CAL Bibliography output

CAL Bibliography for Lexicography


Masius, Andreas, Syrorum peculium, hoc est vocabula apud syros scriptores passim usurpatur: targumistis vero aut prorsus incognita: aut in ipsorum vocabulariis adhuc non satis explicata. Antwerp Polyglot 6. Antwerp: C. Plantin, 1571. Lexicography

Le Fèvre de la Boderie, Guidone, Dictionarium syro-chaldaicum. Antwerp Polyglot 6. Antwerp: C. Plantin, 1572. Lexicography

Crinesius, Christophorus, Hoc est Lexicon Syriacum, e Novo Testamento et Rituali Severi, Patriarchae quondam Alexandrini, Syro collectum.... . Wittenberg: Gormannianis, 1612. Lexicography

Schindler, Valentino, Lexicon pentaglotton, Hebraicum, Chaldaicum, Syriacum, Talmudico-Rabbinicum, and Arabicum. . Francofurti ad Moenum: J. J. Hennà«i, 1612. Lexicography

Buxtorf, Johann, Lexicon Chaldaicum et Syriacum.... . Basle: Ludovici Regis, 1622. Lexicography

Ferrari, Giovanni Battista, Nomenclator syriacus. . Rome: Stephanum Paulinum, 1622. Lexicography

Trost, Martin, Lexicon Syriacum: ex inductione omnium exemplorum Novi Testamenti Syriaci adornatum.... . Cothenis Anhaltinorum: Prostat Lipsiae in Officina Cotheniana, 1623. Lexicography

Alabaster, William, Spiraculum tubarum sive fons spiritualium expositionum ex aequiuocis pentaglotti significationibus.... . London: W. Jones, 1633. Lexicography

Schindler, Valentino and Alabaster, William, Schindleri Lexicon pentaglotton; in epitomen redactum à  G. A.. . London: W. Jones, 1635. Lexicography

Thorndike, Herbert, Epitome lexici Hebraici, Syriaci, Rabinici, et Arabic unà  cum observationius circa linguam hebraeam et Graecam authore Harbeto Thorndicke Cantabrigiensi. . London: W. Jones, 1635. Lexicography

Obicini, Tommaso, Thesaurus arabico-syro-latinus.... . Rome: Sac. Congregationis de propag. fide, 1636. Lexicography

Alabaster, William, Lexicon pentaglotton, Hebraicum, Chaldaicum, Syriacum, Talmudico-Rabbinicum, and Arabicum...Authore G. Alabastro.... . London: W. Jones, 1637. Lexicography

Schindler, Valentino, Lexicon pentaglotton, Hebraicum, Chaldaicum, Syriacum, Talmudico-Rabbinicum, et Arabicum.... . Hanoviae: J. J. Hennà«i, 1649. Lexicography

Schindler, Valentino, Lexicon pentaglotton, Hebraicum, Chaldaicum, Syriacum, Talmudico-Rabbinicum, et Arabicum.... . Francofurti ad Moenum: Rulandiorum/A. Hummii, 1653. Lexicography

Hottinger, Johann Heinrich, Etymologicum orientale; sive Lexicon harmonicum ἐπταγλωττον, quo, non matris tantum, Hebraicae linguae, ... sed et; Chaldaicae, Syriacae, Arabicae, Aethiopicaeae, Talmudico-Rabbinicae dialectorum. . Frankfurt: J. W. Ammonij and W. Serlini, 1661. Lexicography

Hottinger, Johann Heinrich, Etymologicum orientale..... . Turic: J. W. Ammonij and W. Serlini, 1664. Lexicography

Gutbier, Aegidius, Lexicon Syriacum, continens omnes N.T. Syriaci dictiones et particulas.... . Hamburg: Typis and impensis autoris, 1667. Lexicography

Castell, Edmund, Lexicon heptaglotton, Hebraicum, Chaldaicum, Syriacum, Samaritanum, Aethiopicum, Arabicum, conjunctim; et Persicum, separatim.... . London: Thomas Roycroft, 1669. Lexicography

Nicolai, Johann Friedrich, Hodogeticum orientale harmonicum, quod complectitur I. Lexicon linguarum Ebraicae, Chaldaicae, Syriacae, Arabicae, Aethiopicae et Persicae harmonicum. II.Grammaticam linguarum earundem, secundum prima praecepta delineatam, harmonicam. III. Dicta biblica.... . Jena: J. J. Bauhoferi, 1670. Lexicography

