): 252–54. New Testament

Ullendorff, Edward, "A Mistranslation from Aramaic?." NTS 2 (1955-56): 50–52. New Testament

Héring, J., "Y a-t-il des aramaïsmes dans la première épître johannique? Prolégomènes à une nouvelle traduction de cet écrit." RHRPR 36 (1956): 113–21. New Testament

Wernberg-Møller, P., "A Semitic Idiom in Matt. v. 22." ?? 3 (1956-1957): 71–73. New Testament

Schmid, J., "Aramaismen." LTK 1 (1957): 798–99. New Testament

Schmid, J., "Aramaismen." LTK 1 (1957): 798–99. New Testament

Smith, M., "Aramaic Studies and the Study of the New Testament." JBR 26 (1958): 304–313. New Testament

Kosmala, Hans, "Matthew XXVI 52: A Quotation from the Targum." NovT 4 (1960): 3–5. Targums New Testament

Muilenburg, J., "The Son of Man in Daniel and the Ethiopic Apocalypse of Enoch." JBL 79 (1960): 197–209. BADan New Testament

Barrett, C.K., Luke the Historian in Recent Study. . London: Epworth, 1961. New Testament

Black, Matthew, The Scrolls and Christian Origins: Studies in the Jewish Background of the New Testament. . New York: Scribner's, 1961. 1QapGen New Testament

Blass, F. and Debrunner, A., A Greek Grammar of the New Testament and Other Early Christian Literature. . Chicago: University of Chicago, 1961. New Testament

Le Déaut, Roger, "Traditions targumiques dans le corpus paulinien." Biblica 42 (1961): 28–48. Targums New Testament

Le Déaut, Roger, "Le targum de Gen. xxii, 8 et I Ptr. i, 20." RSR 49 (1961): 103–6. Targums New Testament

Morgenstern, J., "The ''Son of Man'' of Daniel 7 13f: A New Interpretation." JBL 80 (1961): 65–77, esp. 76. New Testament BADan

Kilpatrick, G. D., "The Order of Some Noun and Adjective Phrases in the New testament." NT 5 (1962): 111–14. New Testament

Ramón Diaz, J., "Targum palestinense y Nuevo Testamento." EstBib 21 (1962): 337–42. Tg Pal Targums New Testament

Ramón Diaz, J., "Palestinian Targum and the New Testament." NovT 6 (1963): 75–80. Targums Tg Pal New Testament

Argyle, A. W., "‘Hypocrites' and the Aramaic Theory." Expository Times 75 (1963-64): 113–14. New Testament

Black, Matthew, "The Semitic Element in the New Testament." ExpTim 77 (1965-66): 20–23. New Testament

McNamara, M., The New Testament and the Palestinian Targum to the Pentateuch. Analecta biblica 27. Rome: Pontifical Biblical Institute, 1966. Targums New Testament TgPal

Héring, J., "Remarques sur les bases araméennes et hébraïques des évangiles synoptiques: Prolégomènes à une nouvelle traduction, rédigés en mémoire de l'enseignment de Charles Jager." RHPR 46 (1966): 17–33. New Testament

McNamara, M., "The Aramaic Translations: A Newly Recognized Aid for New Testament Study." Scripture 18 (1966): 47–56. Targums New Testament

Fletcher, B., The Aramaic Sayings of Jesus. . London: Hodder and Stoughton, 1967. New Testament

Masson, E., Recherches sur les plus anciens emprunts semitiques en grec. Etude et commentaires 67. Paris: , 1967. New Testament Influences

Nickels, P., Targum and New Testament: A Bibliography together with a New Testament Index. Scripta Pontificii Instituti Biblici 117. Rome: Pont. Biblical Institute, 1967. Targums New Testament Bibliog

David, Jean-Eudes, "To haima mou tēs diathēkēs: Mt. 26,28: Un faux problème." Bib 48 (1967): 291–92. New Testament

Watson, M., "The Semitic Element in New Testament Greek." ResQ 10/4 (1967): 225–30. New Testament

