CAL Bibliography output

CAL Bibliography for Vocab


Zunz, Leopold, "Das Adverbium כאן." ZDMG 24 (1870): 591–598. Vocab kh X

Thureau-Dangin, F., "Anciens noms de mois chaldéens." JA 9/7 (1896): 339–43. Vocab

Krauss, S., Griechische und lateinische Lehnwörter im Talmud, Midrasch und Targum. . Berlin: , 1898-99. Vocab Loanwords Interf

Margoliouth, D.S., "The Greek Words in Daniel." ET (1901): 237–38. Vocab BADan

Margoliouth, Jessie Payne, A Compendious Syriac Dictionary: Founded upon the Thesaurus Syriacus of R. Payne Smith. . Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1903. Vocab Syriac SyrLex

Tisdall, W.S. C., "The Aryan Words in the Old Testament." JQR n.s. 1 (1910): 335–39. BA Vocab gdbr N gzbr N hdbr N

Tisdall, W.S. C., "The Aryan Words in the Old Testament." JQR n.s. 2 (1911): 213–19, 365-71. BA Vocab pt$gn N pr$gn N tpty N n$twn N nbr$h N ndn#2 N nbzbh N )ptm X

Pilter, W.T., "The Word אגורא and Its Cognate Forms." OLZ 17 (1914): 66–68. Elephantine Vocab )gwr N

Haupt, Paul, "The Mountain-Bull." JBL 36 (1917): 249–59. Vocab

Polotsky, H.J., "Aramäisch prš und das 'Huzvaresch'." Muséon 45 (1932): 273–83. Vocab

Joüon, P., "Les mots pour 'sur', 'au dessus de', 'en haut' et 'au dessous de', 'en bas' en hébreu, araméen et arabe." Or 2 (1933): 275–80. Vocab Elephantine

Joüon, P., "Notes de lexicographie hébraïque. I. Le substantif `El 'le haut' et ses dérivés en araméen et en hébreu." Bib 15 (1934a): 399–401. Vocab

Henning, W.B., "Arabisch ḫarāğ ." Or 4 (1935): 291–93. Vocab

Joüon, P., "ἐχόμενα "près de" dans la Septante et araméen סמיך ל/עלœ." Bib 17 (1936): 96–8. Targums Vocab smyk@l_ A

Sarkis, Y., "Al-Basran, hal aṣl al-kalima 'ārāmĪ?." [Is the Name Basra Aramaic?] Sumer 4 (1948): 136–41. Vocab

Sarkis, Y., "Tello [in Arabic]." Sumer 5 (1949): 92–94. Vocab xwr A

Liebermann, S., Hellenism in Jewish Palestine. Studies in the Literary Transmission, Beliefs and Manners of Palestine in the I Century B.C.E.-IV Century C.E.. . New York: Jewish Theological Seminary, 1950. Vocab

Epstein, Jacob Nahum, "Mandäische Glossen." Archiv Orientalni 18 (1950): 165–169. Mandaic Vocab )lp N

Klijn, A.F. J., "The Term "Life" in Syriac Theology." Scottish Journal of Theology 5 (1952): 390–397. Vocab

Sarkis, Y., "Is the noun kufa a corruption of Aramaic kuba[Arab.]." Sumer 10 (1954): 153–55. Vocab

Rabinowitz, J.J., "The Meaning of תתב על מוזנא in the Aramaic Papyri." VT 6 (1956a): 104. Vocab TADB3.8 mwzn N ytb#2 V

Grelot, Pierre, "Complementary Note on the Semitic Root עבץ/עבק/." JSS 2 (1957): 195. 1QapGen Vocab l(bq X

Yaron, R., "Two Greek Words in the Brooklyn Museum Aramaic Papyri." HUCA 28 (1957): 49–51. Vocab Influences TADB3.10 TADB3.11 TADB3.12

Kutscher, Eduard Yechezkel, "פחוא ואחיותיה." Tarbiz 30 (1961): 112–19. Vocab pxh N