Cellarius, Chrisophorus, Glossarium syro-latinum, nuper vulgatis utriusque Testamenti excerptis accommodatum. . Cizae: J. Bielcki/F. Hetstedii, 1683. Lexicography

Castell, Edmund, Lexicon Heptaglotton, Hebraicum, Chaldaicum, Syriacum, Samaritanum, Aethiopicum, Arabicum, conjunctim; et Persicum, separatim.... . London: Thomas Roycroft, 1686. Lexicography

Schindler, Valentino, Lexicon Pentaglotton.... . Francofurti: J. J. Hennà«i, 1695. Lexicography

Alabaster, William, Lexicon Pentaglotton, Hebraicum, Chaldaicum, Syriacum, Talmudico-Rabbinicum and Arabicum. Authore Guilielmo Alabastro, Anglo.... . London: W. Jones, 1697. Lexicography

Gutbier, Aegidius, Lexicon Syriacum, continens omnes N.T. Syriaci dictiones et particulas... Novâ hac editione prioribus à  mendis expurgatum nonnullis etiam accessionibus locupletatum à  Johanne Michaele Gutbirio. . Hamburg: Typis and sumptibus Gutbirianis, 1706. Lexicography

Schaaf, Carl, Lexicon Syriacum concordantiale, omnes Novi Testamenti Syriaci voces.... . Leiden: J. Luchtmans and J. Mullerum, 1708. Lexicography

Schaaf, Carl, Lexicon Syriacum concordantiale, omnes Novi Testamenti Syriaci voces.... . Leiden: J. Mulleri, C. Boutesteyn and S. Luchtmans, 1709. Lexicography

Schaaf, Carl, Lexicon Syriacum concordantiale, omnes Novi Testamenti Syriaci voces.... . Leiden: J. Mulleri, C. Boutesteyn and S. Luchtmans, 1717. Lexicography

Gutbier, Aegidius, Lexicon Syriacum.... . Francofurti: Typis and impensis autoris, 1731. Lexicography

Zanolini, Antonio, Lexicon Syriacum ... voces omnes, quae in Novi Testamenti translatione Syriaca inveniuntur complectens. . Padua: Typ. Seminarii apud Joannes Manfrè, 1742. Lexicography

Gutbier, Aegidius, Lexicon Syriacum ... novâ hac editione prioribus à  mendis expurgatum, nonnullis etiam accessionibus locupletatum à  Johanne Michaele Gutbirio. . Hamburgi: apud Joh. Adolphum Martini, 1749. Lexicography

Weitenauer, Ignaz, Hierolexicon linguarum Orientalium, Hebraicae, Chaldaicae, et Syriacae: et cujusque harum linguarum grammatica. . Augsburg u. Freiburg/Br.: I. and A. Wagner, 1759. Lexicography

Gutbier, Aegidius, Lexicon Syriacum .... . Hamburgi: typis and sumptibus Gutbirianis, 1776. Lexicography

Castell, Edmund and Michaelis, J. D., Edmundi Castelli Lexicon syriacum ex eius Lexico heptaglotto seorsim typis describi curavit, atque sua adnotata adiecit Johannes David Michaelis. . Göttingen: J. C. Dieterich, 1788. Lexicography

Gesenius, W., , Lexicon manuale Hebraicum et Chaldaicum in Veteris Testamenti libros, . Leipzig: Fr. Chr. Guil. Vogel, 1833. Pp. . Lexicography

Gutbier, A. and Henderson, E., Aegidii Gutbirii Lexicon syriacum: omnes Novi Testamenti syriaci dictiones et particulas complectens. . London: sumptibus Samuelis Bagster et ff, 1836. Syriac Lexicography

Gutbier, Aegidius and Henderson, Ebenezer, AE. G. Lexicon Syriacum: omnes Novi Testamenti Syriaci dictiones et particulas complectens. Denuo edidit; emendavit, in ordinem redegit E. Henderson. . London: S. Bagster, 1836. Lexicography

Agrell, Carl Magnus, Supplementa ad lexicon syriacum castellianum. . Upsala: , 1838-1841. Lexicography