Stewart Petrie, C., "The Authorship of "The Gospel according to Matthew": A Reconsideration of the External Evidence." NTS 14 (1967-1968): 15–33. New Testament

Beyer, K., Semitische Syntax im Neuen Testement. I. Satzlehre. SUNT 1. Göttingen: Vandenhoeck and Ruprecht, 1968. New Testament

Molitor, J., Grundbegriffe der Jesusüberlieferung im Lichte ihrer orientalischen Sprachgeschichte. . Düsseldorf: Patmos, 1968. New Testament

Fisher, L.R., "Can This be the Son of David," in Trotter, F.T., ed., Jesus and the Historian: Written in Honor of Ernest Cadman Colwell. Philadelphia: Westminster, 1968. Pp. 82–97. New Testament

Lasory, G., "Some Remarks on the Jewish Dialectal Aramaic of Palestine During the First Centuries of the Christian Era." Augustinianum 8 (1968): 468–76. New Testament

Le Déaut, Roger, "Le substrat araméen des évangiles: Scolies en marge de l'Aramaic Approach de Matthew Black." Bib 49 (1968): 388–99. 11QtgJob New Testament

Higgins, A.J. B., "Sidelights on Christian Beginnings in the Graeco-Roman World." EvQ 41 (1969): 197–206. New Testament

Fitzmyer, Joseph A., "The Languages of Palestine in the First Century A.D.." CBQ 32 (1970): 501–31. New Testament LangJesus

Dupont-Sommer, A., "Observations sur les noms grecs du sabbat et de la pâque." CRAIBL (1971): 77–83. New Testament

Miller, M. P., "Targum, Midrash and the Use of the Old Testament int he New Testament." JSJ 2 (1971): 29–82. Targums New Testament

Pelletier, André, "Pour une histoire des noms grecs du sabbat et de la pâque." CRAIBL (1971): 77–83. New Testament

Black, Matthew, "The Maranatha Invocation and Jude 14, 15 (I Enoch 1:9)," in Lindars, B. and Smalley, S.S., ed., Christ and Spirit in the New Testament: In Honour of Charles Francis Digby Moule. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge Univ., 1973. Pp. 189–96. Enoch New Testament

Fitzmyer, Joseph A., "The Contribution of Qumran Aramaic to the Study of the New Testament." NTS 20 (1973-1974): 382–407. 4QpsDan ard 4Q246 11QtgJob New Testament Grammar

Luzârraga, J., "Fondo targumico del cuarto evangelico." EstEcl 49 (1974): 251–63. Targums New Testament

Clarke, E.G., "Jacob's Dream at Bethel as Interpreted in the Targums and the New Testament." SR 4 (1974-75): 367–77. Targums New Testament

Vermès, Géza, Post-Biblical Jewish Studies. Studies in Judaism and Late Antiquity . Leiden: Brill, 1975. New Testament

Fitzmyer, Joseph A., "Methodology in the Study of the Aramaic Substratum of Jesus' Sayings in the New Testament," in Dupont, J., ed., Jésus aux origines de la christologie, BETL . Gembloux: Duculot, 1975. Pp. 73–102. New Testament

Fitzmyer, Joseph A., "Der semitische Hintergrund des neutestamentlichen Kyriostitels," in Strecker, G., ed., Jesus Christus in Historie und Theologie: Neutestamentliche Festschrift für Hans Conzelmann zum 60. Geburtstag. Tübingen: J. C. B. Mohr, 1975. Pp. 267–98. Influences New Testament

Malone, J.L., "The Targum on Ps. 8 and the New Testament." Salesianum 37 (1975): 326–36. Targums New Testament Tg.Ps

Hofius, O., "Abba," in Colin Brown, ed., New International Dictionary of New Testament Theology. Exeter: Paternoster Press, 1975-1978. Pp. 614–15. New Testament