Grelot, Pierre, "La racine hwn en Dt. i 41." VT 12 (1962): 198–201. Vocab TADC1.1

Maricq, A. and Pirenne, J., " BDR D NḤYdans l'inscription de Serrin." Syria 39 (1962): 100–103. OS.Bs2 Vocab bwdr N

Carmignac, J., "Un équivalent français de l'araméen 'gazir' (Daniel et Prière de Nabonide)." RevQ 4 (1963-1964): 277–78. 4QPrNab 4Q242 Vocab gzr N

Fensham, F.C., "The Wild Ass in the Aramean Treaty between Bar-Ga'ayah and Mati`el." JNES 22 (1963a): 185–86. Sf.1 Vocab

Dupont-Sommer, A., "Note sur le mot TQM dans les ostraca araméens d'à‰léphantine." Sem 14 (1964): 71–72. Vocab ClGan.130 ClGan ClGan.137

Shaffer, A., "Hurrian *kirezzi, West-Semitic krz." Or 34 (1965): 32–34. BADan Vocab krz V

Swetnam, J., "Some Observations on the Background of צדיק in Jeremias 23,5a." Bib 46 (1965): 29–40. Vocab Pan BarRak Nerab Stelae

Rundgren, F., "Aramaica I." OS 14-15 (1965-66): 75–88. Vocab

Sperber, D., "On a Meaning of the Word מלה." REJ 125 (1966): 385–389. JBA Mandaic Vocab mlh N

Soden, W. von, "Aramäische Wörter in neuassyrischen und neu- und spätbabylonischen Texten: Ein Vorbericht I, II, III." Or 35 (1966, 1968, 1977): 1–20; 37:261-71; 46:183-97. Vocab

Farzat, H., "Encore sur le mot TQM dans les documents araméens d'Eléphantine." Sem 17 (1967): 77–80. Vocab TAB3.3

Komlosh, Yehuda, "Etymological Elucidations in the Aramaic Targum of Isaiah." Tarbiz 37 (1967): 15–23. TgIs Targums Vocab

Kutscher, Eduard Yechezkel, "[כוך [ובני משפחתה." [Kwk (and its Cognates)] EI (E. L. Sukenik Memorial Volume 1889-1953) 8 (1967): 273–79. Ossuaries Vocab gwx#2 N gwmx N

Jenni, E., , Das hebräische Piel: Syntaktische-semasiologische Untersuchung einer Verbalform im Alten Testament, . Zurich: EVZ, 1968. Pp. . Vocab

Eilers, W., "Zum altpersischen Relativpronomen." Zeitschrift für vergleichende Sprachforschung 82 (1968): 63–68. Vocab

Henning, W.B., "Ein persischer Titel im Altaramäischen." Pp. 138–45 In In Memoriam Paul Kahle. Black, MatthewFohrer, G., ed. Berlin: Töpelmann, 1968. Vocab TADB3.9

Séd, N., "Les Hymnes sur le paradis de Saint Ephrem et les Traditions juives." Muséon 81 (1968): 455–501. Ephrem.HymnsParadise Vocab

Bravmann, M.M., "Syriac dalma'Lest, Perhaps' and Some Related Arabic Phenomena." JSS 15 (1970): 189–204. Vocab Grammar dlmh X

Greenfield, Jonas C., "*HAMARAKARA ] 'AMARKAL." Pp. 180–86 In W. B. Henning Memorial Volume. Boyce, M. and Gershevitch, I., ed. London: Lund Humphries, 1970. TADA6 Vocab )mrkl N hmrkr N

Grégoire, Réginald, "Notes philologiques sur le vocabulaire de la vie religieuse.." Parole de l'Orient 1 (1970): 301–26. Vocab yxydy A )byl N qdy$ A

Harnack, D., "Parthische Titel, vornehmlich in den Inschriften aus Hatra," in Altheim, F. and Stiehl, Ruth, ed., Geschichte Mittelasiens im Altertum. Berlin: Walter de Gruyter & Co., 1970. Pp. 492–549. OS Interf Vocab nwhdr N