Agrell, Carl Magnus, Castell, Edmund and Lindgren, Henr. Gerh., Supplementa ad Lexicon syriacum Castellianum scripsit Carolus Magnus Agrell. . Upsaliae: Excudebant Regie Academiae, 1839. Syriac Lexicography

Haevernick, H.A. C., Supplementorum ad lexica Syriaca particula prima. . Königsberg: Hartung, 1843. Lexicography

Davidson, B., , The Analytical Hebrew and Chaldee Lexicon, . London: Bagster, 1848. Pp. . Lexicography

Bernstein, G.H., Lexicon linguae syriacae.... . Berlin: F. Duemmlerum, 1857. Lexicography

Hoffmann, G., Syrisch-Arabische Glossen. Erster Band. Autographie einer Gothaischen Handschrift enthaltend Bar Ali's Lexicon von Alaf bis Mim. . Kiel: Schwerssche Buchhandlung, 1874. Lexicography

Field, Frederick, Otium Norvicense, pars altera. Tentamen de quibusdam vocabulis Syro-Graecis in R. Payne Smith Thesauri Syriaci, fasc. i-iii reconditis. . Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1876. Lexicography

Lagarde, P. de, Praetermissorum libri duo.... . Göttingen: Dieterich, 1879. Lexicography

Payne Smith, Robert, Thesaurus syriacus. . Oxonii: e typographeo Clarendoniano, 1879-1901, reprint Olms 1981. Lexicography Syriac SyrLex

Löw, Immanuel, , Aramäische Pflanzennamen. Leipzig: W. Engelmann, 1881. Lexicography

Cardahi, Gabriel, Al-Lobab seu dictionarium syro-arabicum. . Beirut: Ex typogr. Catholica S.J., 1887-1891. Lexicography

Duval, R., Lexicon Syriacum auctore Hassano Bar Bahlule. Voces syriacas graecasque cum glossis syriacis et arabicis complectens.... . Paris: e Reipublicae Typographeo, 1888-1901. Lexicography

Löw, Immanuel, "review of Payne-Smith, Thesaurus syriacus ܨ-ܩ." ZDMG 47 (1893): 514–37. Lexicography Syriac BarBahlul

Brun, Joseph, Dictionarium Syriaco-Latinum. . Beirut: Typographia pp. soc. jesu, 1895. Lexicography

Audo, Thomas, Dictionnaire de la langue chaldéenne. . Mosul: Imprimerie des pères dominicains, 1897. Lexicography Syriac

Cook, S.A., A Glossary of the Aramaic Inscriptions. . Cambridge: Cambridge Univ. Press, 1898. Lexicography Nabataean

Cook, S.A., , A Glossary of the Aramaic Inscriptions, . Cambridge: Cambridge Univ. Press, 1898. Pp. . Lexicography

Löw, Immanuel, "Bemerkungen (vol. 2)," in Krauss, S., Griechische und lateinische Lehnwörter im Talmud, Midrasch und Targum ..., . : , 1898. Pp. various. Lexicography

Wellhausen, J., "Review of A Glossary of the Aramaic Inscriptions, by S. Cook." GGA (1899): 244–46. Lexicography

Manna, Jacques Eugène, Vocabulaire chaldéen-arabe. . Mosul: Imprimerie des pères dominicains, 1900. Lexicography

Schulthess, F., Homonyme Wurzeln im Syrischen. Ein Beitrag sur semitischen Lexicographie. . Berlin: Reuther and Reichard, 1900. Lexicography

Schulthess, F., Lexicon Syropalaestinum. . Berlin: Wörterbuch der christlich-syrischen Sprache aus den biblischen Büchern und syrisch-palästinensischen Schriften des Frühmittelalters zusammengestellt, 1903. CPA Lexicography

Löw, Immanuel, "Aramäische Fischnamen." Pp. 549–70 In Orientalische Studien Theodor Nöldeke zum siebzigsten Geburtstag (2. März 1906) gewidmet. Bezold, C., ed. Giessen: Töpelmann, 1906. Lexicography

Brown, F.Driver, S.R.Briggs, C.A., , A Hebrew and English Lexicon of the Old Testament with an Appendix Containing the Biblical Aramaic, . Oxford: Clarendon, 1907. Pp. . Lexicography