Greenfield, Jonas C., "review of: Essays on the Semitic Background of the New Testament by Joseph A. Fitzmyer." JNES 35 (1976): 59–61. Jebel Xallet eT-Turi New Testament Qumran

Marzotto, D., "Giovanni 17 e el targum di Esodo 19-20." RivB 25 (1977): 375–88. Targums New Testament

Muñoz León, D., "Un reino de sacerdotesy una nación santa (Ex 19, 6): La interpretación neotestamentaria de nuestro texto a la luz de los setenta y de la traducciones targúm." EstBib 37 (1978): 149–212. Targums New Testament

Rodríguez Carmona, A., "El targum palestinense del Pentateucho y el problema sinoptico de los evangelios." CuBib 35 (1978): 111–20. Targums New Testament

Grelot, Pierre, "La quatrième demande du 'Pater' et son arrière-plan sémitique." NTS 25 (1978-79): 299–314. New Testament

Casey, P. Maurice, Son of Man: The Interpretation and Influence of Daniel 7. . London: SPCK, 1979. BADan New Testament

Fitzmyer, Joseph A., "The New Testament Title "Son of Man" Philologically Considered," in , A Wandering Aramean: Collected Aramaic Essays. Missoula, Mont.: Scholars Press, 1979. Pp. 143–60. Influences New Testament

Fitzmyer, Joseph A., "Aramaic Kepha' and Peter's Name in the New Testament," in Best, E. and Wilson, R. McL., ed., Text and Interpretation: Studies in the New Testament Presented to Matthew Black. Cambridge: University Press, 1979. Pp. 121–132. New Testament

Hooker, M.D., "Is the Son of Man Problem Really Insoluble?," in Best, E. and Wilson, R. McL., ed., Text and Interpretation: Studies in the New Testament Presented to Matthew Black. Cambridge: Cambridge University, 1979. Pp. 155–68. Influences New Testament

Klijn, A.F. J., "Patristic Evidence for Jewish Christian and Aramaic Gospel Tradition," in Best, E. and Wilson, R. McL., ed., Text and Interpretation: Studies in the New Testament Presented to Matthew Black. Cambridge: University Press, 1979. Pp. 169–77. New Testament

McNamara, M., "'To Prepare a Resting Place for You': A Targumic Expression, John 14:2f." Milltown Studies 3 (1979): 100–8. Targums New Testament

Neyrey, J. H., "Jacob Traditions and the Interpretation of John 4:10-26." CBQ 41 (1979): 419–37. Targums New Testament

Herranz Marco, M., "Substrato arameo en el relato de la anunciación a José: I. "Inventa est in utero habens de Spiritu Sancto" (Mt 1,18)." EstBib 38 (1979-1980): 35–55. New Testament

Rodríguez Carmona, A., "El vocabulario neotestamentario de resurrección a la luz del targum y literatura intertestamentaia." EstBib 38 (1979-80): 97–113. Targums New Testament

Coppens, J., "Le dossier non biblique de l'expression araméenne בראנש ." ETL 56 (1980): 122–24. New Testament br@)n$ N

Coppens, J., "O๠en est le problème de Jésus "Fils de l'homme"?." ETL 56 (1980): 282–302. New Testament

Fitzmyer, Joseph A., "The Aramaic Language and the Study of the New Testament." JBL 99 (1980): 5–21. New Testament

Horst, P.W. van der, "Notes on the Aramaic Background of Luke II 41-52." JSNT 7 (1980): 61–66. New Testament

Rodríguez Carmona, A., "Origen de la formulas neotestamentarias de resurrección con anastanai y egeirein." EstEcl 55 (1980): 37–58. New Testament

Davies, S.L., "Who is Called Bar Abbas?." NTS 27 (1980-1981): 260–62. New Testament

Derrett, J.D. M., "Mt 23, 8-10 a Midrash on Is 54,13 and Jer 31,33-34." Bib 62 (1981): 272–386. New Testament

Reader, W. W., "The Twelve Jewels of Revelation 21:19-20: Tradition History and Modern Interpretations." JBL 100 (1981): 433–57. Targums New Testament