Kutsch, E., "Sehen und bestimmen: Die Etymologie von ברית," in Kuschke, A. and Kutsch, E., Archäologie und Altes Testament: Festschrift für Kurt Galling, . Tübingen: Mohr [Siebeck], 1970. Pp. . Vocab bryt N

Feliks, J., "לענין ‘הי גניב צבותיה בחבריה’ בפסיפס עין גדי." [Concerning the Expression ‘הי גניב צבותיה בחבריה’” in the Ein-Gedi Mosaic Pavement] Tarbiz 40 (1970-1971): 256–7. EingediSyn=Naveh 70 Vocab cbw N

Lerner, B.M., "עוד לעניין ’צבו‘ ." [An Additional Remark Concerning צבו] Tarbiz 40 (1970-1971): 257. EingediSyn=Naveh 70 Vocab cbw N

Rosenthal, E.S., "צבו." Tarbiz 40 (1970-1971): 31–32. EingediSyn=Naveh 70 Vocab cbw N

Altheim, F.Stiehl, Ruth, Christentum am Roten Meer. . Berlin/New York: De Gruyter, 1971. Vocab Teima.5 Teima

Puech, E., "Sur la racine 'ṣlḥ' en hébreu et en araméen." Sem 21 (1971): 5–19. TLevi Vocab clx#2 V

Blau, Joshua, "Marginalia Semitica II." IOS 2 (1972): 57–82. Vocab

Greenfield, Jonas C. and Shaked, Shaul, "Three Iranian Words in the Targum of Job from Qumran." ZDMG 122 (1972): 37–45. 11QtgJob Vocab dx$t N nzk N xrt#2 N

Jongeling, B., "Contributions of the Qumran Job Targum to the Aramaic Vocabulary." JSS 17 (1972): 191–97. 11QtgJob Vocab )rw c

Kutscher, Eduard Yechezkel, "Note on the Title רש מרום." IEJ 22 (1972): 117. CPA Vocab mry N

Terzoli, Riccardo, "à‚me et esprit chez Aphraate." Parole de l'Orient 3 (1972): 105–18. Aphrahat Vocab

Millard, A.R., "fšša ekalli--ššgl--dsagale." UF 4 (1972a): 161–62. Vocab $glh N

Aartun, K., "Die hervorhebende Endung -w(V) an nordwestsemitischen Adverbien und Negationen." UF 5 (1973): 1–5. Vocab

Muffs, Y., "Two Comparative Lexical Studies." JANES 5 (1973): 287–98. Vocab

Rundgren, F., "Aramaica II." OS 22 (1973): 66–81. Vocab dx$t N

Harb, P., "Les origines de la doctrine de la "lā xašúšúṯā" (apatheia) chez Philoxène de Mabbúg." Parole de l'Orient 5 (1974): 227–41. Philox Vocab x$w$w N

Mayrhofer, M., "Ein neuer Beleg zu der indogermanischen Sippe für Halsschmuck." Pp. 289–91 In Antiquitates indogermanicae. Mayrhofer, M., et al., ed. Innsbruck: Institut für Sprachwissenschaft, 1974. Vocab

Wikander, S., "Aramäisch sprb, Sanskrit śvabhra ," in Reychmana, J., ed., Ksiega pamiatkowa ku czci Eugeniusza Sluszkiewicza. Warsaw: Wydaunictwa Uniwersytetu, 1974. Pp. 271–72. Vocab sprb N

Greenfield, Jonas C., "Iranian or Semitic?." Pp. 311–16 In Monumemtum H. S. Nyberg. , Leiden: Brill, 1975. Vocab TADA6 TADA4.7 TADB6.2 TADA6.15

Marcus, David, "The Term 'Coffin' in the Semitic Languages." JANESCU 7 (1975): 85–94. Vocab xlh#3 N glwsqwm N )rch N )rwn N