Löw, Immanuel, "Aramäische Lurchnamen (Frosch und Salamander)," in , Festschrift M. de Vogüé, . Paris: Imprimerie nationale, 1909. Pp. 391-406. zool Lexicography s

Löw, Immanuel, "Aramäische Schlangennamen," in Ginsburg, Z.//et al., Festschrift zum 70 Geburtstag A Harkavy, . : , 1909. Pp. 37-62. zool Lexicography s

Gottheil, R., The Syriac-Arabic Glosses. Classe di Scienzi morali, storiche e filologiche Ser. 5 13. Rome: Tipografia della R. Academia nazionale dei Lincei, 1910-1928. Lexicography

Brun, J., Diction. syr-lat.. . Beryti: , 1911. Syriac Lexicography SyrLex

Brun, Joseph, Dictionarium Syriaco-Latinum. Editio altera. . Beirut: Typographia PP. Soc. Jesu, 1911. Lexicography

Löw, Immanuel, "Lexikalische Miszellen." WZKM 25 (1911): 187 ff.. Lexicography )wzn N wzn N )wxh N n(ymh N $ll N

Löw, Immanuel, "Aramäische Lurchnamen I. Eidechsen." ZA 26 (1912): 126–47. zool Lexicography

Klein, Otto, Syrische-griechisches Wörterbuch zu den vier kanonischen Evangelien nebst einleitenden Untersuchungen. BZAW 28. Giessen: Töpelmann, 1916. Lexicography Syriac NT Pesh

Montgomery, James A., "Adverbial kålla in Biblical Aramaic and Hebrew." JAOS 43 (1923): 391–95. Lexicography Elephantine kl R kl N

Löw, Immanuel, Die Flora der Juden. 4 v. in 5. . Wien, Leipzig: R. Löwit, 1924-34. bot Lexicography

Margoliouth, Jessie Payne, Supplement to the Thesaurus of R. Payne Smith. . Oxford: , 1927. Syriac Lexicography SyrLex

Payne Smith, Robert, Supplement to the Thesaurus Syriacus of R. Payne Smith. . Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1927. Lexicography

Leander, P., "Verbesserungen am aramäischen Teil von Gesenius' Handwörterbuch, 17 Aufl.." ZAW 45 (1927): 156–59. Lexicography BA

Brockelmann, Carl, Lexicon syriacum. . Halle an der Saale: Max Niemeyer, 1928. Lexicography Syriac

Jastrow, Marcus, A Dictionary of the Targumim, the Talmud Babli and Yerushalmi, and the Midrashic Literature. . New York: Pardes Publishing House, Inc., 1950. Lexicography

Grill, S., Lexicon Syriaco-Latinum in Novum Testamentum. Heiligenkreuzer Studien 9. Vienna: Mechitaristen-Buchdruckerei, 1952. Lexicography

Couroyer, B., "L'origine égyptienne du mot `Pâque'." RB 62 (1952): 481–96. Lexicography

Baumgartner, W., "A Dictionary of the Aramaic Parts of the Old Testament in English and German." Pp. 1045–1138 In Lexicon in Veteris Testamenti libros. Koehler, L.Baumgartner, W., ed. Leiden: Brill, 1953. Lexicography

Rundgren, F., "Zum Lexikon des Alten Testaments." AcOr 21/4 (1953): 301–45. Lexicography hwk V

Kutscher, Eduard Yechezkel, "New Aramaic Texts [Review article: E. G. Kraeling The Brooklyn Museum Aramaic Papyri]." JAOS 74 (1954): 233–48. TADB3.2 TADB3.3 TADB3.4 TADB3.5 TADB3.7 TADB3.8 TADB3.9 TADB3.10 TADB3.11 TADB3.12 TADB3.13 TADB1.1 ShFTI TAD D23.1 Elephantine Lexicography Law

Köbert, R., Vocabularium syriacum. . Roma: Pont. Bib. Inst., 1956. Syriac Lexicography SyrLex

Grelot, Pierre, "On the Root עבץ/עבק in Ancient Aramaic and in Ugaritic." JSS 1 (1956): 202–05. Lexicography l(bq X

Ben-Hayyim, Z., The Literary and Oral Tradition of Hebrew and Aramaic Amongst the Samaritans (5+vols.) [Heb]. . Jerusalem: Hebrew Language Academy, 1957-77. Sam Aramaic Lexicography Grammar