Sabourin, L., "Isaac and Jesus in the Targums and the NT." Religious Studies Bulletin 1 (1981): 37–45. Targums New Testament

Schelbert, G., "Sprachgeschichtliches zu „Abba“," in Casetti, P.//Keel, D.//Schenker, A., Mélanges Dominique Barthélemy, . Fribourg/Gottingen: , 1981. Pp. 395–447. New Testament )b N

Le Déaut, Roger, The Message of the New Testament and the Aramaic Bible (Targum). Subsidia biblica 5. Rome: Biblical Institute, 1982. Targums New Testament

Díez Macho, A., "La cristología del Hijo del Hombre y el uso de la tercera persona en vez de la primera." Scripta theologica 14 (1982): 189–201. NTSonOfMan New Testament

Dí­ez Macho, A., "La cristología del Hijo del Hombre y el uso de la tercera persona en vez de la primera." Scripta theologica 14 (1982): 189–201. New Testament New Testament

Kim, S., The "Son of Man" as the Son of God. WUNT . Tübingen: Mohr [Siebeck], 1983. New Testament 4QpsDan ard 4Q246

Grelot, Pierre, "Une mention inaperàçue de 'Abba' dans le Testament Araméen de Lévi." Sem 33 (1983): 101–08. New Testament CTLevi )b N

Schwank, B., "Neue Funde in Nabatäerstädten und uhre Bedeutung für die neutestamentliche Exegese." NTS 29 (1983): 429–35. New Testament Nabataean

Chilton, B., A Galilean Rabbi and His Bible: Jesus' Use of the Interpreted Scripture of His Time. GNS 8. Wilmington, DE: Glazier, 1984. New Testament

Dí­ez Merino, Luis, "Un evangelio arameo de Mateo en la Universidad de Barcelona? (Manuscrito Bub No. 350)." Anuari de filología 10 (1984): 65–88. New Testament

Grelot, Pierre, "L'Arrière-plan araméen du 'Pater." RB 91 (1984): 531–56. New Testament

Mastin, B.A., "Latin Mam(m)ona and the Semitic Languages: A False Trail and a Suggestion." Bib 65 (1984): 87–90. New Testament mmwn N

Ruth, R., "Comments on "Son of Man" Relating to NOT 75." Notes on Translation 101 (1984): . New Testament New Testament

Segert, S., "Semitic Poetic Structures in the New Testament," in Haase, Wolfgang, ed., Religion: (Vorkonstantinisches Christentum: Leben und Umwelt Jesu; Neues Testament [Kanonische Schriften und Apokryphen]), ANRW . Berlin, New York: De Gruyter, 1984. Pp. 1433–62. New Testament

Wilcox, M., "Semitisms in the New Testament," in Haase, Wolfgang, ed., Religion: (Vorkonstantinisches Christentum: Leben und Umwelt Jesu; Neues Testament [Kanonische Schriften und Apokryphen]), ANRW . Berlin, New York: De Gruyter, 1984. Pp. 978–1029. New Testament

Casey, P. Maurice, "Aramaic Idiom and Son of Man Sayings." ExpTim 96 (1984-1985): 233–6. New Testament br@)n$ N

Svedlund, G., "Notes on bar nash and the Detrimental Effects of Its Transformation into the Title 'The Son of Man'." OS 33-35 (1984-1986): 401–13. New Testament br@)n$ N

Toll, C., "Zur Bedeutung des aramäischen bar nash." OS 33-35 (1984-1986): 421–28. New Testament

Berger, P.-R., "Zum Aramäischen der Evangelien und der Apostelgeschichte." TRev 82 (1986): 1–18. New Testament

Black, Matthew, "Erwiderung." TRev 82 (1986): 17–22. New Testament

Ellingworth, P., "Hebrew or Aramaic?." BT 37 (1986): 338–41. New Testament

Hurst, L.D., "The Neglected Role of Semantics in the Search for the Aramaic Words of Jesus." JSNT 28 (1986): 63–80. New Testament