Avishur, Y., "זוגות מלים מקבילות המצומדים בסמיכות בארמית היהודית בארמית המקראית ובתרגומים הארמים." BM 21 (1975-76): 247–62. Vocab yqr V hdr#2 V xsn V tqp V dyn N q$wt N rgz N xmh N xdwh N tw$bxh N xwlq N )xsnh N sgy A tqyp A tqwp N tw$bxh N kby$h N )wrx N $byl N by N mdwr N hykl N m$kn N br N zr( N )dr( N gbwrh N xlm V xzy V ywm N (dn N mlk N $lTwn N (lm N dr N ql N mlh N $lm A Tb A $m N $rb N $m$ N (pr N )dmh N $lhby N )$h N lhb N xyyn N mdbr N lb N xkmh N yd N ymyn N myyn N mTr N

Borger, R., "Hiob xxxix 23 nach dem Qumran-Targum." VT 27 (1977): 102–05. 11QtgJob Vocab

Vattioni, F., "Maris nei papiri di Dura Europos." Studia papyrologica 16 (1977): 117–19. Vocab

Yousif, Pierre, "Symbolisme christologique dans la Bible et dans la nature chez S. Ephrem de Nisibe." Parole de l'Orient 8 (1977-1978): 5–66. Ephrem Vocab

van Overstraeten, Jeanne-Ghislaine, "Les liturgies nuptiales des églises de langue syriaque et le mystère de l'église-épouse." Parole de l'Orient 8 (1977-1978): 235–310. Syr.Liturgy Vocab

Greenfield, Jonas C., "The Prepositions `ad/`al in Aramaic and Hebrew." BSOAS 40 (1977a): 371–72. Vocab

Bravmann, M.M., "The Origin of Aramaic demā`to be like, to resemble'." Pp. 556–58 Studies in Semitic Philology. , Leiden: Brill, 1977b. Vocab dmy V

Brock, Sebastian P., "John of Nḥel: An Episode in Early Seventh-Century Monastic History." OLP 9 (1978): 95–119. JohnNhel Vocab lgm N rwy N zrnwq N $yx N xzzy N gn$y N qwlwn N )ksny A xnn#2 N

Coxon, Peter W., "A Note on the Verb yšr(APHEL) in 11 Q Tg Job XXXII, 3.." RevQ 35 (1978): 451–453. 11QtgJob Vocab y$r V

Naveh, Joseph, "The Titles ˁd/šhdand 'mnḥm' in Jewish Epigraphical Finds." Pp. 303–7 In Studies in the Bible and the Ancient Near East Presented to Samuel Ephraim Loewenstamm on His 70th Birthday]. Avishur, Y. and Blau, Joshua, ed. Jerusalem: Rubinstein, 1978. Vocab mnxm N

Fitzmyer, Joseph A., "The Targum of Leviticus from Qumran Cave 4." Maarav 1 (1978-1979): 5–23. 4QtgLev 4Q156 4QtgJob 4Q157 Vocab

Greenfield, Jonas C., "The Root šqlin Akkadian, Ugaritic and Aramaic." UF 11 (1979): 325–27. Vocab $ql V

Grossfeld, Bernard, "The Relationship between Biblical Hebrew ברח— and נוס and Their Corresponding Aramaic Equivalents in the Targumim ערקœ ,אפךš ,אזל : A Preliminary Study in Aramaic-Hebrew Lexicography." ZAW 91 (1979): 107–23. Vocab Targums (rq V )zl V )pk V

Margain, Jean, "La racine šwy en araméen samaritain." Sem 29 (1979): 119–130. Samar Vocab $wy V

Niditch, Susan, "Incantation Texts and Formulaic Language: A New Etymology for ḥwmryˀ ." Or, n. s. 48 (1979): 461–471. Vocab xmwrh#2 N

Obeid, Joseph, "Un sedro d-ḥussoyo pénitentiel de l'office commun maronite. ɉtude critique, traduction française et commentaire." Parole de l'Orient 9 (1979-1980): 183–204. Syr.Liturgy Vocab sdr N xwsy N

Margain, Jean, "Note sur la particule araméenne lḥdˀ/h ." GLECS 24-28 (1979-1984): 289–93. Vocab lxdh X