Rabinowitz, J.J., "Demotic Papyri of the Ptolemaic Period and Jewish Sources." VT 7 (1957a): 398–400. TADB2.6 Lexicography

Vinnikov, I.N., "Dictionary of Aramaic Inscriptions [Russian]." PalSb 3 (1958 1959 1962 1962 1963 1965): 171–216; 4:196-240; 7:192-237; 9:140-58; 11:189-232; 13:217-62. Lexicography

Stiehl, Ruth, "Wörterverzeichnis aramäischer Inschriften und anderer Urkunden aus parthischer Zeit." Pp. 110–25 In Geschichte der Hunnen. Altheim, F., ed. Berlin: De Gruyter, 1959-62. Elephantine Lexicography OS.P1

Segert, S., "Considerations on Semitic Comparative Lexicography." ArOr 28 (1960): 470–87. Lexicography

Rabin, C., "Etymological Miscellanea." Scripta hierosolymitana 8 (1961): 384. Peshitta Lexicography

Ellenbogen, M., , Foreign Words in the Old Testament: Their Origin and Etymology, . London: Luzac, 1962. Pp. . BA Lexicography

Jennings, W., Lexicon to the Syriac New Testament. . Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1962. Lexicography Syriac NT Pesh

Greenfield, Jonas C., "Studies in Aramaic Lexicography I." JAOS 82 (1962): 290–99. Lexicography

Segert, S., "Concerning the Methods of Aramaic Lexicography." ArOr 30 (1962): 505–6. Lexicography

Drower, E.S. and Macuch, Rudolf, A Mandaic Dictionary. . Oxford: Clarendon, 1963. Lexicography

Hobeika, J., "Dictionnaire des vocables syriaques-araméens et leur influence dans la langue arabe, publié par le P. P. Sara." al-Machriq 57 (1963): 463–500. Syriac Lexicography SyrLex

Jean, C.-F.Hoftijzer, J., , Dictionnaire des inscriptions sémitiques de l'ouest, . Leiden: Brill, 1965. Pp. . Lexicography

Frankena, R., "The Vassal-Treaties of Esarhaddon and the Dating of Deuteronomy." OTS 14 (1965): 122–54. Lexicography

Ginsberg, H.L., "Lexicographical Notes," in Anderson, G.W. and others, Hebräische Wortforschung, Fs. zum 80. Geburtstag von Walther Baumgartner, VTSupp 16. Leiden: Brill, 1967. Pp. 71–82. Lexicography xzy V gwr V nzq V ($t V ($twnyn N

Prijs, L., "Ergänzungen zum talmudisch-aramäischen Wörterbuch." ZDMG 117 (1967): 266–86. JBA Lexicography p$yT A )ykw X

Segert, S., "Contributions of I.N. Vinnikov to Old Aramaic Lexicography." ArOr 35 (1967): 463–66. Lexicography

Berggrün, N., "למילון התלמודי™." Leš 32 (1967-68): 117–21. Lexicography JBA (sy V grdn N gydrwn N

Löw, Immanuel and Scheiber, S., Fauna und Mineralien der Juden. . : Olms, 1969. Lexicography

Köbert, R., "Addenda ad Vocabularium Syriacum, Romae 1956." Or 39 (1970): 315–19. Syriac Lexicography SyrLex

Brock, Sebastian P., The Syriac Version of The Pseudo-Nonnos Mythological Scholia. University of Cambridge Oriental Publications 20. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1971. Ps-Nonnos Lexicography

Vogt, E., , Lexicon linguae aramaicae Veteris Testamenti documentis antiquis illustratum, . Rome: Pontifical Biblical Institute, 1971. Pp. . Lexicography

Harrington, Daniel J., "Review of Lexicon linguae aramaicae Veteris Testamenti documentis antiquis illustratum, by E. Vogt." CBQ 34 (1972): 394–95. Lexicography BA

Rosenthal, Franz, "Review of Lexicon linguae aramaicae Veteris Testamenti documentis antiquis illustratum, by E. Vogt." JBL 91 (1972): 552–53. Lexicography BA

Grelot, Pierre, "Review of Lexicon linguae aramaicae Veteris Testamenti documentis antiquis illustratum, by E. Vogt." RB 79 (1972a): 614–17. Lexicography BA