Casey, P. Maurice, "General, Generic and Indefinite: The Use of the Term "Son of Man" in the Aramaic Sources and in the Teaching of Jesus." JSNT 29 (1987): 21–56. New Testament br@)n$ N

Collins, Adela Yarbro, "The Origin of the Designation of Jesus as "Son of Man"." HTR 80 (1987): 391–407. New Testament

Schwarz, G., Jesus und Judas: Aramaistische Untersuchungen zur Jesus-Judas-Überlieferung der Evangelien und der Apostelgeschichte. Beiträge zur Wissenschaft vom Alten und Neuen Testament . Stuttgart: Kohlhammer, 1988. New Testament

Barr, J., "Abba Isn't 'Daddy'." JTS 39 (1988): 28–47. New Testament )b N

Black, D.A., "New Testament Semitisms." BT 39 (1988): 215–23. New Testament

Fitzmyer, Joseph A., "The Aramaic Background of Philippians 2:6-11." CBQ 50 (1988): 470–83. New Testament

Van Gemeren, W. A., "'Abbā' in the Old Testament." JETS 31 (1988): 385–98. New Testament

Zatelli, I., "La situazione linguistica in terra d'Israele nel I secolo," in Ceresa-Gastaldo, A., ed., Storia e preistoria dei Vangeli. Genoa: Università  di Genova, Facoltà  di lettere, Dipartimento di archeologia, filologia classica e loro tradizione, 1988. Pp. 17–24. New Testament

Selby, G.R., Jesus, Aramaic & Greek. . Doncaster, UK: Brynmill, 1989. New Testament LangJesus

Beyer, K., "Woran erkennt man, dass ein griechischer Text aus dem Hebräischen oder Aramäischen übersetzt ist?," in Macuch, Maria, Müller-Kessler, Christa and Fragner, Bert G., ed., חכמות בנתה ביתה: Studia Semitica necnon Iranica Rudolpho Macuch septuagenario ab amicis et discipulis dedicata. Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz, 1989. Pp. 21–31. New Testament

Taradach, M., "Mt 21,5: Une lecture midrashique de Za 9, 9." Revista catalana de teología 14 (1989): 155–62. New Testament

Roure, D., Jesàºs y la figura de David en Mc 2,23-26: Trasfondo bíblico, intertestamentario y rabinico. AnBib . Rome: Biblical Institute, 1990. New Testament

Bienaimé, G., "L'Annonce des fleuves d'eau vive en Jean 7, 37-39." RTL 21 (1990): 281–310, 417-54. New Testament

Black, Matthew, "The Doxology to the Pater Noster with a Note on Matthew 6.13B," in Davies, P.R. and White, R.T., ed., A Tribute to Geza Vermes: Essays on Jewish and Christian Literature and History, JSOTSup . Sheffield, U.K.: Academic Press, 1990. Pp. 327–38. New Testament 4QVisAmramb 4Q544 4Q280 4Q286 TgJ.Isa

Buth, Randall, " ˀedayin/Tote--Anatomy of a Semitism in Jewish Greek." Maarav 5-6 (1990): 33–48. Vocab Grammar New Testament )dyn X

Collins, Adela Yarbro, "Daniel 7 and the Historical Jesus," in Attridge, H.W. and others, ed., Of Scribes and Scrolls: Studies on the Hebrew Bible, Intertestamental Judaism, and Christian Origins Presented to John Strugnell on the Occasion of His Sixtieth Birthday, College Theology Society Resources in Religion . Lanham, MD: University Press of America, 1990. Pp. 187–93. New Testament New Testament

Meyer, B.F., "How Jesus Charged Language with Meaning: A Study in Rhetoric." SR 19 (1990): 273–85. New Testament

Muñoz León, D., ""Iré delante de vosotros a Galilea" (Mt 26, 32 y par.): Sentido mesianico y posible sustrato arameo del logion." EstBib 48 (1990): 215–44. New Testament

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