Bron, F. and Lemaire, André, "Notes de lexicographie ouest-sémitique." GLECS 24-28 (1979-84): 7–30. Vocab

Isbell, Charles D. and Harris, R., "The Aramaic Words," in Harris, R., Archer, G. and Waltke, B.K., Theological Wordbook of the Old Testament, Volume 2, . Chicago: Moody, 1980. Pp. 985–1086. Vocab

Sokoloff, Michael, "הערות למילון של הארמית הגלילית," in Sarfatti, G., Artzi, Pinḥas, Greenfield, Jonas C. and Kaddari, M.Z., ed., Studies in Hebrew and Semitic Languages: Dedicated to the Memory of Prof. Eduard Yechezkel Kutscher. Ramat-Gan: Bar-Ilan Univ., 1980. Pp. 166–73. Midrash Galilean JPA Vocab

Daniels, P.T., "Frustulum aramaicum." Or 50 (1981): 193. Vocab EgAram

Eskhult, M., "Hebrew and Aramaic ˀālōqīm." OS 30 (1981): 137–39. Vocab

Qohut, S., "[The Extra Pronominal Element in the Bible] (Heb.)." Leš 46 (1981-1982): 9–26, 97-123. Vocab Pronoun

Bahnassi, `A., "Maṣdar ism sūriyah wal-asmā' al-uḫrā al-qadīmah [The origin of the name Syria and the other ancient names]." Syriac 32 (1982): 105–11 + 4 pls.. Vocab

Cohen, C., "[Some Overlooked Akkadian Evidence Concerning the Etymology and Meaning of the Biblical Term mšl] (Heb.)." Pp. 315–24 In Te`uda II: Bible Studies: Y. M. Grintz in Memoriam. Uffenheimer, B., ed. Tel Aviv: Tel Aviv Univ. Press, 1982. Vocab m$l V

Greenfield, Jonas C., "[Two Biblical Passages in Light of Their Near Eastern Background: Ezekiel 16:30 and Malachi 3:17]." EI (Orlinsky Volume) 16 (1982): 56–61. Vocab

Leemhuis, F., "Qur'anic siğğiland Aramaic sgyl ." JSS 27 (1982): 47–56. Hatran Vocab sgyl N sglt) N sygl N

Levine, B.A., "Research in the Priestly Source: The Linguistic Factor [Heb.]." Eretz Israel (Orlinsky Volume) 16 (1982): 124–31. Vocab

Zadok, R., "Three Non-Akkadian Words in Late Babylonian Documents." JAOS 102 (1982): 115–17. Vocab

Dí­ez Merino, Luis, "Il vocabolario relativo alla 'ricerca di Dio' nell'Antico Testamento: La radice šˁ€l." BeO 24 (1982a): 207–18. Vocab

Puech, E., "Note sur la particule accusativale en phénicien." Sem 32 (1982a): 51–55. Vocab

Greenfield, Jonas C., "Some Notes on the Arsham Letters." Pp. 4–11 In Irano-Judaica. Shaked, Shaul, ed. Jerusalem: Ben-Zvi Institute, 1982b. Epist TADA6 Vocab

Black, Matthew, "An Aramaic Etymology for Jaldabaoth?." Pp. 69–72 In The New Testament and Gnosis: Essays in Honour of Robert McL. Wilson. Logan, A.H. B.Wedderburn, A.J. M., ed. Edinburgh: Clark, 1983. Vocab

Dí­ez Merino, Luis, "Il vocabolario relativo alla 'ricerca di Dio' nell'Antico Testamento: La radice šḥr." BeO 25 (1983): 35–38. Vocab

Huehnergard, J., "Asseverative *la and Hypothetical *lu/law in Semitic." JAOS 103 (1983): 569–93. Vocab

Lohfink, N., "Die Bedeutungen von Hebr. yršqal und hif." BZ 27 (1983): 14–33. Vocab yrt V

Ribera i Florit, Josep, "Evolución morfológica y semàntica de las partìculas kˀny ˀryen los diversos estadios del arameo." AO 1 (1983): 227–33. 11QtgJob Vocab k(n X )ry c