Donner, H., "Aramäische Lexikographie." Pp. 127–43 In Studies on Semitic Lexicography. Fronzaroli, P., ed. Florence: Istituto di linguistica e di lingue orientali, 1973. Lexicography

Fitzmyer, Joseph A., "Review of Lexicon linguae aramaicae Veteris Testamenti documentis antiquis illustratum, by E. Vogt." Bib 54 (1973): 131–35. Lexicography BA

Teixidor, Javier, "Bulletin d'épigraphie sémitique." Syria 50 (1973): 400–442. Arameans AECT.37 AECT.43 AECT.44 AECT.45 AECT.60 APE.94 ArtashInscr AshdodOstr Asok.1 ClGan.228 CowleyOstr HalAlt LachAlt Lexicography Nisa Onomastics Persep TAbuZeitun Zak

Brauner, R., "A Comparative Lexicon of Old Aramaic." Ph.D. diss., Dropsie Univ.. (1974): . Lexicography OldAram

Waldman, Nahum M., "Notes on the Aramaic Lexicon." JANES 6 (1974): 125–32. Lexicography

Aufrecht, W.E.Hurd, J.C., A Synoptic Concordance of Aramaic Inscriptions (According to H. Donner and W. Roellig). International Concordance Library 1. Missoula, MT: Scholars Press, 1975. Lexicography

Manna, Jacques Eugène, Chaldean-Arabic Dictionary. . Beirut: Babel Center Publications, 1975. Lexicography NENA

Teixidor, Javier, "Bulletin d'épigraphie sémitique." Syria 52 (1975): 261–95. Lexicography Asoka BeershebaOstr LachAlt PalJarH Nerab Stelae Pan Sf Xanthos Zak

Teixidor, Javier, "Bulletin d'épigraphie sémitique." Syria 53 (1976): 304–41. Lexicography BADan JerichoOstr KhElKom Onomastics Xanthos ElMal

Brauner, R., "Aramaic and Comparative Semitic Lexicography." Gratz College Annual of Jewish Studies 6 (1977): 25–33. Lexicography

Greenfield, Jonas C., "On Some Iranian Terms in the Elephantine Papyri: Aspects of Continuity." AUTHOR_ANALYTICASH 25/1-4 (1977): 113–18. Lexicography Elephantine TADB3.6

Maori, Y., "השפעת המדרש על תרגום הפשיטתא לתורה בבחירת המלים." [Midrashic Influence on the Peshitta's Choice of Words] Tarbiz 46 (1977): 212–30. Peshitta Lexicography

Kaufman, Stephen A., "Review of Lexicon linguae aramaicae Veteris Testamenti documentis antiquis illustratum, by E. Vogt." JNES 37 (1978a): 69–70. Lexicography

Greenfield, Jonas C., "Some Reflections on the Vocabulary of Aramaic in Relationship to the Other Semitic Languages." Pp. 151–56 In Atti del secondo congresso internazionale di linguistica camito-semitica. Fronzaroli, P., ed. Florence: Istituto di linguistica e di lingue orientali, 1978c. Lexicography Sf.1 Sf.2 Sf.3

Beyer, K., "Review of Lexicon linguae aramaicae Veteris Testamenti documentis antiquis illustratum, by E. Vogt." ZDMG 129 (1979): 375–77. Lexicography

Griñó, R., "El Meturgemande Elías Levita y del 'Arukde Natán ben Yehiel como fuentes de la lexicografía targúmica." Bib 60 (1979): 11–17. Targums Lexicography

Audo, Thomas, ܣܝܡܬܐ ܕܠܫܢܐ ܣܘܪܝܝܐ [Dictionary of the Assyrian Language]. . Stockholm: The Assyrian Federation in Sweden, 1979 (reprint). Lexicography

Reymond, P., "Où en est l'Hebräisches und aramäisches Lexikon zum Alten Testament' (HAL)?." Pp. 183–88 In Unterwegs zur Einheit: Festschrift für Heinrich Stirnimann. Brantschen, J.Selvatico, P., ed. Fribourg: Presses universitaires; Vienna: Herder, 1980. Lexicography

Boyarin, Daniel, "ללקסיקון התלמודי." Tarbiz 50 (1980-81): 164–91. Lexicography JBA cwcy#2 N rpT V