Zuckerman, B., "'For Your Sake. . .': A Case Study in Aramaic Semantics." JANES 15 (1983): 119–29. 1QapGen Grammar Vocab

Avishur, Y., Stylistic Studies of Word-Pairs in Biblical and Ancient Semitic Literatures. AOAT 210. Neukirchen-Vluyn: Neukirchener, 1984. Vocab TADC1.1

Dí­ez Merino, Luis, "El sintagma ˁynymen la tradición aramaea." AO 2 (1984): 23–41. Vocab nTl V tly V sbl V zqp V

Fales, Frederick Mario, "Assyro-Aramaica: Three Notes." Or 53 (1984): 66–71. Vocab Dockets

Greenfield, Jonas C., "A Mandaic Miscellany." JAOS 104 (1984): 81–83. Mandaic Vocab Book of John n$r N prwnq N tgr N sndl N kwb N hTT) N )grh N $bwqyn N kswy N

Grossfeld, Bernard, "The Translation of Biblical Hebrew pqdin the Targum, Peshitta, Vulgate and Septuagint." ZAW 96 (1984): 83–101. Vocab

Puech, E., "Un emploi méconnu de ולא en araméen et en hébreu." RB 91 (1984): 88–101. MtScopusTomb Vocab l) X

Ribera i Florit, Josep, "La expresión adverbial sḥwr sḥwry su campo semàntico." AO 2 (1984): 147–49. Vocab 2QJN ar 2Q24 sxwr X sxwr@sxwr X

Sarkis, Y., "Is the Noun Basra Aramaic? [Arab.]." Sumer 4 (1984): 136–41. Vocab

bou Mansour, Tanios, "La liberté chez Saint Ephrem le syrien." Parole de l'Orient 12 (1984-1985): 3–89. Ephrem Vocab pr$ V pwr$n N kyn N hyl) N

Wesselius, J.W., "Official Aramaic l'brt = 'area'." OLP 15 (1984a): 77–80. TADB3.5 TADB3.10 TADB3.12 Vocab )brt N

Blois, F. de, "'Freemen' and 'Nobles' in Iranian and Semitic Languages." JRAS (1985): 5–15. Vocab

Kataja, L., "On the Rection of Verbs Denoting Motion and Communication in Neo-Assyrian and Aramaic." M.A. thesis, Univ. of Helsinki. (1986): . Vocab

Lund, Jerome A., "On the Interpretation of the Palestinian Targumic Reading wqht in Genesis 32:25." JBL 105 (1986): 99–103. Tgs.Gen Vocab qhy V

O'Connor, M., "Northwest Semitic Designations for Elective Social Affinities." JANES 18 (1986): 67–80. Vocab

Will, Ernest, "Du môtab de Dusarès au thrône d'Astarté." Syria 63 (1986): 343–51. Nabataean Vocab mwtb N

Yousif, Pierre, "Exégèse et typologie bibliques chez S. Ephrem de Nisibe et chez S. Thomas d'Aquin." Parole de l'Orient 13 (1986): 31–50. Ephrem Vocab

Brown, M.L., "'Is It Not?' or 'Indeed!': HL in Northwest Semitic." Maarav 4 (1987): 201–19. Vocab hl) X

Catastini, A., "Observations of Aramaic Epigraphy." JSS 32 (1987): 273–77. Arebsun Nabataean Vocab

Will, Ernest, "Qu'est-ce qu'une Baris?." Syria 64 (1987): 253–59. Vocab

bou Mansour, Tanios, "à‰tude de la terminologie symbolique chez Saint à‰phrem." Parole de l'Orient XIV (1987): 221–62. Ephrem Vocab Twps N rz N dmw N clm N pl)h N ns N mxzy N

Fales, Frederick Mario, "Materiali per il lessico aramaico del I millennio a.C.." Pp. In Atti della 4a Gionata di Studi Camito-Semitici e Indoeuropei. Bernini, G., ed. Milan: Unicopli, 1987b. Vocab

Beyer, K., "Akkadisches līmu und aramäisches לאם `Eponymat'." Or 57/1 (1988): 82–83. Vocab l)m N

Drijvers, Han J. W., "Aramaic ḥmnˀ and Hebrew ḥmn : Their Meaning and Root." JSS 33/2 (1988): 165–80 + photos. Palm Vocab xmn N

Dí­ez Merino, Luis, "Diacronía de la partícula aramea yât." RevQ (Mémorial Jean Carmignac) 13 (1988): 497–512. Vocab yt p

Parpola, S., "The Neo-Assyrian Word for 'Queen'." SAAB 2 (1988): 73. Vocab

Petit, T., "L'Evolution sémantique des termes hébreux et araméens pḥhet sgnet accadiens pāḥatuet šaknu ." JBL 107 (1988): 53–67. Vocab pxh N sgn N

Seidel, U., "Studien zum Vokabular der Landwirtschaft im Syrischen I." Altorientalische Forschungen 15 (1988): 33–73. Vocab xql N qryh N xdr N kpr N qwryy N plx N )kr N p(l#2 N )r( N )gwrs N )$kr N ywgn N zqp V $pn V

bou Mansour, Tanios, "Analyse de quelques termes christologiques chez Ephrem." Parole de l'Orient XV (1988-1989): 3–19. Ephrem Vocab xwlTn N mwzg N $wxlp N

Lipinski, Edward, "'Cellériers' de la province de Juda." Transeuphratène 1 (1989): 107–9. Vocab

O'Connor, M., "Semitic *mgn and Its Supposed Sanskrit Origin." JAOS 109 (1989): 25–32. Vocab mgn X

Seidel, U., "Studien zum Vokabular der Landwirtschaft im Syrischen II." Altorientalische Forschungen 16 (1989): 89–139. Vocab ymh N tp N m$kbh N rss V zlp V zr( V ncb V $tl V st N )wrz N plx V mrdw N (dd V

Sperling, D., "Biblical rḥm I and rḥm II." JANES 19 (1989): 149–59. Vocab

Dion, Paul-Eugène, "Medical Personnel in the Ancient Near East. asûand āšipuin Aramaic Garb." Aram 1 (1989a): 206–16. Vocab )sy V )$p N

Buth, Randall, " ˀedayin/Tote--Anatomy of a Semitism in Jewish Greek." Maarav 5-6 (1990): 33–48. Vocab Grammar New Testament )dyn X

Sabar, Yona, "General European Loanwords in the Jewish Neo-Aramaic Dialect of Zakho, Iraqi Kurdistan," in Heinrichs, Wolfhart, Studies in Neo-Aramaic, Harvard Semitic Museum: Harvard Semitic Studies . Atlanta: Scholars, 1990. Pp. 53–67. ModAram Zakho Loanwords Vocab Influences

Soden, W. von, "Kränkung, nicht Schläge in Sprüche 20,30." ZAW 102 (1990): 120–21. Vocab

Lohfink, N., "ˁd(w)tim Deuteronomium und in den Königsbüchern." BZ 35 (1991): 86–93. Vocab

Raymond, Philippe, " ," in , Dictionnaire d'Hébreu et d'Araméen bibliques, . Paris: Cerf/Société Biblique Française, 1991. Pp. 413–48. Vocab BA

Tepstad, G., "Idioms in Egyptian Aramaic Legal Papyri," in Skarsten, R. and others, Understanding and History in Arts and Sciences, Acta Humaniorum Universitatis Bergensis 1. Oslo: Solum Forlag, 1991. Pp. 51–58. Law Vocab

Willi-Plein, I., "ŠWB ŠBWT--eine Wiedererwägung." ZAH 4 (1991): 55–71. Vocab

Davis, M.T. and Stuckenbruck, L.T., "Notes on Translation Phenomena in the Palmyrene Bilinguals," in Kapera, Zdzislaw J., ed., Intertestamental Essays in Honour of Jósef Tadeusz Milik, Qumranica Mogilanensia . Cracow: Enigma Press, 1992. Pp. 265–83. Palm Interf Vocab

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