Silva, M., , Biblical Words and Their Meanings: An Introduction to Lexical Semantics, . Grand Rapids, Mich.: Zondervan, 1983. Pp. . Lexicography

Cunchillos, J.L., "Une formule inédite de salutation en ugaritique: b`l yš'ul šlmk `que Ba`al s'occupe de ton bien-ētre!' RS. 17.117. Ses parallèles akkadien, hébreu et araméen." AO 1 (1983): 61–66. Lexicography

Hanna, Issa, Mini-Wöterbuch Deutsch-Assyrisch. . Augsburg: Assyrischen Vereinigungen in Deutschland, 1984. Lexicography

Mitchell, L.A., , A Student's Vocabulary for Biblical Hebrew and Aramaic, . Grand Rapids, Mich.: Zondervan, 1984. Pp. . Lexicography

Sperber, D., A Dictionary of Greek and Latin Legal Terms in Rabbinic Literature. Dictionaries of Talmud, Midrash, and Targum 1. Ramat-Gan, Israel: Bar-Ilan University Press, 1984. Lexicography Law

Greenfield, Jonas C., "Notes on the Early Aramaic Lexicon." OS 33-35 (1984-86): 149–156. Lexicography Fakhariyah TADC2.1 Elephantine Persep

Jacob, Kyrillus and El-Khoury, Asmar, The Guide, the First Literary-Colloquial Syriac Dictionary. . Stockholm: The Syriac Association in Sweden, 1985. Lexicography

Seidel, U., "Methodische Probleme der syrischen (ostaramäischen) Lexikologie." Hallesche Beiträge zur Orientwissenschaft 7 (1985): 23–46. Lexicography Syriac

Atto, Simon, Nederlands-Suryoyo Woordenboek. . Enschede: S. Atto, 1986. Lexicography Syriac

Seidel, U., "Möglichkeiten der syrischen (aramäischen) Lexikologie für die Sozial- und Wirtschaftsggeschichtsschreibung des Vorderen Orients." Hallesche Beiträge zur Orientwissenschaft 10 (1986): 53–77. Syriac Lexicography

Strothmann, W., Wörterverzeichnis der apokryphen-deuterokanonischen Schriften des Alten Testaments in der Peshiṭta. Göttinger Orientforschungen. I. Reihe: Syriaca 27. Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz, 1988. Lexicography Peshitta Apocrypha

Atto, Simon, Süryanice-Türkçe sözlük. . Enschede: S. Atto, 1989. Lexicography

Collini, P., "Studi sul lessico della metallurgia nell'ebraico biblico e nelle lingue siro-palestinesi del II e I millennio a.c. (II)." Studi Epigrafici e Linguistici 6 (1989): 23–45. Lexicography

Sokoloff, Michael, A Dictionary of Jewish Palestinian Aramaic of the Byzantine Period. Dictionaries of Talmud, Midrash and Targum . Ramat-Gan: Bar Ilan Univ. Press, 1990. JPA Lexicography

Davies, G. and others, Ancient Hebrew Inscriptions: Corpus and Concordance. . Cambridge, UK: Cambridge UP, 1991. Lexicography

Falla, T.C., A Key to the Peshitta Gosepls, Vol. 1 ʔā€laph-Dālath. New Testament Tools and Studies 14. Leiden: Brill, 1991. Lexicography

Frank, Y., The Practical Talmud Dictionary. . Jerusalem: Ariel: United Israel Institutes, 1992. JBA Lexicography

Joosten, Jan, "Two West Aramaic Elements in the Old Syriac and Peshitta Gospels." BN 61 (1992): 17–21. Peshitta-NT: Gospels OldSyrGospels Vocab Lexicography clb V clyb N tr(sr b

Macuch, Rudolf, "Some Lexicographical Problems of Jewish Palestinian Aramaic." BSOAS 55 (1992): 205–30. JPA Lexicography

Bulut, Aziz, Woordenboek Nederlands-Syrisch, Syrisch-Nederlands. . Enschede: Federatie Turabdin Nederland, 1993. Lexicography

Bunis, D.M., A Lexicon of the Hebrew and Aramaic Elements in Modern Judezmo.. . Jerusalem: Magnes, 1993. Influ Lexicography

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